The Other Side Of The Bell - A Trumpet Podcast
The Other Side Of The Bell - A Trumpet Podcast
Bob Reeves Brass Mouthpieces
via Podcasts
A wealth of information
Jon is an expert interviewer and consistent with each guest. I finally finished the most recent episode having listened to every episode this summer from number 1! As a professional musician and trumpet player I have learned to much about the business, the instrument, and the lineage. This is a classic podcast of the ages!!
Toms MacBook
Bob Reeves
Great endless information from the best trumpet players in the world.
Roger Bashore
A Must for Trumpet Players
Thank you Bob Reeves and his company for doing this podcast. Really good. The best podcast going.
A priceless resource for all trumpet players.
Now in its 9th year, this podcast has established itself as a highly informative, insightful and inspiring resourcesfor trumpet players at all levels of experience.
The podcast and its guests are diverse and delightful.
I have listened to quite a few episodes, but my favorites lately have been Randy Brecker, Jon Faddis and WOW, ALAN WARE! What a trio of interesting gentlemen. I think Alan Ware had the most great stories and he prepared for the episode the most respectful, thoughtful closing remarks I can imagine. Thanks John Snell for this passionate and informative show, and of course everyone at Bob Reeves for all you do for the musician community.
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Best trumpet podcast!
I love getting to hear the backstories of all my favorite trumpet players. John is an excellent interviewer and really knows how to bring out the best in the people he talks to, I always enjoy listening!
Glenn H 123456789
Thank you
Amazing podcast and shop, thank you!
Love it!
Should consider Jose Hernandez for an interview. Great podcast!!
Very valuable.
I haven’t been listening to this podcast much since COVID. It’s not due to disinterest, but I haven’t been driving like I used to and I haven’t made a priority to maintain my podcast listening schedule. Recently, I’ve been desirous to catch up on the podcasts I’ve missed and I have to concede: This is a valuable program. Yes, Bob Reeves Brass Mouthpieces and Company are able to elicit great guests, but John asks very thoughtful questions and he listens-as one can discern from his follow ups. There’s a natural bifurcation to this podcast: On one hand it’s nice to hear from musicians of note and gain a little insight to their lives, their practice philosophies, and hear anecdotes about their performances. On the other hand, when listening to someone who may not be as recognizable-or even when listening to someone whose tastes differ from yours -you can find inspiration and learn tidbits of information that can alter your approach to music-and sometimes life. This should be required listening for any trumpet player, but the motivation one can attain from it cannot be over estimated.
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Fa Fa Flo Hie
Inspiring resource for comeback player & his two sons.
These interviews have been a great resource and inspiration for this 64-year-old comeback player. Started listening to these last year when my twin, trumpet-playing sons were in their freshmen year of high school. Still working my way through the series, but everytime I hear something inspiring or humorous, I make sure to share it with my boys (and occasionally their wonderful band director). Thanks John and Bob!
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Doug Coartney
Interview with Mike Cichowicz
Great interview. I grew up in the Chicago area and remember wanting to study with his Dad, Vince. I was thrilled when we heard them with CSO. Loved Mike sharing his journey and all the fantastic players you never really get to hear about.
Laura Carbo
Similar Attitudes
I hadn’t listened to Chris Botti in a long time, and because of a dream I had last night, I decided to check out Live in Boston on Spotify. This brought me to this interview. I listened to the whole hour and 20 min!!! Glad to find this resource. Fantastic! I am also a NYC Trumpet player, and as Chris was talking, I realized we share many similar attitudes about the kind of music we enjoy making. I too, prefer melodic and emotionally soaring music. ( It was great to hear his story first hand. Thank you, and I will come back to hear many more of these interviews! Well done!
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Texas HalloweenQueen
I just finished to listen the episode with Dontae Winslow guest. I have to say, it was a change’s life, I never heard about him before, and I am amazed what he had to go through in his life, but his passion about the trumpet is so inspiring! Thanks the podcast for bringing wonderful people to the show. 5 million stars for you guys, your production is really great! Thanks for sharing with us!
information and inspiration
Every guest has such great insights to share. I always come away inspired to play after listening.
