The Mesothelioma Podcast Podcast

The Mesothelioma Podcast
Weekly recaps of mesothelioma news and research from, the Everyman's #1 Resource for Understanding Mesothelioma Research.
Ep. 2 - Jan. 28 - Feb. 3
In this episode, we cover how the herpes simplex virus could be used to battle mesothelioma, a Scottish research institute developing AI to diagnose mesothelioma, how a protein can help doctors differentiate between mesothelioma and lung cancer, and much more!
Feb 4, 2019
26 min
Ep. 1 - Jan. 20 - 27
In this episode, we cover how CBD could temporarily prevent tumor development in patients with mesothelioma, side-effect-free mesothelioma treatment, how vinegar acid can contribute to mesothelioma treatment, how a new computer algorithm can track the spread of cancer and mesothelioma, the town with the highest incidence rate of mesothelioma in the UK, and more!
Jan 28, 2019
43 min