Faith Is My Evidence // Ep. 04 The Apostolic Vangelist
02:06 - The two operations of faith
09:30 - All is vanity
10:35 - Pastor Spencer Jordan’s journey of faith
19:48 - Upon this rock will I build
37:05 - The three seasons
40:10 - Logic isn’t my evidence
41:40 - Jordon’s journey of faith
50:18 - The cycle of faith
53:26 - Build your own pulpit
56:16 - You are not a leader to build your following
1:02:00 - The importance of next steps
Full Video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/c2OjnhSrvV0
In this episode, I sit down and talk with Pastor Spencer Jordan about what it means for faith to be the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Faith is something we talk about often in our movement but how does it work on a practical level throughout the day-to-day of the seasons in our lives?
Faith has two main operations. It keeps you throughout the season you are in by providing a foundation for your true reality. It then acts as your evidence through signs and indications that it is time for you to step into the next season of your life. Even when logic says the timing is wrong. Faith as your evidence may be saying the timing couldn’t get any better.
Pastor Spencer Jordan shares his journey of taking a leap of faith even when the timing seemed ill-logical. As he stepped out and used faith as his evidence—God began to open doors to new buildings and new facilities as the congregation continues to grow. I share my journey and the signs that God placed in my life in preparation for quitting my job and buying a van. Before I ever used faith as my evidence, I was using faith as my substance. Now that I’ve taken this step, I am once again using faith as my reality even when I don’t understand my situation.
// Find our full length shows on Youtube and the podcast on iTunes Podcasts and Soundcloud! //
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jordonpfrye
iTunes Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-apostolic-vangelist/id1403550055?mt=2
Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/jordonpfrye
The Apostolic Vangelist
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. // Proverbs 27:17 // Regardless of organizational affiliations, skin color, accent, or personal preferences—we are all one body of Christ. When the body of Christ comes together in unity, we are able to more effectively reach this world.v
Sep 5, 2018
1 hr 3 min

A Responsibility to Create // Ep. 03 The Apostolic Vangelist
05:29 - A world addicted to consumption
10:35 - The fastest growing movement in Christianity
20:08 - Isogetical vs Exegetical
22:55 - The Overton Window
26:00 - Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater
27:40 - Handing over the baton
28:28 - Creative (n) vs Creative (adj) / Consumption and creation
30:10 - Steven’s journey from consumption to creation
34:39 - Jordon’s journey from consumption to creation
39:31 - The Apostolic church has a responsibility to create
45:32 - If you are called you have a responsibility to…
47:17 - Steven’s book recommendations
52:26 - Jordon’s book recommendations
59:26 - The big 3 responsibilities
In this episode, I sit down and talk with Steven Gill about what it means to intentionally dedicate yourself to study, intentional consumption, and embracing our God-given responsibility to create and spread the Gospel of Jesus.
Steven’s Book Recommendations
- I Asked For Wonder by Abraham Joshua Heschel
- Words That Hurt, Words That Heal by Joseph Telushkin
- What a Difference a Line Can Make by Larry L. Booker
- Worth It by Nicole M Arnold (Soto)
Jordon’s Book Recommendations
- Saying It Well by Charles R Swindoll
- The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
- Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon
Find our full length shows on Youtube and the podcast on iTunes Podcasts and Soundcloud!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jordonpfrye
iTunes Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-apostolic-vangelist/id1403550055?mt=2
Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/jordonpfrye
The Apostolic Vangelist
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. // Proverbs 27:17 // Regardless of organizational affiliations, skin color, accent, or personal preferences—we are all one body of Christ. When the body of Christ comes together in unity, we are able to more effectively reach this world.
Aug 29, 2018
1 hr 1 min

Effective Campus Ministry // Ep. 02 The Apostolic Vangelist
01:05 - Back into the swing of things
02:45 - Mental and spiritual preparation
03:50 - Meeting structure
06:15 - The necessity of worship on campus
07:20 - The first point of contact
09:05 - 7 tips to effective campus ministry
In this episode, I sit down and talk with the ALJC CMI Director, Samuel Vaughn, about how to have an effective campus ministry going into the new semester this fall.
At CMI Awakening 2018, Bro Joe Campatella challenged us with 7 commitments to run a more effective campus ministry. If you and your team will take these commitments to heart, I promise you will see results and reap the harvest that comes from intentional sowing on your campus.
1. This semester I will fast at least (X) times per week for my campus revival.
2. I will pray at least (X) minutes every day for my campus revival.
3. I will start at least (X) conversations every day on campus
4. I will pass out at least (X) fliers every week on campus.
5. I will do at least (X) random acts of kindness a week on campus.
6. I will invite (X) students to CMI every week on campus.
7. I will teach (X) Bible studies each week.
Find our full length shows on Youtube and the podcast on iTunes Podcasts and Soundcloud!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jordonpfrye
iTunes Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t...
Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/jordonpfrye
The Apostolic Vangelist
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. // Proverbs 27:17 // Regardless of organizational affiliations, skin color, accent, or personal preferences—we are all one body of Christ. When the body of Christ comes together in unity, we are able to more effectively reach this world.
Aug 22, 2018
11 min

Social Media & The Church // Ep. 01
In this episode, I sit down and talk with Nate Roberts II about social media's influence on the church and the church's influence on social media.
We discuss tactics and strategies that your organization, your church, or even you personally can use to spread the gospel in the digital world while increasing engagement and having fun.
Nate is the Youth Pastor at Pentecostal Lighthouse Church in Wilson, NC and also serves as the ALJC NC Youth President, and is the National Social Media Director for the Apostolic Crusaders.
Find our full length shows on Youtube and the podcast on iTunes Podcasts and Soundcloud!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/jordonpfrye
iTunes Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-apostolic-vangelist/id1403550055?mt=2
Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/jordonpfrye
The Apostolic Vangelist
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. // Proverbs 27:17 // Regardless of organizational affiliations, skin color, accent, or personal preferences—we are all one body of Christ. When the body of Christ comes together in unity, we are able to more effectively reach this world.
Aug 15, 2018
42 min