Guests: Peter Brooks, Heritage Foundation, Iran, Israel, China. Topics today: VAT Tax, WH response and The Tea Party under fire again.
Apr 22, 2010
2 hr

Guests: Cody Willard, Fox Business on Goldman and "Corporate Bailouts" in the second hour and a look at the White House fuzzy math on jobs. In the first hour small rant on angels in our lives and a quick look at the Goldman/WH connections.
Apr 21, 2010
2 hr

Guests: Former Asst US Attny and law professor Barbara Vicevich on current SOCTUS cases and Scott Bates, Center for National Policy and middle east expert. Join Jim Vicevich (from RadioViceOnline.com) as he discusses politics and events of the day with nationally recognized guests. Jim's show - generally with a libertarian and conservative view - takes your calls too!
Apr 20, 2010
2 hr

Guest: John Hinderaker from Power Line Blog and your calls. We missed John on Friday, but he's calling in today. Learn more about the Jim Vicevich Show at http://radioviceonline.com.
Apr 19, 2010
2 hr

Your calls about TEA Party gatherings across the country! Learn more about the Jim Vicevich Show at http://radioviceonline.com.
Apr 16, 2010
2 hr

Special Guest: David John from The Heritage Foundation. Join us as we get to the bottom of the "Dodd Bill" that would regulate financial institutions and hand more power to the White House to determine just who is too big to fail. Learn more about the Jim Vicevich Show at http://radioviceonline.com.
Apr 15, 2010
2 hr

Guests - Ed Morrissey from Hot Air and Scott Bates from the Center for National Policy.
Join Jim Vicevich (from RadioViceOnline.com) as he discusses politics and events of the day with nationally recognized guests. Jim's show - generally with a libertarian and conservative view - takes your calls too!
Republitarian by nature (see Larry Elder, KABC), Jim has more than 20 years experience in broadcast television. With six Emmy nominations and three Telly Awards, Jim worked as a business and financial reporter for NBC30 the NBC owned TV station in Hartford. In addition Jim worked as business editor at WFSB-TV in Hartford for 14 years.
Apr 14, 2010
2 hr

Join Jim Vicevich (from RadioViceOnline.com) as he discusses politics and events of the day with nationally recognized guests. Jim's show - generally with a libertarian and conservative view - takes your calls too!
Republitarian by nature (see Larry Elder, KABC), Jim has more than 20 years experience in broadcast television. With six Emmy nominations and three Telly Awards, Jim worked as a business and financial reporter for NBC30 the NBC owned TV station in Hartford. In addition Jim worked as business editor at WFSB-TV in Hartford for 14 years.
Apr 12, 2010
2 hr