The Mysterious Mr. Epstein
The Mysterious Mr. Epstein
The Mysterious Mr. Epstein
We now know that Jeffrey Epstein was a sexual predator. He was also accused of fraud, embezzlement, coercion and more. But for most of his life, he was a mystery to the public, and to many of the people who knew him. In this six part series, we peel back the layers of Epstein’s life to detail his financial and sexual crimes, and his network of enablers, with original reporting and interviews. From humble beginnings, Epstein came to amass significant wealth which he used to buy sex, social status, silence, even justice —until money wasn’t enough. From Wondery (“Dirty John”, “The Shrink Next Door”), and hosted by Lindsay Graham (“American Scandal”).All episodes are available now. You can binge the series exclusively, and ad-free, on Wondery+ or on Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription.
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± 417 days
Latest episode
11 days ago
April 21
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