The Lead Limitlessly Podcast Podcast

The Lead Limitlessly Podcast

Dr. Sarah Renee Langley
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It is time to lead, love, and live life without limits. Lead Limitlessly podcast empowers successful Women Executives, 6 and 7 figure CEOs, influencers, and leaders to boldly take the limits off of their lives and unapologetically decide to make themselves #1 as they go after their dreams while creating a legacy along the way. Learn how to silence hidden fears of self-doubt, achieve even greater success, and maintain a life, livelihood, and lifestyle filled with happiness that you desire and deserve. Lead Limitlessly. Support this podcast:
LEAD LIMITLESSLY INTERVIEW: How to Keep Motivated and Succeed in Transforming Lives with Janet Taylor
· Keywords: Success, Motivated, Connect, communicate · Hashtags: #journeytosuccess #connectandcommunicate #transformingmylifeandothers What is Success? Is it being rich or being happy? It’s a question that anyone of us will answer differently and all of us have a certain vision and definition of success that we want to achieve and throughout our journey to success will include challenges and trials. But without those, we won’t really know what success is and today, Dr. Sarah talks with Janet Taylor, President of Totally Organized LLC. She shares with us her own definition of success and how to stay motivated in your journey. Defining Success 1:50 I define success as a feeling and not necessarily material things that a lot of people equate success with and for me, true success, specifically as a professional organizer is seeing when a client gets it. Being able to transform a person's life so that they can get rid of stuff. That is success to me because that makes me feel so happy that they enjoy their space, they begin to see life beyond all the stuff that they had, and they plan for the future. 2:40 Also, success for me is being able to use my position, my experience, and be able to give back. I really love doing that and be able to my voice and my title. And being able to help the children in the neighborhood that I grew up in. That truly just makes my heart melt and I'm able to utilize the resources that I've acquired over the years to be able to help them. Greatest Accomplishment 3:36 Making it on TV and becoming a celebrity, doing workshops in a community, and being hired by HGTV. Greatest Challenges 6:29 The Greatest Challenge for me is staying motivated · Connecting regularly with other business persons. · Learning how to make sure that my income is consistent. · And how to make sure you take time and prepare for those times that may not be as income-producing as you would like them to be. Steps to Triumph over the Challenges 7:52 · Making sure I stay in constant communication with my mentor and peers. · Keep yourself motivated and encouraged. So I think those are some of the things is just making sure you stay connected with people and do what you need to do. Never miss an episode! Make sure you subscribe, like and share my YouTube Channel! Also, check out my Podcast Lead Limitlessly with Dr. Sarah Langley: Check out my website and products: Follow me on Social Media: --- Support this podcast:
May 3, 2021
11 min
LEAD LIMITLESSLY INTERVIEW: Defining Success and Leadership as a Woman with Jamil Rivers
In this episode, we have Jamil Rivers a senior finance director for the school district and also has an online fashion jewelry store. Jamil shares a lot of insight that you’ll enjoy and can use to reach your own success. How would you define success? 1:14 Success I would say is following your choice, being able to do what you enjoy doing or what you do well, and being able to be yourself. What has been your biggest success today? 2:00 The family that I have, my husband and my three children, and the effort, time, love, and specification that goes into just seeing them grow. What would you say has been your greatest challenges that you may have accounted on your way to success? 2:45 Learning how to be true to yourself, having that integrity, and not falling under pressure. Follow your instincts. Listen to what works for you, whether that spirituality where you have a relationship with God where he’s not going to scare you astray or if it’s just that inner voice of telling I have your back. What have you taken to triumph over your challenges? 4:24 A lot of inner reflection. Being able to have that support system and protocol, balancing so much and still being able to care for yourself and look out for what’s best for you and your family. What would you say is missing between where you are and where you are next? 5:55 I would love to see more resources for women to support each other more so than lash out at each other type of mentality where opportunities are scared. We feel what we have to hold our ground and prevent anybody else from achieving that same success. We should not be intimidated or threatened by a black woman that is shining as much as you are. You should be empowering because we’re more powerful together. Are you being mentored/coached? 8:35 Yes, I am. They have been great resources to me where I’m so obsessed about complacency where I’m constantly trying to challenge myself and to generally improve. Final thoughts 12:21 Women actually make the best leader in my opinion. We have the empathy, we have the intellect, we have the analytical ability, we have the ability to multi-task. I would just encourage women, to take a chance on yourself and just yourself. We”re so afraid of failure or more second-guessing ourselves and I would implore to women to still go after those opportunities and pursue them. And even if she fell, there’s so much to learn from failure. Key Quotes: 7:33-7:36 “The more we know, the better that we’re going to do collectively.” 13:43-13:49 “Even if we’re qualified for the opportunity, we still judge ourselves twice as much over as men do.” Never miss an episode! Make sure you subscribe, like and share my YouTube Channel! Also, check out my Podcast Lead Limitlessly with Dr. Sarah Langley: Check out my website and products: Follow me on Social Media: Keyword: Success, Opportunities, Encourage, Challenges  Hashtags: #pursueopportunities #encourageselfandothers #successisachoice --- Support this podcast:
