The Mandolins and Beer Podcast
The Mandolins and Beer Podcast
Daniel Patrick
via Podcasts
Great Podcast!
Just saw Special C, last weekend and got to meet Michael Prewitt. What a down to earth human being and excellent picker and Singer! Great interview with Michael!
Wonderful Guests, great conversations
This has become one of my favorite podcasts. Daniel's warm interviews with interesting guests are just a pleasure - it feels like you, Daniel, and his guest are three friends getting together and talking over a beer, with one or more of you holding a mandolin! Wonderful mandolin tips from the guests and Daniel.
If You Love Mandolins
This is a must listen for anyone with ANY interest in the mandolin. Wonderfully entertaining and instructive!
My Favorite Podcast
This is a great podcast and an amazing resource for the mandolin community. I started listening in January, 2021 to help get through the pandemic, and while it feels like we’re on the other side of that, I’m still listening every week! Daniel does a great job interviewing professional mandolin players from various genres (although bluegrass is certainly the most dominant), as well as mandolin builders, music store owners, and other guests of interest to people like us. Sometimes I wonder if I could do what Daniel does and the answer is a resounding: “no”. Daniel is the perfect person to host this show because he sincerely cares about and celebrates the wins of anyone and everyone in his community. I’d give 6 stars if I could! -Ben H. in Austin, TX
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Good Guests, Annoying Host
 If you want a podcast featuring interviews with the best mandolin players in the English-speaking world...well...this is your only choice. The guests are terrific, but the host is kind've unbearable. He just won't shut up. A guest could start a sentence off saying, "The other day I was in my car" and the host would have to interject with a massive "THAT'S AMAZING!!", or a guest might make a very slightly humorous aside, such as "Well I flubbed a note on this one solo, but the world didn't end" and the host will respond with the largest and longest guffaw the world has ever heard. This goes on literally 30-50 times an episode. I can only imagine the guests are thinking, "Is he going to be like this the whole interview?" There are times when you can literally hear them respond to one of his laughing attacks with a tone in their voice saying, "What's so funny?" And the thing is, he's had soooo many episodes to improve, and yet it still always sounds like a super nervous fanboy on a sugar rush doing their first podcast. It would also be nice to actually hear more about the guests gear. The host might ask about mandos and picks, but pedals and stage rigs rarely come up. It's weird to say, but more discussion on the actual act of playing would be nice as well. But more than anything, I just wish the host would shut up, back off, calm down, stop interrupting his guests so much, and put far less of himself into the show. Let the guests speak, ask better questions, calm down, stop saying everything is amazing, stop laughing at everything like it's the funniest joke ever told...if you had to take a drink every time Daniel says "THAT'S AMAZING!" you'd be drunk within five minutes of each interview. What I wouldn't give for someone like Otis Gibbs to be doing this podcast.
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The BIg Crunch
Mike Prewitt
Hi Daniel. I enjoy the podcasts. I just listened to CJ talk about his Loar experience. The Loar stories are so great. I just went to hear Special Consensus last night here in Florida. Mike Prewitt is an awesome mandolin player. I talked with him after the show and found we both listen to your podcasts, but I don’t remember him ever being on one. I hope you’ll consider him for one of your upcoming episodes. Thanks for all you do for the mandolin world. Doug Gerdon
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Red D Kimble
A Must Listen for Mandolin Players
It’s hard to say enough about Mandolins & Beer podcast. I have enjoyed hearing from players I already admire, and come to admire folks I’ve never heard of who quickly proved to be accomplished and inspiring players. It’s taught me that Mandolinists are a unique breed, and to open my mind and ears to all types of folks and styles of music. Simply wonderful listening and a great resource.
A Great Resource and Entertaining
I’m was a few years into the mandolin journey when I discovered Mandolins and Beer. I listened to a couple of the current podcasts and then searched out podcasts of artist I enjoy. Once down the rabbit hole, I to the beginning and listened to them all. Some more than once, twice even three or four times. I like Daniel’s interview style, it is a conversation we get to listen in on. There is always a great story or two along with tips on becoming a better musician and mandolinista. Everyone will be entertained and perhaps learn a tip or two. Thanks Daniel for great podcast you created
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Holy Smokes
Love this podcast as a learning player. Great way to discover new players and stay engaged in playing and getting better.
Great Show!
New listener, great show! Would love to hear an interview with Jesse McReynolds... Thank you for the podcast!!
