The Outlander Podcast­
The Outlander Podcast­
Ginger and Summer
via Podcasts
Very Good Recaps BUT…
Very good recaps and excellent read- alongside BUT… the “ singing” has got to stop. Although I am a professional musician , I really don’t want a course in music appreciation larded into Outlander information. The interjections are extremely annoying and really brings nothing of substance to the table. Yes, Bear has been doing a terrific job over all these years and every diehard fan is well versed in his use of old and new themes devised to parallel what is going on in the narrative. So, PLEASE, for the love God, stop pointing out the obvious by singing them.
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It’s fine
I am pleased to have found a sequential chapter read along with summary and analysis. If anyone knows of another, please recommend because I’m not a fan of the co-hosts. My biggest pet peeve are their unnecessary side tangents, often disagreements over how a word was pronounced or what exactly happened in the chapter. It’s annoying and time wasting to the point where I’m talking to myself in the car saying, “No body cares! Please move on to what I’m actually listening for!” Plus, they often will say “I’m not sure who did that or what exactly happened.” I find that confusing, because is it not your job to read the chapter? All in all, it’s fine, but I’d love to find one better.
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Book and TV show review w/ comparison
What I like about this podcast is that it sequentially goes through the Outlander book series by chapters. They incorporate reader input which gives multiple points of view. You can re-read the series with them if you are current on the podcast and sign up for chapters to offer your insights. Love this. What I look forward to is going through the Lord John books! What I don’t like is the banter between the two host sisters is often rude and disrespectful.
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I want to love it because you’re so knowledgeable but I can’t listen to you sing one more song. You waste so much time about stuff that may or may not happen that “you can’t talk about” and worrying about the stupid songs.
So badly wanted to like this
I so badly wanted to like this podcast, but good grief it felt like “the ginger rant show” I would really like to hear more of summer’s perspectives and have her take the lead. And not have her sentences cut off mid way through.
GET ON with it already!
I sooo wanted to love this podcast. I really tried. The 2 gals who are the hosts do so much jabbering and unnecessary talking about things that really don’t matter. Who cares when they’re going on vacation and if they’re taking their equipment. Just simply say, “Listeners, please take note: Week # 5 will be delayed a week, and week 6 will be as scheduled”. We don’t need all those details. Also, we don’t need all the time that’s spent on the books. In this most recent podcast episode for Outlander Ep 701, it took them basically TWENTY NINE minutes before they actually got into the latest tv episode. SMH 🤦‍♀️Just stick to the tv show, and get on with discussion of the discussion of what we all just watched! The 2 gals sound like giggly, chattery 16 year olds who can’t form and voice one complete thought before they are on to another topic. The best way to describe this podcast team is they act like they both have ADHD! Now, to find another Outlander podcast where one of the hosts doesn’t seem like they’re talking just to hear themselves!! Siiiigh!
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I like how you two have read the books and are going through them sequentially and consistently. However, your mean comments to one another are neither cute nor winsome: Can you please learn to be warmer and friendlier and more respectful toward each other? I'm all for good-willed playful banter, but your irritatable digs at one another are unpleasant to listen to.
Jessica Jokela
Let your nerd flag fly!
I am Ginger and she is me (or is it I?) I love the pod, the hosts, and most of all, ALL THINGS OUTLANDER! I love my sister but we aren’t like Summer and Ginger (and I sometimes wish we were, but okay, we are Ellie and Lissie). They are honest, benevolently “judgey” w/ each other, but still like and love each other as friends. I found them five years into their podcast and have listened to over 200 episodes and still like them very much! I don’t agree with everything they say, far from it, but love listening to their opinions none the less. I enjoy their company and regret not getting into Outlander earlier. I’m on book 6 (A Breath of Snow and Ashes, p. 574) of the series and completed Lord John and the Private Matter and Lord John and the Hand of the Devil. I digress much like my personality doppelgänger Ginger. Summer and Ginger and friends are great company during my long days at the office now that none of my coworkers are back in the office since the big Quar happened. I digress again…Now back to the reason for writing this review. If you like Outlander and you let your nerd flag fly, listen to these lovely dear fangirls often!
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Love to listen!
I love the books and tv series so much and obviously Ginger and Summer do too! Enjoy their insights and discussions, and I always end up rereading or rewatching after hearing their takes of each chapter or episodes.
