The Manager Farm Podcast

The Manager Farm

Zemira Jones
Where Managers Go To Grow Good People Who Grow Good People “A leader is best when people barely know he exists. When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” Lao Tzu
005 The Secret Power Of The Apology From The Boss
Episode 5 THE SECRET POWER OF THE APOLOGY FROM THE BOSS. And When The Boss Should Apologize in the first place. I’m Zemira Jones and THIS is The Manager Farm PODCAST Get Zemira FREE Management Training on Team Focus HERE: Where managers go to grow good people who grow good people… When should The Boss Apologize in the first place; even is it is the President of the organization? The perceived loss of power and prestige can pay off big if you know how to apologize. The paradox of lost power AND WHY YOU WANT TO LOST IT. Stick to the end and I will give you a simple formula for an effective apology. The apology disaster of the BP CEO Tony Hayward after the 2010 rig explosion and oil spill. What is an apology when you are the boss? It is a midcourse correction back to a state of truth and TRUST. The global survey asks respondents how much they trust the four institutions of. A revealing research study for 2016 and 2017.                        -government,         -business,         -nongovernmental organizations and         -media  do what is right. Edelman says there is a “grand illusion” at play – a lingering notion that elites continue to lead and the masses will follow. This historic model of influence was predicated on the belief that: Elites have access to superior information. Their interests are interconnected with the broader public. That becoming “an elite” was open to all who work hard. A trust gap is emerging between elite and mass populations. Let’s recognize two facts about apologies at the outset: 1. ) First, we are psychologically predisposed to find reasons (or excuses) to delay or avoid saying we’re sorry. Apologizing feels uncomfortable and risky. That doesn’t feel good. [ It's not the crime, its the cover up] There’s a loss of power or face involved—it rearranges the status hierarchy and makes us beholden, at least temporarily, to the other party. When considering whether and how to apologize, even seasoned leaders can become gripped by indecision. United Airlines Chief Executive Oscar Munoz apology went wrong in every way. Learn how not to repeat his mistakes. Never say what he said the way he said it and when he said it: “It’s never too late to do the right thing,” Munoz said as the company began to issue mea culpas on the Tuesday after the disaster. Learn: What You Say, When You Say It, and Who You say it to. 2.) Second, companies have a strong tendency to evaluate the situation through a legal lens In 2003, Colorado enacted a law stating that an apology extended by a health care provider would, in any civil action, “be inadmissible as evidence of an admission of liability.” (Several other states deem expressions of sympathy inadmissible in court Most apologies are low cost—and many create substantial value. “Truth crushed to earth shall rise again.”― William Cullen Bryant Martin Luther King said: "No lie can live forever." We shall overcome because William Cullen Bryant is right. "Truth crushed to earth will rise again." How to apologize: The Formula For An Apology From The Boss...         S- Situation         B-Behavior         I-Impact Apologies and powerful relationship builders
Apr 22, 2017
30 min
004 How Great Managers Use External Marketing Techniques Internally To Build High-Performance Teams
How Great Managers Use External marketing Techniques Internally To Build High-Performance Teams I’m Zemira Jones…and this is the Manager Farm Podcast episode 004. Today my special guest is Bill Cates…             Bill Cates WHEN CHANGE IN THE WORKPLACE IS ON THE HORIZON… Today’s show discusses: “How to use powerful word-of-mouth and referral marketing techniques internally with your team as well for better performance and externally for more customers." Here’s what I’d like you to do: 1.) Listen to this podcast all the way to the end. Bill will share some resources at the end of this podcast that will be a great help to every manager regardless of experience level. 2.) Subscribe 3.) Share it 4.) Then act! Bill Cates, is best known as the Referral Coach, and founder of the Referral Coach International which works with organizations and individuals who want to acquire more clients/customers through word of mouth, referrals, and personal introductions. All of his systems and programs have one overall goal in mind – to increase your revenue without increasing your marketing expenses. Bill Cates and his team produce results! From needs assessment to program development to program delivery, to follow-up and reinforcement, his success track recorded is impressive. Referral Coach International is committed to teaching their proven referral system, strategies, and tactics, in a manner that actually changes beliefs and behaviors producing tangible results. Bill Cates, works with organizations and individuals who want to acquire more clients/customers through word of mouth, referrals, and personal introductions. All of their systems and programs have one overall goal in mind – to increase your revenue without increasing your marketing expenses. Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE, Referral Coach International works with organizations and individuals who want to acquire more clients/customers through word of mouth, referrals, and personal introductions. In this podcast, Bill shares powerful techniques that are highly successful for marketers with their customers. The good news is these same techniques can be used to influence the performance of your team in the workplace. Bill says it boils down to what motivates people. He quotes his friend Alan Dobsurski. Alan Dobzinski – America’s Leadership Accountability Expert Bill quotes a colleague Alan M. Dobzinski America's America's accountability expert. Dobzinski/dp/0615554857 Bill tells us that constant change and reduced resources if managed properly, can be inspiring to your team once you use the right influence with your team. Bill underscores the importance of managing change with your team. He explains the concept of why the organism with the widest range of responses is the one that drives. It's not the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, it's the organism that is the most flexible. He suggests that in the interview process you probe for how people respond to change. He discusses how to teams internalize change, and suggests that you pay attention to how do they respond to it.  Do they have the flexibility to be the kind of person you need in your organization?  When a team underperforms Bill Cates describes some of the blind spots that managers miss in solving the problem. Bill suggests that you first look at the beliefs of your team. What are the operational beliefs that are holding them back or limiting their thinking? The fundamental principle at the base of all of our relationships is our beliefs. If we have something that is not working for us we have to first ask ourselves what do we believe about the situation or about the other person that is limiting our perceptions or may be wrong. Bill shows how “consistency theory” is central to a manager or leaders ability to influence while managing their beliefs. He talks about ways of changing your results by changing your beliefs first. This is why many companies that perform well begin with operational beliefs. Bill talks about how to get more referrals from your satisfied customers for new business. He underscores that first, you have to make sure, as the leader, that your team is referable. This is an earned right that a company has to strive for before referrals can happen. Net promoter score is one of the tools a company can use to measure their ability to be referred. Whether you're serving the customer directly, or you serving someone internally who is serving the customer, or you're serving someone who is serving someone who is serving someone that is serving the customer you are performing customer service. The degree in which your team believes in the synergistic connection between themselves and the customer, regardless of where they in the organization, is fundamental to ensuring that your company is referable. It all starts with the leader believing this first and then it becomes an organizational belief. Bill talks about some of the reasons why great strategies, like yours, can still fail because of lack of focus. Another obstacle that managers have is leading people to perform a task or strategy that the manager themselves were never good at performing themselves. Alan Dobzinski is the author of the book "The Buck Starts Here". It will show you how to hold your people accountable in a way that's motivational and inspirational. One of the key concepts that Bill talks about is the fact that managers tend to want to be liked more than they want to be respected which is a real mistake. This widespread need tends to hold managers back in their performance. This is a mistake that happens with brand-new managers and is also observed with experienced managers. Bill and Zemira elaborate on the importance of managers communicating intent to their direct reports to ensure the proper context of their message. Your employees always have a more narrow and different context than you as the leader will ever have. This is why it is so important to manage intent in the context of that intent up front. One of the strategies that Bill recommends is the use of video in communicating with your team. He quotes research that shows that text email is more likely to be viewed in a slightly negative perspective but if video is used the same message is viewed more favorably the due to the power of inflection and visual reinforcement. Bill recommends a video email service called Bombbomb. Zemira gives an example of how communicating with video or audio to share tonality and inflection in your message makes a huge difference in its influence and impact. Zemira tells a story about how he became more successful as a sales manager by using this principle. Zemira goes deeper in this in podcast episode 002. In episode 002 of The Manager Farm Zemira talks about the power of acknowledgment with your team and the fact that most teams are starving from the lack of acknowledgment of their achievements on a day-to-day basis. Link To Episode 002: How Great Managers Start 2017 Off On The Right Foot Bill offers a great tactic in how to sell an employee on the benefits of adopting the new behavior or action. Rather than just sharing the benefit to the employee operating in a new way he shares a more influential approach to developing new behaviors through direct reports. Here’s how to reach Bill Cates:  