Thanks again Daniel
Sierra interview. Great job Daniel!
Mando Newbie
Mandolin extravaganza!
If you have a favorite living mandolin player, chances are, they’ve been on this podcast. Daniel asks great questions and conducts the interviews in an organic, conversational manner.
Chris Bowsman
Great inspiration to play and practice
I really appreciate the wide ranging conversations on music. I always pick up my mandolin after listening!
hermit thrush
The Best!
This is a must-listen for any mandolinist or mandolin enthusiast!
Miles U.S.A
Mandolin fanatics
Love to hear these, even from artists I’ve never heard of. There’s lots of great info from all of these great players. Eye opening.
Great Exposure!
What great insight from all who have been interviewed! As an older mandolin player I have enjoyed the insights stories and exposure to the newer mandolin artists, some who are now my favorites. Thanks for the Paul Glasse interview, I have enjoyed his music for many years and it was good to get the back stories.
What a Treasure!
I’ve only listened to the CJ Lewandowski episode so far, but I’m SOO impressed both w CJ as a musician and a human and Daniel is great as a host here, asking smart questions and otherwise stayin outa the way and not making it about himself; what all hosts and interviewers SHOULD do, but more often than not, the host makes it as least as much about themselves, Daniel is great in this episode, and is obviously a cool guy. I’ve followed the licks series off and on for a while, more off than on, but the podcast is GOLD, I’m excited to hear the others great guest he has in the vault here. Mike Compton, Sharon Gilchrist, I didn’t look close but it was an impressive list. Ok, ramble over- Two 👍👍 says this shade-tree mando-hack! 🍻
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Great podcast
Two of my favorite things in one one podcast. Go ahead and get a t-shirt, beer coozy and sticker while you’re at it. They’re all worth it too.
Thanks for an all-around amazing podcast!
I love mandolins. I love beer. I love this podcast! Request: Andy Statman interview?
Adam in MKE
Awesome podcast
Everything I would ever want in a mandolin podcast. Practice tips, stories, equipment talk and jam motivation.
Tony Elkins
Great podcast for anyone interested in mandolin
As an aspiring bluegrass mandolin player these episodes are filled with tips and advice from some of my favorite players. Daniel does a great job mixing conversation about the players’s personal mandolin journeys with advice for anyone learning to play mandolin.
Mandolin Nerds Unite!
Really been enjoying these. Great to hear practice & technique tips from the pros. Especially love the gear segment.
Mandolins and beer
Great Stuff
toejam earn
As good as it gets for mandolin conversation
If you like interesting in-depth conversations with great mandolin players about mandolins and music then this is as good as it gets. Very good indeed!
Mandolins and beer
Great love this podcast
ukulele Don
I look forward to each new episode
I’ve listened to every episode of this podcast. What Daniel is doing is fantastic! Looking forward to 2020.
Incredible Podcast for Mandolin Fans!
This podcast gave me the courage to step up my mandolin game. I have been playing for 2 years. I knew after a year I should invest in a better mandolin. But it was very intimidating. After a few months of listening to this podcast, I felt comfortable enough to figure out what fear I wanted. Now I love to listen to all the advice about what all the pros recommend you work on. I am loving it! Thank you so much for putting this out there! 💖💖💖
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Lovin it!
great stories & info - the kind of resource I wish I’d had access to long ago - gives greater insight to music & musicians I’ve admired for a long time. Daniel Patrick is doing a great thing here!
Sharon Gilchrist
A must listen
Even without owning a mandolin of my own I can’t help but listen to these awesome relatable conversations that keep you wanting more, can’t wait for the next one!
Great podcast!
You couldn’t ask for a more informative or entertaining podcast about mandolins or mandolin players and their techniques, than this one. A must listen for anyone who owns the instrument and is looking for a great way to dive head-first into learning tips and tricks from some of the best players around.
Best mando podcast
You want inspiration to pick up your instrument and go for it? Listen to this podcast. I am glad this exists. I have an a5 northfield M and my favorite beer(s) is evil twin gose, allagash saison, and anything from founders brewing co.
Killer podcast
Awesome host. Great information. Very entertaining.
Off to a great start, looking forward to hearing more!
Awesome podcast!!!!!
I can’t wait for more episodes!!!!
music lover 1!
Best thing since the seat belt
Interesting, intelligent, energetic and awesome!
El Capitañ
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