The Muffin Shop Podcast

The Muffin Shop

Marisa Mallett/Katie Plattner
The Muffin Shop is officially open for business! Join Katie and Marisa as they discuss who they're loving in the Bravo world and beyond, who wins the coveted title of Muffin Top of the week and who falls on their face as the Muff. Join us every other week for new episodes, because during these pandemic times we all need a laugh and of course, some carbs.
And Now We Said It
The muffins are live and in person breaking down what’s going on in the Bravo-verse and beyond. From Sutton v. Crystal to Sutton v. Diana to Diana’s cryptic text message to Garsel it’s all happening in Beverly Hills. If you’re gunna say it, then just say it, and now we’ve said it. Then we head to Atlanta to break down Drew’s 1950s comments about making your husband happy, She By Herself, and we learn what the streets are saying honey! It all ends with the Muffin Top and Muff of the Week. So like, subscribe, rate, review, and of COURSE follow us on insta : @muffinshoppod
Jul 3, 2022
42 min
Muff's got the JUICE, Marlo's got her PEACH
We’re always living in the moment; does that mean we are the MOMENT? The ladies of the Bravo universe are definitely having a moment. From Teresa being bat shit crazy and the fairest of them all to Sutton having no regard for anything outside her designer fires. Them muffs need to book an appointment with Dr. Ken….or not. The mics are on and we’re ready for a cathartic release. Should we play the fun shady tea game during our next episode? Follow us on IG @muffinshoppod and let us know! Enjoy!
May 25, 2022
1 hr 2 min
Muff Buzzin’
Spring is a time to usher in new life, the trees are blooming, the bulbs are sprouting, and the muffs are here to discuss all things new (and stale) with the housewives! Your favorite muffs are back, live, in person, to recap and reconnect with our favorite franchises. We can all agree OC is a BORE, but what’s to come with Atlanta and Beverly Hills is giving us LIFE. New Jersey, absolutely here for it as always and we are left wondering if the Giudice daughters would ever be awarded their own spin off? A muff can dream can’t she! Tune in this week for some giggles, some shit talking, and most importantly, who will we crown as the muffin top, and who falls from grace as the muff of the week. Follow us at @muffinshoppod on IG!
Apr 19, 2022
59 min
Fully stacked and action packed muff!
Our lives are forever changed after this iconic season of SLC, how are we ever going to move on? Well I guess the new season of RHONJ will help ease the pain, like cracking a truly at 5pm on a Friday, let’s be honest more like 3:30pm…. or maybe we can go to a warrior retreat and propose to someone, I mean break up with someone (cough cough). The ladies of Bravo never cease to amaze and entertain us, besides Shannon, that muff needs a new stack. Come join in on the fun and stir the pot a little, why not? Follow us on Insta @muffinshoppod
Mar 5, 2022
1 hr 1 min
Muff’s turn
Heading in to 2022 like, new year same muffs. We’re back and covering the housewives and boy oh boy is there a lot to catch up on. First we touch down in Salt Lake where between Jen Shah’s legal troubles, being forced to watch the men pretend they’re friends and are “planning a trip for Mother’s Day”, and a heart pumping bus trip to Vail, we can’t help but wonder - does Meredith know more than she’s letting on? Will Mary EVER find a place to put her coat!? We also discuss where we are with OC. We certainly missed Heather, can agree Gina and Emily together equal one housewife, and watching Noelle break down in a crowded restaurant isn’t really our idea of a good time (Nicole’s either). We end with a tribute to Betty and Bob (iykyk) and big plans for 2022. Give it a listen and let us know what you think on Insta @muffinshoppod
Jan 12, 2022
48 min
Low Budget High Expectations
Well, well, well, these muffins are hot out the oven and on the mic, and dealing with some technical issues (low budget like Candice’s video shoot). Finishing out the recap of the Beverly Hills reunion (4 parts? Was it necessary?), but building excitement for SLC! Is Mary scary or just really weird? Will we see a getaway chase with Jen Shah? And for God’s sake, are we all going to hell because we drink wine? Potomac giving us major Nicki Minaj energy at the first part of their reunion, and we answer the age old question - WAS Mia a stripper? Spoiler alert, yes. Follow us on Instagram @muffinshoppod and let us know what else you’re loving (or hating).
Nov 12, 2021
39 min
Pop Up Muff Shop PT. 1
What do we want out of the RHOBH Reunion PT. 1? A BIG dick and hot sex. Can’t fault a girl for wanting to get some strange D, with all those court cases. But anywho, we dive into all the snatch vibes that our dear Rinna is putting out…. Damn it Garcelle, why didn’t you snail mail her a thank you note for the sauce! As always Garcelle handles Rinna and Dorit like the bad bitch she is. And oh, the looks they were serving, some 5 star, some not so much. Slide into our DM’s on IG @Muffinshoppod and let us know if you agree or not…
Oct 15, 2021
37 min
Tom’s house was broken in to and he confronted the burglar…
…and then he had to have eye surgery so my son had to go over and help and he rolled his car five times on the way home. So YEAH I’m under a lot of stress…”It’s officially pumpkin season so these muffins are getting in their basic bitch season feelings and serving up some spice. Drinking game idea! Drink every time we say the Beverly Hills reunion will be explosive . The story lines in some cities are heating up while others are falling short (we’re looking at you Dorit) so we’re here to mention it all (and maybe hope for a Bethenny comeback). Muffin about Erika’s story makes sense, but will Andy take her over the coals at the reunion? Potomac, salt lake, and 4 part Beverly Hills reunions oh my! We catch up, throw some shade, and end with the infamous muff of the week and muffin top. We know this episode has been HIGHLY anticipated but we’ve been busy so don’t come for us! Or do, hit us up on @muffinshoppod on IG and tell us your thoughts!
Oct 9, 2021
53 min
F*** that Muff
Between all the legal drama with Erika Jayne and Jen Shaw, we need a Xanax. But at least it’s giving us something to live for. If we have to watch Ramona be an asshole and Sonja piss in public one more time, we might have to change the channel. Kudos to our Potomac ladies, for making us giggle and wiggling those WAPS. Don’t be all un-cool, and engage with your muffins this week that is everything Bravo!
Aug 22, 2021
38 min
Kiki muffin
Tune in for a Kiki with your favorite muffins! It’s been a while but we’ve got opinions and you know we have to get them out. This week the muffins talk about how much life Potomac is giving us, how we need to get to the bottom of the Erika Girardi drama STAT, and the major snooze fest that we like to call ROHNY. And always, we talk about the tool that is the muff of the week, and the top of the muffin now playing on HBO. It’s been a while but we’re glad you’re here!
Aug 5, 2021
57 min
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