I’ve made it 10 minutes into MANY episodes, but I can never finish. The host’s seem unable to string together one uninterrupted sentence. They’ll interrupt one statement with another thought, then interrupt that thought with a different, then backtrack to the initial thought, then interrupt that thought. They speak in spiderwebs and trying to follow them is exhausting, which is especially disappointing because I really enjoy the subject. I encourage the hosts to take a public speaking course or join toastmasters.
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Suzie from Montana
These ladies are sooooo annoying!!! I listened to a few episodes and couldn’t take it any longer. They complain about the show and compare too much to the books. The one never lets the other speak! Also, these ladies get soooo much wrong! Sick of the singing, rambling, and stammering.
Can’t get through more than one episode
These two are just annoying and they don’t even remember the episodes or the books correctly!!!! If you are looking for a podcast that actually talks about Outlander episodes and the book this isn’t it! This podcast is just these two picking apart little parts of episodes and that’s it!!! Wouldn’t recommend this at all!!!
It’s like a continuous rant
I really wanted to like this podcast, but my goodness it’s just the one girl with the shrill voice ranting the entire time.
Need to Reread the Books!
These two ladies are entertaining to listen to. But they misremember at least two key points in every podcast and then obsess over these erroneous points. I’ve listened to their episodes so far for season 6, but I think I’m done. Gonna focus on the official podcasts and check out some others.
Sitting elsewhere now
Negative Nancy’s
I love Outlander and love to listen to podcasts about it but have have had enough of Ginger’s rants on timelines and other small things. They never have one nice comment about the show.I am done!
Carrie from Charlotte
Good content. Poor banter
Please know this isn’t said maliciously, my intent is to be helpful. I’m new to the podcast, just started with the beginning of season 6. The discussion and what you are presenting is pretty good. However one of the girls is a bit pushy with the other. It’s very clear you get annoyed with eachother and I’ll admit, i get annoyed with the pushy girl (sorry i don’t know your names) but maybe allow the quieter girl (summer i think) to speak more. And let her finish her sentence, and to do so without insisting she’s wrong or doesn’t understand. If this is meant to be a one woman show and the other girl is just there to support then i suppose i get it but still, your back and forth banter both about the show and just in general sounds like one of you is pushy and the other girl wants to punch you (and i dont blame her). Maybe go back and listen to a few shows with this in mind and see what you think. Keep up the good work girls! I do enjoy sharing a love of outlander with anyone
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Too many rants
Ginger is an annoying host. I appreciate the passion but the repetitive rants could be edited out. I wish Summer spoke up more.
Emily Jean 22
Good Lord, Shut up!
Cartoon voices Arguments about non issues Singing Tangential discussions They may know Outlander, but not very informed about life issues
I am a loyal listener, but Ginger, take a breath!
I am an OG fan/listener of this podcast, and I will continue listening, but I have the same feelings as many other reviewer’s…. The rambling, talking over each other, arguing mundane facts, and spontaneous singing just needs to stop. I find myself wanting to tell Ginger to just take a breath! She gets to talking so fast and she will start/stop a sentence and then go back and try to correct what she is trying to say and say it over again, but differently. I can see why others get irritated or find it “whiny”. Also, Summer can’t get a word in, and rarely does. I want to hear her side too! Other than that, they do have some good insights to the show and books. The nostalgia of the podcast (been here since the beginning!) and my love for anything Outlander related will keep me here every week 😊
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Season 6
Y’all are exhausting. Get on with the recap!!
I Tried, But I Can’t Listen
As Season 6 begins, I gave this podcast another try. But the unprepared hosts who talk over one another, guess at things they don’t remember and simply wrong ‘facts’ make this podcast unpleasant for the listener. They know a lot, but also have gaps in their knowledge. There is no format for the discussion and very little preparation. It’s like Ginger and Summer just ramble on until the time’s up. There are several quality Outlander podcasts to listen to; this is NOT one of them.
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I will first flag that I started listening to the oldest podcasts first, but I’ve listened to some more recent ones and still feel the same - This podcast has reaaaally great potential because the hosts are so passionate about Outlander, but Ginger and Summer can sometimes sound too much like sisters - talking over each other, saying “that’s what I just said” then spending 5 minutes arguing back and forth about who said what and their point, etc. I know it’s a podcast done by sisters but should also have some flow and professionalism (maybe not the right word? Idk). I just can’t get past it.
