AMC, Quantitative Easing and Unemployment Numbers00:00 - Eric has gotten his hands dirty2:10 - $AMC is heating up16:00 - SPACs are up to some Monkey Business28:44 - Unemployment Numbers37:20 - Tapering and Quantitative Easing
Jun 6, 2021
48 min

We travel in different vehicles (electric cars, trains) to cover much ground on conversations we never thought we'd be having. 0:00 - Eric's moving and Texas gun laws2:30 - What's happening in the crypto market?6:55 - Sell in May and go away? 7:20 - House sales and the effects of working from home12:10 - Oil mergers, electric vehicles and trains21:42 - More research on AT&T28:30 - Barron's Insider Buying31:30 - More women in finance35:20 - Conversations we never thought we'd have
May 28, 2021
48 min

We don't always get it right. Hertz is a perfect example. We have some more insight into AT&T. Are we ready to jump in? Plus, what's driving the Bitcoin volatility? Not enough people are aware of the crypto crackdown in China. 0:00 - College Tuition and Real Estate3:00 - Comedy Business6:30 - The Hertz Mea Culpa13:15 - Millennials percentage of wealth17:15 - AT&T Research24:20 - Crypto & Bitcoin Chinese Regulations39:19 - Richie's Picks42:00 - Fed Tapering
May 23, 2021
58 min

Richie's back and we're talking smack. 00:00 - Horses on THE JUICE & Richie on the Loose03:32 - Tesla & Bitcoin Monkey Business14:50 - Betting Against the NASDAQInflationThe Word of the Day is Transitory24:23 - Raising WagesGas ShortageTime To Stack Your Chips?32:12 - Richie's Picks
May 16, 2021
41 min

Monkey Business is alive and well in New Jersey. The Garden State is apparently growing SPACS disguised as sandwich shops. Check out the tale of the $100 Million deli, where the cappuccino is as frothy as the market. 0:00 - A Ransom Note? 2:00 - Monkey Business In The Market6:00 - Metals at a new high with the prospect of inflation13:00 - Labor costs and the forgotten working class20:30 - DOW, DOGE, Ethereum and Tesla26:00 - The New Jersey Deli SPACQuestion or comment for the show? Email [email protected]'s byline on Matt Taiibi's substack - Will "Goldman Penis Envy" Crash the Economy Again?
May 9, 2021
45 min

Get your gold here! We're talking commodities, what to look out for when investing in ETFs and why it's important to understand the futures market. 2:00 - Reaction to President Biden and Chairman Powell's recent speeches7:37 - Apple Earnings12:40 - Commodities, Gold, Copper, Coffee, etc...35:35 - Lumber Prices and Inflation39:40 - Monkey Business drenched in oil43:50 - Gambling and BitcoinEmail the show: [email protected]
May 2, 2021
48 min

Please enjoy Richie's Kentucky Derby picks courtesy of The Monkey Business Show. It's a BONUS mini-monkey episode. Happy Horse Racing! #KentuckyDerby #HorseRacing #Gambling
Apr 30, 2021
8 min

Have you heard about dividends and wondered what they were all about? How can you identify good opportunities for investment? This episode is a good place to start. Richie and Eric drop some gems. Aaron actually retains some of the information. Good stuff! 01:00 - Capital Gains Tax05:09 - Reaction to President Biden's Proposal11:00 - Warning Signs of a Market Correction18:00 - The Housing Market26:00 - Richie's Picks34:25 - Dividends and Investing Strategies
Apr 24, 2021
1 hr 6 min

With the Coinbase direct public offering hitting the market last week we had to bring back the crypto king, Kevin Dougherty to break it all down. What's it mean for the future of cryptocurrency and is Coinbase here for the long haul? We try to narrow down these answers and the Monkey Business Boys say goodbye to a Wall Street Legend, Bernie Madoff.
Apr 18, 2021
55 min
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