Aug 31, 2020
1 hr 40 min

In this lock-down edition of the Mind Altar, I break down the current happenings with lovely guest of mine.
May 2, 2020
28 min

It is only when we see ourselves has the main power behind the force of the universe. It is when we can truly take the actions necessary to make transformations happen.
Jan 8, 2020
20 min

Life is a process. A constant transformation. You will always be where you are supposed to be. As long as and as much as you want it to be.
Nov 5, 2019
31 min

A different perspective on the term “God”. Yes, that includes “Goddess” too.
Sep 13, 2019
32 min

Duality plays a major role in your everyday reality. Do you get lost in its complexity or do you flow in its simplicity?
Aug 24, 2019
21 min