The Intimate Lifestyle Podcast

The Intimate Lifestyle

Ryan Thomas
Bringing balance to men’s inner warrior and lover energies. If a sword is too hard, it becomes brittle and it shatters. Too soft, and the sword bends in half. The samurai sword is the perfect combination of hard and soft metals. In the same way, in order for a man to have an incredibly fulfilling relationship and amazing sex, he needs to learn to find that balance of hard and soft inside himself. As a result, he becomes magnetically attractive as the perfect balance of a lover and a warrior. This show uses several modalities and topics to help men cultivate that inner balance, in order to get the relationship and sex life they desire.
EP163: Double Dad Drama - Father Wound EP 4/5
In this series of interviews, I talk to men who have healed their, previously horrible, relationship to their father.   Children who grow up without fathers tend to have more mental health issues, more rates of suicide, more issues in school (higher drop out rates), and a whole slew of other issues.   It's undebatable the importance of our fathers. Unfortunately, many men have either grown up with an abusive or absent father. Naturally, this creates distance between them and their dad, along with resentment, distrust, anger and sadness.   I wanted to speak with men who had gone through their pain, and healed their relationships with their fathers.    This episode shares the story of Dave Weale. His biological dad left when he was a child, and his step-father was his dad. Dave, a men's coach in Vancouver, talks about how he met his biological father. He also shares how his relationship with his step-father has improved over the years.    If you'd like to reach out to Dave, you can find him on Facebook, and that's where you can find his show about psychedelics!    If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Nov 27, 2020
1 hr 2 min
EP162: My Distant Father - Father Wound EP 3/5
In this series of interviews, I talk to men who have healed their, previously horrible, relationship to their father.   Children who grow up without fathers tend to have more mental health issues, more rates of suicide, more issues in school (higher drop out rates), and a whole slew of other issues.   It's undebatable the importance of our fathers. Unfortunately, many men have either grown up with an abusive or absent father. Naturally, this creates distance between them and their dad, along with resentment, distrust, anger and sadness.   I wanted to speak with men who had gone through their pain, and healed their relationships with their fathers.    This episode shares the story of a man, Sam Gray, who had a distant relationship with his dad, even though his father was home. Counterintuitively, even though he lived with his dad, his relationship was quite distant.   If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Nov 13, 2020
40 min
EP161: Constant Conflict with My Dad - Father Wound Ep 2/5
In this series of interviews, I talk to men who have healed their, previously horrible, relationship to their father.   Children who grow up without fathers tend to have more mental health issues, more rates of suicide, more issues in school (higher drop out rates), and a whole slew of other issues.   It's undebatable the importance of our fathers. Unfortunately, many men have either grown up with an abusive or absent father. Naturally, this creates distance between them and their dad, along with resentment, distrust, anger and sadness.   I wanted to speak with men who had gone through their pain, and healed their relationships with their fathers.    This episode shares the story of a man, Max Dabrowski, who constantly had conflicts and arguments with his "old school" father. And now, they're.....well...listen in and find out.   If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Oct 30, 2020
39 min
EP160: My Father Abandoned Me - Father Wound Ep 1/5
In this series of interviews, I talk to men who have healed their, previously horrible, relationship to their father.   Children who grow up without fathers tend to have more mental health issues, more rates of suicide, more issues in school (higher drop out rates), and a whole slew of other issues.   It's undebatable the importance of our fathers. Unfortunately, many men have either grown up with an abusive or absent father. Naturally, this creates distance between them and their dad, along with resentment, distrust, anger and sadness.   I wanted to speak with men who had gone through their pain, and healed their relationships with their fathers.    This episode shares the stories of men who grew up with varying relationships with their fathers, the emotional turmoil they struggled with, and how they reached a healthier relationship them. If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Oct 23, 2020
56 min
EP159: Warrior VS Lover, King VS Magician
This episode is all about the King, Warrior, Magician, Lover archetypes. Every man has a King in him. And a Warrior, and a Magician and a Lover. If one of these "energies" is being neglected, it will sabotage your life, perhaps through procrastination on work projects. Or avoidance of hard conversations or a lot of relationship breakups.  When you understand which of your archetypes is being neglected, you can bring yourself back to balance and into your natural power. If you enjoy deep psychological work, Jungian psychology, and getting into what makes each of us tick as men, then this is up your alley.  If you'd like Jeevan to run a constellation for you and your friends or men's group, then you can reach him here: To book in with him, you can go here. If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Oct 16, 2020
1 hr 41 min
EP158: How To Get An Authentic Connection
Do you ever really like someone, and then get all nervous and weird? Do you ever feel like you lose your sense of self when trying to date? Here's a skill that I've learned to help build a genuine connection with someone, without having to suppress any feelings of nervousness. If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Oct 2, 2020
18 min
EP158: Opening Up to Authentic Connections
Many people put on a mask when they make a new friend, or start dating someone. They assume that wearing a mask is the same as being private. But that's not true. You can still be you, but not disclose information about your thoughts or your feelings. If you wear a mask, you're attempting to lie to the other person, trying to control their perception of you by telling them you're something other than who you are.  Wearing a mask will always result in feeling unfulfilled. Even if you get what you want, you'll never feel truly seen or truly loved. If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Oct 2, 2020
18 min
EP157: Feminine Submission to Masculine Leadership
This was a juicy episode with Gillian Pothier. Gillian is a depth psychologist with advanced immersion in Jungian and Archetypal psychology. Gillian specializes in the masculine/feminine relationship and how, in order to maintain deep passion in a relationship, there needs to be hierarchy. For instance, that hierarchy states that the man (the masculine) leads, and the woman (the feminine) submits. At first glance, this seems archaic in thinking but, when you listen to Gillian, she speaks not of subservient, disempowered women. Rather, she speaks of honour, and how women can honour men (the masculine) and vice versa. But, in order for us to do so, we need to accept our energetic differences. That means that one person, energetically, is going to be the leader (the masculine), and the other the follower (the feminine. Typically the woman). It's in our differences as men and women that we can compliment one another. If we're the same, there's nothing to compliment. But, when we give up some of our power to the other person, that can be triggering, because it's vulnerable. But it's that vulnerability that brings us closer together.  This episode won't suit everyone. If you like what Gillian speaks of, you can find her here and here. If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Sep 25, 2020
1 hr 42 min
EP156: How To Release Emotions
First and foremost, as a disclaimer, if you're looking for emotional healing, go to a trained therapist and/or counsellor.  Coaches can help moving forward in life, but a coach can't replace therapists/counsellors. the best combination is to work with a coach and a therapist in tandem. If you can't afford either, then this episode will give you a start in your emotional healing journey. I've had a lot of people ask "How can I get rid of negative emotions?" There are many ways one go about doing this on their own. This episode is a start to that answer. If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Sep 11, 2020
19 min
EP155: The Impact of Not Taking a (emotional) Shit
A crude example, with a tinge of anger, but a necessary lesson for those people sitting on the fence about going to therapy/counselling/coaching.  If you're interested in some one on one coaching support with me, go here, and let's set up a discovery call and have a conversation.  This episode is sponsored by Let's Get Checked. Want to get your Testosterone checked? Or an STI check? Go to and use the Coupon Code HeathyYou2020 for 20% off any hormone test kit. 
Sep 4, 2020
15 min
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