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Great book read throughs
Very good job with book read along. If you’ve read the books but don’t have time to read rhem again, these chapter breakdowns are awesome. As for the show analysis, they do miss things sometimes, but the book to show comparisons and discussions are really great. One sister, I forget who, has great musical knowledge and linguistic training, which gives this podcast a special flavor. One of the sisters, IDK who, sometimes goes on 5 minute tangents to express a point which can be made in three sentences. Biggest criticisms: - male oriented topics are frequently misunderstood Despite the criticisms, if you need an Outlander fix, this podcast is great!
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Show to Books
Fate led me to this podcast. I started listening a couple years ago after viewing the first season of Outlander on Netflix. Soon I would anticipate the podcast episode discussions as much as the series episodes themselves. I am now a book reader and have just started book 3 and the Voyager read-along. I read a chapter and then listen to the podcast. Ginger’s and Summer’s discussion and the readers’ comments add so much to my understanding of Jamie and Claire’s story. My only regret is that I did not discover this sooner!
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Auntie Snood
Worst show podcast. Stick to book read a longs. To them If it’s not 100% book it sucked and they will complain for 90 minutes. Lots of rambling and nonsensical conversations. Don’t waste your time with the show podcasts
Josephine (and others)
Tried to listen to three episodes and the annoyance was so strong I couldn’t get past the first few minutes. Listening as I type (up to 5 minutes) and it’s just bad.
But for the singing...
...this would be a great podcast. I appreciate the fact that Ginger and Summer are genuine fans, so at it’s best the show feels like you are having wine at book club with your besties. At it’s worst, it reminds you why you have so few female friends - the singing has to stop. No one cares whose “theme” is playing in a given scene and we certainly don’t need to hear it hummed at us. AND did I mention the loud and annoying bike horn they play to censor spoilers and “bad words.” (Hello we’re adults, either curse or don’t but I don’t need to go deaf. Edit out spoilers if there’s content we shouldn’t hear)
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1700’s clothing
The full on 1700s clothing That Jamie wears is intentional - her connection to her present relationship and reality - he will not give up on her ...‘never...’
Jo St Nick
Nope, I tried
I tried really hard to make it through an episode, because I love everything Outlander (books and show), however, the fact that forming a complete sentence or expressing a coherent thought eludes the hosts; I simply had to stop.
I discovered Outlander in November when I was home with a broken bone. I fell in love and read the boks up to 5. I discovered you gals at the start of this season. I really enjoy listening. I always learn so much!
Endearing laugh
One of these gals has an endearing laugh that always makes me smile. I love that they both read the books and approach their recaps from that perspective. Sometimes they get off track, and I find myself wishing they would discipline themselves more or use the editing device before posting. Like come on, ladies, FOCUS. They are, however, entertaining. Worth a listen.
Outlander Pod
I love listening to you both. I usually listen when I’m walking my dog and people look at me funny when I start laughing for no reason but it’s usually something you guys are saying. Keep up the great work. Y’all are the best.
You two are utterly clueless.
Weekly fan
I have been listening to Ginger and Summer for quite some time and now I look forward to their Read-a-longs as well as their weekly reviews of the series episodes. G&S make me laugh out loud, and provide lots of really interesting, insightful and pertinent information Outlander related. LOVE this podcast and even enjoy their banter, giggles, and sisterly quarrels!
I came back this season to hear whether these two have evolved since I last listened in 2018. In the past, I would sporadically tune in because there were some useful observations. I initially stopped listening because of the petty bickering between the sisters that was downright uncomfortable and distracting. However, in the current episode, Ginger’s seemingly endless discussion about history as we learn it in school reminded me of another reason I stopped listening! Self-Indulgent, unnecessary, and tangential musings of people who think they are cool and witty (Summer) and like to hear themselves speak wayyyy too much (Ginger). These irrelevant diatribes put me over the edge. Ginger also has the irritating tendency to say something and then immediately backtrack and recharacterize, redefine, or explain what she just said, like “the sky is blue, well not blue but maybe bluish but what I mean to say is it has a grayish cast on top of the blue some days and at other times it is a shade of turquoise like when the sun sets . However, book readers may disagree with me and think it’s more of a true blue.” THINK before you SPEAK. There are good nuggets of information embedded in there but Girls, BYE.
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Bad singing
I would give this podcast a higher rating but the bad singing and nervous laughter are distracting.
I never miss an episode
Insightful, informative, and entertaining.i like smart people who like to have fun.
