The Newcastle Witches Podcast

The Newcastle Witches

Candle & Bell
A podcast about the Newcastle Witch Trials of 1649, which caused the death of 16 people in 1650. We are on a journey to uncover how these murders took place and investigate what caused people to hunt and murder others in the name of Witchcraft.
Episode 15: Here Endeth The Lesson
In our final episode, we reflect on things we've learned during the making of the podcast and answer audience questions. As always, many thanks to everyone who has supported the production of this podcast, and to our dedicated listeners.
Jun 22, 2023
45 min
Episode 14: The North Remembers Not
How does the largest execution of witches in England just fade from memory? Why are there so few records of the Newcastle Witches? We speak with Katie Liddane once again, to discuss why Newcastle didn't want to preserve this episode in the city's history.
Jun 1, 2023
28 min
Episode 13: They Live Among Us
In this episode we talk to Michelle Brock about contemporary uses of the word 'Witch' and 'Witchtrials'. We also discuss the importance of studying history and the history of witch trials in particular to better understand our own society.
May 4, 2023
27 min
Episode 12: Ann Armstrong Witchfinder General
In this episode we discuss accusations made by Ann Armstrong against numerous people in Northumberland in 1673. Ann's testimony is famous for her detailed account of a Witches Sabbath involving local men and women from local villages.
Apr 20, 2023
41 min
Episode 11: The Curious Case of Mary Moore
Mary Moore wrote and published a pamphlet accusing a group of witches in Northumberland of causing her children to fall ill and encounter demons. Three out of the four witches accused would either die in jail awaiting a trial for witchcraft, or be executed in 1650 in Newcastle. We're joined by Katie Liddane who helps us go through the pamphlet and understand it's repercussions. This episode is dedicated to Jane Martin.
Mar 30, 2023
39 min
Episode 10 A Burial On Hallowed Ground
The witches of Newcastle were buried in the cemetery of a church in the centre of Newcastle. In this episode we speak to Professor Ryrie of Durham University about how puritan beliefs shaped, not just life in Newcastle at the time, but also legal structures and the eventual execution and burial place of the witches. 
Mar 9, 2023
31 min
Episode 9 - Torture and Confession
Historian David Silk talks us through the trial, imprisonment and execution of the Newcastle witches.
Feb 9, 2023
32 min
Episode 8: How to Build a Witch with Marion Gibson
In this episode we interview Professor Marion Gibson, as we try to unearth information about the people convicted in the Newcastle Witch Trials.
Jan 12, 2023
26 min
Episode 7: Portrait of a Witch Part 2 with Diane Purkiss
We're joined again by Professor Diane Purkiss to dig a little deeper into what physical attributes a witch must have. This episode looks closely at the image of a woman as a mother and provider, and how the expectation that women could and should only be mothers may have let to some being accused of witchcraft. 
Dec 14, 2022
22 min
Episode 6: Portrait of a Witch Part 1 with Diane Purkiss
In this episode we speak with Diane Purkiss about the portrayal of witches and where those stereotypes come from. 
Nov 17, 2022
23 min
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