The Lemurian Hour Podcast

The Lemurian Hour

Rev. Johnny Lemuria
Weird movies, politics, religions, news, and sex. Hosted by the Right Reverend Johnny Lemuria.
Lemurian Hour #4- Laura Agustin
Hello, and welcome to the 4th episode of the Lemurian Hour. This episode I talk to Ben about porn company snow plows, Satanic civil rights for high schoolers, and various Nazis in the White House and across the country. #sopunchable My guest this episode in Laura Agustin, also known as the &#8216;Naked Anthropologist&#8216;, author of such works as &#8216;Sex at Margins&#8216; and her latest work of fiction, &#8216;The Three Headed Dog.&#8217; * Laura Agustín, The Naked Anthropologist * NEW The Three-Headed Dog  * Laura Agustin&#8217;s Twitter  * Laura Agustin&#8217;s Facebook * Laura Agustin&#8217;s Youtube  * Dear Students of Sex Work &amp; Trafficking * Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets &amp; the Rescue Industry US &amp;  UK * Sexo y marginalidad Related articles Pornhub is stepping up to plow&#8230; the snowy streets More Nazis In The White House? Sebastian Gorka May Make Three <a style="display: block; overflow: hidden; text-decoration: none; line-height: 12pt; height: 83px; padding: 5px 2px 0 2px; background-image: none;" href="https://www.
Mar 21, 2017
1 hr 1 min
Lemurian Hour #3- Eunique Divination
Here we go with episode number 3, wherein Ben and I discuss the politcs of taxing robotics, the sociology of banning sexbots, the coolness of refugee-helping chatbots, and the utter dickishness (genitalia deliberately referred to) of far too many of America&#8217;s soldiers. We also argue about abolishing the police. Next I talked with Eunique Grisby of Urban Mystik, chaos magician and entrepreneur, about chaos magic, and her life with it. Chaos magic has long had a special place in my heart, so talking with someone about it was a real kick. Related articles Are we literally getting into bed with robots? Sex and marriage with robots: science fiction or new reality? Sex robots would give us only what we think we want, and not what we truly desire What Humans Want Vs. The Chatbot Struggle <a style="display: blo...
Mar 15, 2017
58 min
Lemurian Hour #2- Hellzapoppin’!
Welcome to the 2nd episode of the Lemurian Hour! In this episode, I discuss current events with my brother Ben, including the future that liberals want, vacationing on the Moon, a mysterious and deadly attack on a hippo in El Salvador, and long lunches at the State Department. I also talk with Katalin Justice for our monthly Cinematic Pig&#8217;s Feet. Our movie this month is the 1942 surreal musical, Hellzapoppin&#8217;. Here it is. Related articles SpaceX wants to send 2 people around the moon in 2018 SpaceX to the Moon &#8211; 2018 a Lofty Goal? | Video
Mar 7, 2017
1 hr 3 min
Lemurian Hour #1- Peter Tupper
Welcome to the first episode of the Lemurian Hour, with our first guest Peter Tupper! I&#8217;m excited about doing a podcast again. It&#8217;s been too long. My plan is to release these weekly. Some will contain long-form interviews, like this one. Others will will contain shorter interviews, along with regular feature, such as current events with Ben Robinson, and Cinematic Pig&#8217;s Feet with Katalin Justice. There will be more regular features coming later, so stay tuned for that. Our guest this week is noted BDSM expert and author, Peter Tupper. He has written extensively, both fiction and non-fiction. We talked about his latest project, a history of consensual BDSM, and the public&#8217;s current fascination with the subject, including the controversial &#8216;50 Shades&#8216; phenomenon, and we discuss some of the notable BDSM relationships in history, such as that between Hannah Cullwick and Authur Munby. Peter is by no means the on researcher on this subject. We also touch on the work of Mr. Raven Kaldera (I apologize for misgendering Mr. Kaldera in the podcast. Definitely a he.)  We also discuss how people into BDSM can survive in these times. I&#8217;ll be the first to admit that this interview is a little bit rust, at least on my end. Peter Tupper was fine, but it has been a while since I have been behind a microphone, and it shows, both in performance and in technical quality. However, I think this is a pretty good episode, and the rest will be even better. If you&#8217;d like to help out, please consider leaving me a good review on iTunes, and supporting me on Patreon. Related articles Here&#8217;s What The Sinners Are Buying On Amazon This Week <a style="display: block; overflow: hidden; text-decoration: none; line-height: 12pt; height: 83px; padding: 5px 2px 0 2px; background-image: none;" href="
Feb 28, 2017
56 min
This is only a test.
Feb 27, 2017
13 sec