The National Archives Podcast Series
The National Archives Podcast Series
The National Archives
via Podcasts
Turning interesting subjects into boring podcasts
Thought this would be a great listen but it’s not. The pace and drollness of host and guests make these unlistenable.
Fascinating and specialized
The National Security releases are completely riveting as were all the lectures on the Cold War: informative, filled with details, zero cant. The speakers are good, the subjects interesting, the value of National Archive undisputed but this opening of the drawer so the public can experioence the riches? Great and worthy. The last podcast was over a month ago.
British Bobby to Hong Kong Copper
My favorite episode. I'll be honest history does put me to sleep, but I learn 10 to 15 minutes of history before I go. The next night I'll just forward about 10 mins to catch up until I finish. Thanks for doing all that you do.
Something to Learn Everyday
I love this channel! There are always interesting lectures and programs available for download.
Stellar Podcasts for the Constantly Curious
This are really smashing! And I'm surprised at how interesting these talks are! I'm an American with mainly British & American Indian Roots. Can't get much help for the latter in the British National Archives but listening is a rich experience in understanding my Brit Ancestors. These talks aren't just about where to find the information in the Archives. Although hints abound as to where to begin looking. Actually. these talks open mental doors of insight. I find almost each talk fascinating. Especially like Audrey ?? and Ms Carr but most speakers are quite good. Hearing about their times, the conditions, opportunities and troubles of their days adds great color and depth to my ancestors. Knowing their background makes them stand out in higher relief somehow. I thought these presentations would be boring but found them quite fascinating instead. Who'd of known!
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sahib, the british soldier in India 1750-1914
I love the content of this podcast as well as other podcasts I have listened. However, the archives needs to learn to correctly mic its guest speakers. I tend to listen to the podcast with headphones, so the constant pops and distortions from poor mic-ing is MADDENING! Again content is brilliant but the sound quality disappointing
British social history and detailed genealogical information
This podcast will be of particular interest to people researching ancestors who emigrated from Britain. Many of the podcasts present very detailed information on where genealogical information might be located including some very difficult records such as births, marriages, and deaths at sea. In addition, some podcasts are devoted to social history topics - the Workhouse episode was rather depressing, but extremely interesting and full of the sort of detail which makes it easy to imagine the desperate conditions which existed for certain members of society and allows us to place ancestors in the context of the times in which they lived.
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A Knitter