The Not So Nice, Nice Podcast Podcast

The Not So Nice, Nice Podcast

Colton Daniel Brown
Your host, Colton Brown, trying to influence personal growth, help others through answering questions, and talk about anything and everything. Each week will be left off with a challenge to go about the week and occasionally be with a special guest on their show. The 'Not So Nice' expresses that sometimes the hard truth has to be said rather than trying to sugar-coat things. Explicit language is always welcome. I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not and will always be 100% real as I can be with you. Enjoy listening!
4. Another Not the Pilot - What If
What if the sun don't come up tomorrow? Another week of me just rambling with no real idea on what I'm going to be talking about. Very raw, very spur of the moment, and big news on what I want to do with my future pods.
Nov 19, 2020
30 min
3. Still Not The Pilot - You're Not Special
We aren't special. We are only guaranteed one thing in life. Find out on this episode. Go make an impact on someone's life.
Nov 11, 2020
32 min
2. Not The Pilot - Being Old In College and Meeting Someone New
The stigma on when you should attend college, when it's too late, or feeling weird being the old guy in the classroom shouldn't be a thing. Here are my thoughts about it and hopefully for you all to go out and meet someone new this week on the Not So Nice, Nice Podcast.
Oct 30, 2020
30 min
1. Pilot - Introduction and Influential People
This is just an introduction of who I am and what the 'Not So Nice, Nice Podcast' is hopefully going to entail. I'm going to talk about inspirational people that have taken a roll in my life and why, give you a task that you could accomplish throughout this next week, and overall maybe give you an some ideas to help yourself broaden your own emotional horizons throughout the week.
Oct 24, 2020
34 min