Apr 26, 2021
16 min
LEAD LIMITLESSLY INTERVIEW: Be an Exceptional Leader with Kishma George
Keywords: Kingdom Investments, Delaware, foster care hashtags: #leadership #coaching How does leadership reflect in your life? How do you empower and create a difference in the lives of different people? In this episode of Lead Limitlessly podcast, Dr. Sarah Langley has invited Dr. Kishma George, the President and CEO of Kingdom Investments in Single Hearts (K.I.S.H. HOME, INC.) as she shares her mission to make an impact in the lives of girls & women in Delaware, as well as those young women who are presently in, or have aged out of the foster care system. Join us in this episode and together let’s get inspired on how Dr. George has made a difference in the lives of people through her leadership and great vision on what she is doing. Episode Timeline What do you do? 1:30 We empower women and young girls and helping them to become great world changers, helping them find their identity and purpose. We have an transitional home, that we help young ladies who are homeless, who have aged out of foster care system to transition into their own place, and to have faith transition from foster care into another safe haven place. Definition of Success 4:00 When you have a dream and you complete the assignment. How many people show up. It doesn't matter how many likes you get on Facebook success of actually completing the tasks, the job that she was supposed to complete, and making a difference in the lives of so many different people. Definition of Leadership 4:10 Leadership is someone who knows the way and is able to see other people. They're able to pull other people and have them get to their destiny and to their journey as well as actually helping someone get to their destination. What are the challenges you've encountered on your road to success? 10:15 Learning how to be patient and how to wait. Because it's like a cake, I can't eat the cake. While it’s still in the making. It will not be tasty and it will not serve its purpose. I had to learn that everything that I went through I have to go through a process and with that process at the end of the day is going to help me to fulfill and to be successful in the dream that God has placed us. I have to remember to stay focused. Key Quotes 4:30-4:50 “Many people they may reach the top and then forget the people at the bottom but a great leader is the one that shows the wind knows the wind and helps you get to the way you're supposed to be in destiny.” 5:40-5:50 “God always ordered your steps and the things that you go through the things that you enjoy in life is to get you to that place called destiny. Never miss an episode! Make sure you subscribe, like and share my podcast! Check out my website and products: Follow me on Social Media: Also, go to my Youtube and subscribe: --- Support this podcast:
Apr 19, 2021
17 min
LEAD LIMITLESSLY INTERVIEW: How to Create Your Own Success with Monica McCoy
KEY WORDS: inner peace, journaling, Monica Motivates HASHTAGS: #motivation #inspiration #positivity Do you wake up every day with a sense of fulfillment because you are living life authentically and with purpose? What gives you inner peace and joy? In this episode of Lead Limitlessly podcast, Dr. Sarah Langley talks with Monica MacCoy, a global speaker, executive coach, business-driven strategic consultant, and the founder of Monica Motivates. Let’s get ready for great dialogue with Monica as she shares the importance of accepting our failures and letting go of our ego to fully embrace our authentic selves and be in a state of inner peace and joy, and live a life with purpose that makes a difference in the life of others. Episode Timeline Define success 3:13 My definition of success is if you have inner peace and inner joy, it will cause you to be in that state of inner peace and inner joy. Many individuals, unfortunately, get caught up in their ego. Success is when you can wake up each day and say that you're walking in your purpose that you truly can look in the mirror and say that I love this person that I see in the mirror. 4:00 I walked away from a very lucrative corporate job and executive title, but knew that in my heart, that I want it to be more aligned with my purpose, and to really do what I was called to do in this life. What challenges have you encountered on your road to success? 9:00 So, the challenges that I have encountered are really being okay with except the failure. In my 20s I was the perfectionist to the extreme, everything had to be perfect. When you get to a point in life, where you learn that failure actually becomes one of your biggest champions. 