Great interviews!
I’ve been listening to this podcast for over two years now and I have learned tremendous amount from the guests on these podcasts without even picking up my horn! Thank you for putting out such great content.
Todd’s Revjew
What a great selection of guests!! And John does a good job of letting the interviewees just talk. Nice!
Tekton Todd
Amazing podcast!
Great interviews! I only wish that uploaded podcasts on the same day of the month.
Great Stuff..
I have enjoyed each podcast I have had a chance to listen to. John does a great job as host and the players are obviously comfortable and enjoy the process. Keep it up!
A must for all brass fanatics!
This is an incredible resource for all brass players.
Fascinating back stories
If you want to learn about the music business, musicians and especially, all things trumpet, check this out. You don’t have to be a trumpet player to enjoy these podcasts!
Only one complaint: John’s volume levels are often MUCH LOUDER than the person being interviewed. It hurts my ears when I listen with headphones. Otherwise, this is excellent. I learn something new from each episode.
Los Angeles resident
The Other Side Of The Bell Review - fwiiw
I've only recently begun listening to podcasts. I do a lot of driving between my two living/worksites as a musician (about 7 hours of extra road time per week). I have REALLY enjoyed the stories and ideas shared on your podcast. They make the drive go by so miuhc more quickly. So, fwiiw, coming from me, I would highly recommend that anyone intersted in the life of making music as a trumpeter subscribe to this podcast! Respectfully submitted: Nick Drozdoff
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Nick Drozdoff
Really enjoy all of the interviews, but the Mike Zonshine episode really hit home talking about his routine. Keep up the great work!
Thank you!
This podcast is a dream come true for trumpet geeks. Thank you, John Snell and the other folks at Bob Reeves Brass, not to mention the interview subjects, who give so generously of their time and insights.
Art Smaven
The best trumpet Podcast there is! Thanks.
Excellent Information
John Snell and the guys at Bob Reeves Brass are the best in the business! I throughly enjoy listening to these great interviews!
Prof of Popular Music and Brass Diablo Valley College
These Podcasts are such a wonderful gift to the Trumpet world! John Snell and Bob Reeves are doing such a righteous service for all brass players sharing this amazing info with the world and for free! Listening to these podcasts is always inspiring. I just listened to the Chris Botti interview and there is so much info and energy that any trumpet player will benefit from.
Glenn Appell
This is one of the best sources of information for trumpet players anywhere. I also find the interviews entertaining.
Phil Driscoll
One of the best ever! The history Phil has is amazing, what a journey and talent
Like free lessons with the pros!
Stimulating, thought-provoking look inside the minds of many of the outstanding trumpet players of our time. Listen a little, learn a lot!
Very Good!!!!!
I am a aspiring Trumpet player. This podcast is is a pleasure to listen to. Love it!!!!
Love this Podcast
All of the interviews are great and super informative. I love the broad spectrum of information we're getting from all these artists. Kudos to John for all the hard work and great questions! If I could add one thing it would be to compress the audio a bit. I find some interviews the volume fluctuates a lot due to some of the artists not speaking fully enough or not close enough to the mic. But that's it, the information is amazing and has truly taken my playing and my students' playing to the next level. Thank you for all you do!
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Marvelous and informed questions elicit relevant and helpful answers!
John Snell and his guest interviewers do their homework. They don't just wing it. As a result, these episodes are really worth listening to, for valuable answers to the mysteries of mechanics, techniques, problem solving, art, and making music. Thanks to John and Bob Reeves Brass.
John provides a wonderful podcast interviewing the "whos who" of the trumpet world. Stories, history, and tips for playing (and life) are plentiful. 1st rate podcast quality, very impressed!
Joh Snell does an amazing job putting together these informative and inpiring interviews. I have learned much about how to improve my own trumpet playing and the dedication of the artist who entertain and inspire.