Informative but pretty immature
I learned a lot listening to your podcast and appreciate all of your knowledge on Diana and Scotland. Hearing about the cats, and the awful cackle of a laugh all the time of Ginger was painful. Wish we could find her a man, I think it would help a lot. Glad you have a close relationship but it’s not very professional.
A. Puertas in Utah
Too many commercials!
There is way too many ads in this podcast. Very distracting
FUN- all caps
I enjoy your podcast very much. I have been listening to the audiobook and sometimes I zone out or get confused. I never worry- I wait and listen to you girls! Thank you for your insights.
Frustratingly uneven
I really want to like this podcast. Sometimes the hosts are genuinely thoughtful and insightful. However, they often veer into shallow, frivolous and immature digressions. This podcast would be better if they edited themselves more carefully and learned how to talk about sex with a little more maturity. If you’re going to podcast about Outlander, you should be able to discuss sex without sounding like middle schoolers, squealing and giggling and using childish euphemisms for sex acts and body parts. Edit out the bickering (Summer, in particular, has a bad habit of snarking at Ginger) and the juvenile digression and “humor” and the podcast would be much better for it.
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Stop arguing!
I like when they’re getting along but can not stand when they’re bickering, which they do a LOT of. They even argue over things they completely agree on-one host just words it one way and the other host another way and the arguing begins and all I can think is please stop and just get on with the book discussion or we’ll never make it through. They make me roll my eyes so much I have a headache by the end of the episode. I do enjoy when they laugh. I wish they did more of that.
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Just discovered Outlander recently. Binged the whole series and just began the first book. Love the discussion on this podcast and hearing the little details that I may have missed. Still trying to catch up on the podcasts from each episode but I love it so far!
I recently blew through all four seasons of Outlander for the first time, and now that I’ve picked up the first book, I was on the hunt for a podcast to read along with. This one was recommended to me and so far I’ve listened through chapter 7 of the read along. I have to say, I’m not super into it so far. The actual reread part of each episode feels super quick compared to the rest. For instance, in the most recent episode I listened to, over 20 minutes were spent on a *very* detailed recount of the hosts’ reactions to seeing the first picture of Jamie released by STARZ, and then maybe 10-15 minutes were spent on the chapter. I also don’t get the impression that they are doing a lot of preparation before recording; for someone who is reading this book for the first time, I’ve picked up on several incorrect statements in every episode so far. If you’re going to call yourselves THE OUTLANDER PODCAST, it’s probably worth jotting down some notes on each chapter rather than trying to go off memory alone. I plan to keep listening for a bit longer in the hopes that they improve over time, but based on other reviews, I’m not sure if that ever happens.
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Read Along Approval
You guys keep up the good work! I finished the book and wish I had not have finished it so quick. I need you guys to keep me going until the upcoming season😀
Outlander podcast
My favorite podcast! Summer and Ginger are great!
Too much music talk
I made it through season 4 with this podcast but have decided to unsubscribe next season. There is all together too much time spent on talking about the background music. I absolutely appreciate Bear’s compositions but, like the costumes or the sets, the music is there to enhance the story not to take center stage. The final straw was the incessant, obsessive blathering over the “Strings” music in episode 12. Not being a band nerd, I had minimal prior knowledge of the piece so to me, it was much ado about nothing and time I will never get back. I also would recommend that the hosts spend less time on recap and more on analysis. Who has time for a 2 hour podcast??
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My Favorite Outlander Hangout
Massively enjoy this podcast , as well as all other events Ginger and Summer put on . I love to participate in the Read Alongs , the Facebook Live Aftershows as well as the podcasts . it is your one stop for all things Outlander. Love how the listeners are engaged . Both Summer and Ginger have great knowledge and insight which contributes to the overall outlander experience . Have a listen and join the fun !!
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Fun and insightful
I really enjoy these two fun ladies. I share a lot in common with them and our views. They often think about things I don't always think of and I enjoy thinking outside the box. I love that they are book readers too. I feel like I am hanging out with friend when I listen to this.
Not bad, but I could do without the teenage sniping...
Hosted by two sisters, there’s more sniping and snarking at each other when one misspeaks, misquotes or simply doesn’t agree with the other. One, not sure which, is overly obsessed with the “character theme music” and will go on for up to 20 minutes on it...going as far as to hum particular changes in notes. While the discussion, as long as it remains on-topic, has some interesting points, the show would be shorter minus all the extraneous nonsense. It bad, but there are other, more succinct shows minus the arguing.
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