13:30 Most people are struggling with their authentic selves and struggling with accepting failure. And when you learn that your ego is truly the one that is driving you to want to be shameful of failure, you learn to put that ego in check and understand that all you ever have is the present moment. And all you can ever do is enjoy each moment. Whether things around you're going as planned or whether it's in complete turmoil. You got to find that light, find that that whisper and find that just that clue from the universe about how to move forward and how to keep going. Key Quotes 8:45-9:10 “You learn that failure actually becomes one of your biggest champions, one of your biggest teachers, and one of your biggest propellers forward. You're going to see that even in the midst of adversity you will become stronger.” 12:40-12:58 “Take time each day to write down three good things that happened. In the midst of the struggles, in the midst of the disappointments, of the failures, always know that in any darkness there's always light. And through any failure on the other side is triumph. So, appreciate the moments in the valleys as much as you appreciate walking on top of the mountains.” Check out my website and products: Follow me on Social Media: Also, go to my Youtube and subscribe: --- Support this podcast:
Apr 12, 2021
31 min
LEAD LIMITLESSLY INTERVIEW: How to balance leadership, success and motherhood with Brigitta Hoeferle
Keywords: Leadership, Motherhood, Balance, Success Tags: #success #motherhood #leadership In this episode of Lead Limitlessly podcast, Dr. Sarah Langley talks with Brigitta Hoeferle to share her knowledge about leadership, success, and at the same time being a passionate mother of two beautiful kids and being a wife! Episode Timeline: Who is Brigitta Hoeferle? 00:58 She is an entrepreneur and passionate about people, assisting people to communicate in a very efficient way. She has been called buyology master, called a listening master helping others to understand what is it that they are listening for. She is also a communications major by communications degree, her master’s degree. She is a passionate mother of two fantastic girls. A master of cultural and diversity communication. She is a certified MLP trainer and also certified bank trainer. How would you define Leadership? 3:13 The term leadership is leading by example. Being a model and a leader that continues on a consistent and persistent basis to learn. When learning ends, the leadership ends. Having an incredible balance of humanity and expertise, being expert at one thing. What characteristics does a leader has? 4:22 Learn more and never stop from learning so that the constant desire to know more being tapped into their own vulnerability and allowing to be vulnerable with others. 5:20 A leader also has the yearning to want to learn more and continues to learn more on a regular basis and there is never enough learning. A leader also takes massive action and creates an incredible structure and creates stability for their team for them to grow and for them to be vulnerable and for them to take action. Define success 6:10 Success is defined by the individual person and the individual leadership. And their success can be very small. 7:08 Success is really in the eyes of the team and of the leader what success is. For me, success is I set a goal. I take massive action on the goal and I go not just to the goal but through the goal and I have the outcome of something greater from what I have anticipated, exceeding of the goal. --- Support this podcast:
Apr 5, 2021
18 min
LEAD LIMITLESSLY INTERVIEW: Passion Leads To Successful Entrepreneurship with Esther Wildenburg
Wildenberg, Napoleon Hill, Don Miguel Ruiz #success #selfhelpbooks #gratitude In this episode of Lead Limitlessly podcast, Dr. Sarah Langley invites Esther Wildenberg and they will take about the Hills and Valleys of Wildenberg. Esther Wildenberg originates from Amsterdam, Netherlands. She is the president and co-founder and owner of BANKCODE. Don’t know what to do but you have the burning interest to pursue what you want? The problem is, most people start something and they quit in less than 90 days. Ester believes that everybody has an unlimited potential of doing everything with patience. Esther Wildenberg will explain to you on how to find all the pieces come together and have that inner peace that will eventually lead you to success. So c’mon join us today! Episode Timeline What is your definition of success? 2:00 My success comes from having the balance that I found between very successful in business with also very heavy in my relationship and in my friendship and being healthy. I have many challenges in my life and in every area. Success is coming from finding all these pieces together and having inner peace. Readers: Advise to moving forward, getting over hurdles. 10:39 Most importantly is that you when you don't take action you will stay where you are today. So, you have to decide the toughest step is the first step. And then decide what you really want to do with something and then taking that first step and then the risk becomes easier and easier the more steps you're gonna take. I really want people to tap into their inner power and take time to be silent and quiet and go on a retreat or sit on the top of a hill or just be with themselves and get not distracted what people are saying to them or telling them what to do. Books to look into the library 18:10 1. Cheri Tree: Why They Buy (Good for business but also for relationships in general) 2. Don Miguel Ruiz: The Four Agreements 3. Napoleon Hill: Think and Grow Rich 4. Stephen Covey: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Key Quotes: 4:50-5:02 “If you don't feel it in your core in your soul, then it's draining, and you just do it for a paycheck or because you don't know what else to do. But you have to find that little, little diamond inside of you what you want to bring to the world.” 6:38-6:42 “I realized when you are really focused and you really want something, you can do.” 9:30-9:35 “Everything that happens to you whether small or something big, it's the meaning you give to it and what you believe you can do with it.” 15:50-15:56 “Sometimes you have to suffer in one area to get success in another area. But you always have to keep in mind that you need all areas in your life, there's not just one” Never miss an episode! Make sure you subscribe, like and share my podcast! Check out my website and products: Follow me on Social Media: Also, go to my Youtube and subscribe: --- Support this podcast:
Mar 29, 2021
22 min
LEAD LIMITLESSLY INTERVIEW: How To Live a Happy and Abundant Life with CeCe Clark
keywords: women in business, happiness, abundance #womeninbusiness #personaldevelopment #goals Never miss an episode! Make sure you subscribe, like and share my podcast! Lead Limitless channel with Dr. Sarah Langley: Check out my website and products: Follow me on Social Media: Also, go to my Youtube and subscribe: --- Support this podcast:
Mar 22, 2021
49 min
LEAD LIMITLESSLY INTERVIEW: Live Every Day Like A Champion with Cheri Tree
Keywords: BANK Code hashtags: #womenleaders #womenleadership #psychology In this episode of Lead Limitlessly podcast, Dr. Sarah Langley talks with Cheri Tree. She is the Founder and CEO at BANK CODE. They will talk about the Hills and Valleys of Cheri Tree. With our podcast, we aim to guest the leaders from diverse backgrounds who have all the answers to all of your challenges. Cheri Tree cracked the code on how to make money in just lesser time. In this way, you will have more time for you family. If you think and feel that you have imbalanced life and you want to balance and correct it, Cheri Tree would love to be able to share her knowledge and expertise! C’mon and listen to this podcast episode! Episode Timeline What is your definition of success? 2:00 Success comes in many forms and it's not just financial. Success is having a life where you're happy and living in balance and fulfilling your purpose. It's being healthy and fit so that you can live long. And it's having your finances in order so that you can enjoy the boundaries of life without feeling stressed. Suggestions for the lady leaders? 13:10 One of the things that I discovered along the way that allowed me to experience phenomenal success was figuring out a better way to do things. 16:12 Do it in full authenticity and transparency with my customers to serve way more clients. And to help them get what they want, which automatically gave me more of what I wanted. And that code that I cracked, I ended up developing it into a full-blown training program. Is there anything that's missing? 18:00 The whole key and the foundation for me was realizing that I needed and deserve to live a life that was imbalanced. Doing things that reward you for hard work because all work and no play is not fun and who wants to work that hard. So being in balance, eating healthy, and having exercise are some of the common basics. 22:12 You have to seek after mentors and coaches and people who are further ahead than you that are living the life that you want to live and seek after them and be willing to pay for their advice. Key Quotes 15:56- 16:03 “The only thing they should be focused on that, that impacts the bottom line is understanding why they buy.” 17:32-17:42 “I focused every day on happy, healthy, wealthy and doing at least two things a day in each category.” Never miss an episode! Make sure you subscribe, like and share my podcast! Check out my website and products: Follow me on Social Media: Also, go to my Youtube and subscribe: --- Support this podcast:
Mar 15, 2021
23 min
· keywords: self sabotage, bankable · hashtags: #profit, #bankable, #failure What does it mean to BE BANKABLE? 00:52 For me, it makes sense of the word, not just financially and not just in well, but it helped in his spirit in mind to be profitable. 02:26 It should be merely been just revamping or maybe for you to reinvent yourself or it may be merely to reprioritize your, so it is a matter of exploring and trying to get that core. 02:49 We may self-sabotage. Self-sabotage means that we set things up whether consciously or unconsciously to set ourselves up for failure. 05:30 Be profitable, mind, body, and spirit. Be profitable you first that network. Never miss an episode! Make sure you subscribe, like and share my podcast! Lead Limitless channel with Dr. Sarah Langley: Check out my website and products: Follow me on Social Media: Also, go to my Youtube and subscribe: --- Support this podcast:
Mar 8, 2021
8 min
· keywords: boundless, · hashtags: #bankable, #inspiration, #change What does it mean to be boundless? 01:49 To me, boundless means, there’s no bound. It’s so simple as to think about What is limiting you? DO NOT DO 03:22 We don’t have options. We’re going to default to what we know Don’ts that you should not due when it comes to being boundless 03:49 Make sure that you do not play small. Do not compare yourself to others. Key quote 04:36 “Don’t measure yourself to someone else’s music measure or home.” Never miss an episode! Make sure you subscribe, like and share my podcast! Lead Limitless channel with Dr. Sarah Langley: Check out my website and products: Follow me on Social Media: Also, go to my Youtube and subscribe: --- Support this podcast:
Mar 1, 2021
7 min
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