Karl Wegner
Everything Trumpet! Awesome, A lesson in ever PodCast
If you are a trumpet player you need to listen to this podcast! It is a lesson in every podcast. There is information for every level of player to be gleaned and if you know of someone that doesn’t know about this podcast please let them know. I have gone back to listen more than once. Thanks Bob Reeves and John Snell for doing these. John is a great interviewer and does not stumble around with um’s and uh’s but is articulate and clear. Thank you John for being intentional about what you say and interesting at the same time.
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In their own words
I love to hear the different ways the great trumpet players approach playing trumpet, both physically and psychologically. I love the stories. I love hearing about the individuals I enjoy listening to, study from, look up to and admire as individuals, in their their own words. This podcast is a serious trumpet treat!
Phil A Jordan
great podcast. informative.
trumpet nut
Great resource!
Excellent interviews. Diverse guest with thoughtful insights on all things trumpet.
Bob is a seasoned, experienced, and mature voice. His take on the entirety is so valuable and so well spoken. I particularly appreciate his sense of the Adam "routine," how and why it seems to have become standardized, the pitfalls of looking at it that way, and the wisdom of being versatile and of letting fine musicianship lead the way. Wonderful information - thanks John for making these podcasts happen - KS.
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Karl Sievers
Great stuff!
I keep an eye out for these monthly podcast. Just finished listening to the Bob Slack episode. Such an inspiration to listen to Bob and hear of his incredible work ethic and constant pursuit of excellence. Well done!
I’m a freelancer in NYC and I LOVE the stories and advice this podcast provides! I’d like to recommend a shoutout to another trumpet player’s recent CD release, New York heavyweight Tony Kadleck “Around the Horn”. Some superb playing (as you’d expect from Tony!) as well as great arrangements all done by Tony!
Easy to use.
Much Needed
Great use of the podcasting sphere to share the useful and insightful info about trumpet!
Fantastic Stories
I find that not only is this very educational, but also quite inspirational.
A Great Trumpet Podcast!
If you love the trumpet this is the podcast for you! John Snow does really great interviews with trumpet players from across the spectrum. They provide great stories and insights into playing the trumpet. This podcast is an inspiration!
Women Play Trumpet Too
The podcast interviews are well done and the show is interesting but in 26 episodes not a single female trumpeter has been interviewed. C'mon, you can do better than that.
Love This!
This is a great tool to utilize when I can’t practice. I listen at work and in the car and when I clean my horn. I am so excited to hear the different aspects of the different professionals playing. My favorite player is Charley Davis and I absolutely loved that podcast. If you play trumpet this is a must have. John does a real good job with these. Thanks to Bob Reeves! Love the podcasts and alignments. I have had all of my horns aligned with you and they play great!
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If you have an interest in trumpet at all you can't help but dig this podcast! Great stuff!!
Dr. Cobb
Great Podcast for Trumpet Players & Other Musicians!
Ordinarily, I'm not a big fan of listening to people talk about music and/or playing the trumpet (the old quote, "Talking about music is like dancing about architecture" comes to mind.) HOWEVER, "The Other Side Of The Bell is an EXCELLENT podcast series that all trumpet players and musicians in general should listen to. Each episode interviews well-known, successful professional trumpet players (of all music styles) who are asked questions about their history, how they began playing as a student and later as a professional, their studies, obstacles they had to overcome in becoming pro players, tips for playing the trumpet, music business tips, tips for life and general, and much more. These interviews are inspirational because they remind us that all trumpet players--no matter how great--were just ordinary people who practiced hard, paid the dues, and with great determination and perserverance became extraordinary musicians. These podcasts will appeal both to young trumpet players as well as to seasoned professional trumpet players like myself, and will help to inspire them to keep their practicing and performance goals going. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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Every trumpet players primary resource.
This podcast offers interviews with trumpet players that most of the worlds trumpet students will never have a chance to interact with.
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