Mar 13, 2017
50 min
003 What Most Bosses Get Wrong In Leading Their Teams… and What To Do About It
What Most Bosses Get Wrong About Leading Their Teams… and What To Do About It   Episode 003 Here’s what I’d like you to do: 1.) Make sure to listen all the way to the end of this podcast because we will have a free gift you'll really want. Just listen all the way to the end and the what you will receive will impact your skill set, mindset, and the results every manager and leader searches for every day. This is by guest Willie Jolly's gift to every Manager Farm follower. Remember to: 2.) Subscribe CLICK HERE 3.) Share it    CLICK HERE 4.) Then act!  Show Outline with Time Stamps: 6:49 Who is Dr. Willey Jolley. The Willey Jolley Story. 7:25 Charlie Tremendous Jones 8:00 Les Brown’s impact on Willie Jolley Willey Jolley’s break came when he invited to speak was Les Brown, Billy Preston, and Gladys Knight. 9:00 Ford Motor Company was on the brink of bankruptcy but Willie Jolly was their secret weapon. That secret weapon allows Ford Motor Company to be in the financial position to refuse the government bailout, unlike its competitors. 11:10 Willie Jolly shares in an example of change management when he talks about how he on freezes the thinking of the executives at Ford Motor Company. Unfreezing is the concept of changing the mindset of your team where they are now convinced that they need to let go of current thinking actions behaviors and habits to a new level of performance. 11:23 Willey Jolley talks about his conversation with Gen. Colin Powell and change. Gen. Powell talks about Desert Storm and change in warfare as it applies to business. 11:59 Willey Jolley talks about what's in his book related to change in leadership in the book “Turning Setbacks Into Comebacks” and it starts with mindset. 12:30 Willey Jolley talks about Selling Power Magazine and a recent article is a published on mindset. 12:28 Willey Jolly spoke on stage with Dr.Nido Qubein Dr. John Maxwell about what he did to change his life and change the lives of the employees at Ford Motor Company where it starts with mindset. 13.21 Willie Jolly shares what he believes are the 16 most powerful words that have ever been put together in one sentence. Here are those 16 powerful words. “Don't be conformed to this words, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”Here's Willey Jolley’s answer to the question what should top managers do who are struggling to change their thinking, their mindset, and what action should they take as a result. 14:50 Willey Jolley talks about what action you can take right now to make a difference with your team. Why great managers take action to improve themselves in order to improve their people. Jim Rome said it well when he said the greatest achievers are not just focused on growing their business first but growing themselves first. He stresses that if you grow yourself first then you will be growing your business as a result. He stresses that growing yourself first and then growing your people is the combined secret to growing your business. If you're going to commit yourself to growing your business then you must start with growing your people first. 15:29 great people give great service. Good people will give good service. Mediocre people will give mediocre service. And negative people will kill your organization. 16:25 is an old axiom that Abraham Lincoln said. If you have six hours to cut down a tree reserve two hours of those six to sharpen the saw. 16:48 In the book “The Attitude of excellence" Willy Jolly talks about how the CEO of the four seasons hotel chain turned around the company to make it a five-star enterprise. 17:36 Willey Jolley lays down the law about the secret to success in business. He states there are two ways to become successful, mentors or mistakes. Both will get you there, just one will get you there with fewer heartaches, headaches, and knots upside your head. He also learned a great people make time to share their mentorship gift. 18:11 The CEO of four seasons hotels tells Willy Jolly how he changed the company from a three-star to a four-star to a five-star and then to a five diamond hotel. He told Willie about his quote better campaign unquote, good, better, best. 18:41 Willey Jolley talks about the three ways to build a great team in sports that you can apply to your business right now. 22:09 Willey Jolley shares the powerful “1% solution”. If you can get 1% better every day it's cumulative and you take advantage of compounding interest growth. Willey Jolley announces the launch of his new book on marriage that he and his wife are publishing shortly. It's called “Make Love Make Money Make It Last“. Willie and his wife have been married for over 32 years and they haven't had an argument over a quarter of a century. 27:38 Willey Jolley talks about the distractions that your employees have that only the best managers have a plan to address. 28:23 Willey Jolley talks about his success with DC Water. They were having union problems, morale problems, and employees who were resistant to change. Here what Willie had them do to change their situation. Wiley quoted a Gallup poll that stated that stated that “Over 70% of employees are uninspired and disengaged and are only working for a check.” If you have over 70% of your employees working uninspired and disengaged the net means that over 50% of your employees a working under capacity. 