The Jasmine Star Show
The Jasmine Star Show
Jasmine Star
3 Tactical Tips For Turning Followers Into Customers This Holiday Season
26 minutes Posted Nov 7, 2019 at 12:00 am.
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It’s tempting to think your business will be lost in a sea of social media posts this holiday season.

People are being sold to at every turn and they’re going to have to decide where to swipe their credit card. So how do you get your business to stand out amongst the rest of the juicy offers? 

If selling around the holidays feels like trying to make conversation at the dinner table with your awkward uncle… then boo, this episode is for you! 

>>The best way to combat the holiday stress is to have a plan for selling on social.<<

Click play to hear my 3 tips for turning followers into customers during the holidays.

So if you’re with me, let’s pop this holiday promotion season wide open like a bottle of eggnog!

Read the show notes for this episode >>HERE!<<

Register NOW for my upcoming masterclass, How to Plan, Create and Execute a MONTH of Social Media Posts in ONE Day.  By the end of this LIVE online class, you’ll go from feeling overwhelmed, stuck, and confused about your social media strategy to knowing exactly how to use social media to grow your business and get sales.