30:37 Willey Jolley tells the story of his assistant, Cheryl Reagin, who held unusual levels of gratitude for her boss and how it led her to exceptional levels of peak performance. 32:10 Willie Jolley's answer to the question what you do if you invest in your people and then they decide to leave and you lose that investment. Hear what Willie had to say. 32:33 Zemira tells the story of how he achieved zero turnover with his team. 34:20 Willie jelly talks about how one of the most successful salespeople in media in the Washington area experience the principle of Willie Jolly. His name is Colon Johnson 35:32 Willie Jolly reveals his “Big Aha Ha” for all managers who must get better performance right now. 39:44 Zemira reminds all manager farm listeners to go back to episode 002 to listen to the show about the vitamin deficiency on your team that every member of your team is currently suffering with. Is vitamin A which stands for Acknowledgment. 42:00 Willy Jolly shares what he is so impressed with regarding the management style and knowledge of Zemira Jones. 43:20 Willie Jolley shares his for “F’s” in business with his clients, suppliers, people he negotiates with, or his team. 1.) Be Friendly 2.) Be Frank 3.) Be Fair 4.) Be focused on a positive result. 44:38 Zemira talks about the toughest conversation a manager ever has with an employee and how to think about it. how to offset much of the downside of having an involuntary termination conversation with an employee. 46:43 Willey Jolley talks about the two things that changed his life and are lessons for any struggling manager. The word is input, input determines output. Garbage in garbage out or better said garbage in garbage stays. Make sure you get Willie Jolley's gift that he's giving everyone who listens to the end of this podcast: Here’s where to get you FREE gift: Get the same interactive training that Willey gave to Ford Motor Company that helped turn them around.  Subscribe CLICK HERE  Share it    CLICK HERE
Jan 13, 2017
58 min
002 How Great Managers Start 2017 Off On The Right Foot
Got a team that has low moral or suffers from internal battles? Battles you would like to end? When teams experience prolonged conflict it is usually a sign of victimhood.   Is your team pledged with a victimhood mentality where victimization is out of control? Where one or more of your team members sees themselves as a victim all the time? Well, there is a remedy for some of these symptoms. Victims suffer from a vitamin A deficiency- It's called the lack of Acknowledgment.   Open your meetings with “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS”, have each member make voluntary acknowledgments of someone else on the team. If you stick with it, you will see a shift from complaints, criticism, victimization and victimhood to Appreciation. Replace your "what I did great for the company" language to language appreciation for "what someone else did great for me" language.   When you do start speaking this way it refocuses your team on results versus complaints. Victim language is cancer that grows within your organization and must be radiated with vitamin A. Now your team is ready to focus on intentions, goals, and the effective outcomes. They will begin to see opportunities together they did not see moments before.   There are so many benefits of vitamin A (Appreciation) in your workplace. A kernel of team spirit and morale bump for starters. Increased productivity too if you keep at it. Reduced absenteeism and increase creativity will also be in your future. Improve problem-solving ability, Reduced turnover, increased idea sharing have also been realized with this injection.   The power of life and death are in the words you speak to your team.
Jan 3, 2017
22 min
001 The Manager Farm PODCAST
The Secret Reason Why Managers Fail: This episode is about the new year or the new business or the new goal before you and your team. Most Managers have never learned this secret. It is the core reason top leaders succeed. They are the lead evangelists for the concept of self-management. A quote from Lao Tzu describes the essence of strong management: “A leader is best when people barely know he exists. When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” Lao Tzu   New Year Mean Transformation, Change, and Growth: How Great Managers Transform Teams On Purpose     SUBSCRIBE Here’s what I’d like you to do:   1.) Listen to this podcast all the way to the end. 2.) Subscribe 3.) Share it 4.) Then act!   Here's What To Do Next   If you are a CEO, Senior manager, front-line manager at any stage, or just getting started you are in the right place. Have you read a business text book or taken a post-graduate management course but didn’t feel any more capable than before you took the course or read the book?  IF SO, I KNOW WHAT TO DO... Did what you learn seem confusing or unnatural to you in the real world you work in? IF SO, I KNOW WHAT TO DO... Have you had a hard time transferring the impressive business lingo into day-to-day business practice? IF SO, I KNOW WHAT TO DO... Or you are the CEO that struggles to connect with your team. That your employees don't get you, they don’t understand you and your mission. Or maybe they just don’t trust you. IF SO, I KNOW WHAT TO DO...              SUBSCRIBE IN ITUNES   MUSIC CREDITS: Am-Trans by Podington Bear is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
Dec 5, 2016
42 min