The Iced Coffee Hour
The Iced Coffee Hour
Graham Stephan/Jack Selby
via Podcasts
Hone in your knowledge with the Iced Coffee Hour
The content on this page is phenomenal. Outstanding guest speakers from all walks of life, speaking on topics that we all question as we become wiser in our age. If you want to learn and expand your box listen to this podcast!
The 4 AmiGos
Since the youtube days.
Love this show. Love graham. Love jack. Everything is perfect, sometimes graham goes on a real estate rant for 10 min but i still love him. The show came a long way. Great new guests btw
Jared B Peterson
The show is lacking… life experience?
I tried listening to this show, and only made it halfway through an episode before deciding it was not for me. This wasn’t due to the abundance of ads either. The TLDR of my review is that the hosts don’t seem to have a lot of life experience and the podcast is annoying to listen to. The podcast tries to set a casual, but semi-intellectual tone. However, there’s something I can’t put my finger on with these hosts. I’m not sure how old they are, but the line of questioning they have with their guest (it was a political commentator) felt really poor. I’m not one to go off of feelings alone, but my gut told me these two don’t have a ton of life experience interacting with regular people. It’s almost like they missed the retail/service industry/manual labor jobs that most people, even upper middle class kids, go through as they grow into independent adults. My only caveat is that these guys might be younger than they look, because one was still referencing his experience in high school as if it was fresh in his mind. At best these guys seem like they are young, dumb, low-information interviewers who are genuinely curious about their guests’ opinions. In the middle, they’re concern trolls with set opinions making a buck off of their guests, drawing in audiences hungry for YouTube drama. At worst, they’re cynical twenty-five year olds from the venture capital or finance world, and they’re seizing on a media opportunity, making as much as they can by interviewing as many controversial guests as possible. All in all, it just makes for a bad podcast and an annoying listen.
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PTF off
Sam and Colby
Loved that sooooooo much! Please invite them moreeeeee they are so amazinggggg!
The answer to your fitness questions
I love you guys & your content! Some of the best interviewers out there! I think you should get the Mind Pump guys on your show; Sal, Adam, & Justin. Check out their podcast if you haven’t already. They’ve changed the fitness game & based off some of your personal questions, I think you’d love them!!
Not a fun listen
The editing is too sporadic and choppy, feels like you’re listening to a TikTok influencer video the whole time. First episode I listened to had 5 different ads in the first 20 minutes and no warning as to when they were coming up. Really liked the person they had on and I listen to his other podcast too so I really wanted to listen to the whole thing. The whole thing was honestly a mess from the start. Clearly the hosts are only about clickbait and making money, not about presenting a clear and thoughtful conversation with value to the listener.
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Great Content. Hard to Hear.
I enjoy the content of the podcast; however, I have to max out my volume just to hear it. If I watch the same episode on YouTube, I can listen to it at normal volume levels. I can’t really recommend the podcast on Apple Podcast until this issue is fixed.
Koshiro Shepski
I love the podcast but..
Please up the volume. When I listen to it whether it headphones or driving in the car the volume it’s always so low. Either speak closer to the microphones or turn the volume up. Please. I love listening to you guys just the volume is a problem.
Ads are destroying the pod!
Geez I’m sorry but the ads make the pod unlistenable. 27 minutes into a 2 hour pod and already FIVE ADS!!!
Love the pod
One of my favorite podcasts for sure!
ljklj; j
Love the Podcast (On YouTube, not Apple podcast)
Great podcast overall, I watch/listen to it on YouTube. The audio seems to be fine on YouTube but whenever I have to listen to it on Apple podcast, the audio is just flat out bad. Very quiet to the point I have to turn it up to max volume and still can’t hear well, while some parts I get irritated because I have it on max and someone shouts or the volume suddenly increases dramatically. Would love for you guys to look into the audio on Apple podcast! Keep doing great!
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I’ve listened to podcasts where the host knows how to interview the guests in a way where their knowledge really shines through. In these recent episodes the hosts spend the whole time projecting their beliefs and where they disagree with the guest. It really kills the flow of conversation.
Brandon D94
Holy f
Are they trying to break a record for how many ads can be squeezed into a podcast?
Going in the wrong direction
This was a good podcast back when the regular guests were people like Shelby Church and Jeremy what’s his name. But I’ve been super off put by the roster of right wing extremists. Also disappointed in Graham (and even more so) Jack’s lack of social responsibility…. They avoid important topics like the plague but have no problem parading around Ben Shapiro and other misogynists…I don’t get it. I have also taken a step back from all the Graham Stephan & Fam’s YouTube channels and sponsored products. (I ALWAYS supported… the coffee, the bank, Macy’s channel, sent stuff to PO Box, etc... but I can’t in good conscience do it anymore.) Don’t make the same mistakes as Meet Kevin and ruin your credibility. Good luck.
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Harmful Content
A recent interview with Jason Oppenheim features a “research study” that perpetuates the harmful stereotype that people with facial differences do not experience discrimination in the work place. In a social media post to promote the podcast, they feature a photo of a woman that was posted without her consent. This is unacceptable. At the very least, the post should be removed.
Maddie Adams
Good podcast but too right leaning
I really enjoyed this podcast when I first started listening, but in the last 6 or so months it has taken a turn I’m not really okay with. I’ve noticed the host only really highlights big named conservative guests. There hasn’t been that counterpoint or counterbalance in that comes from having guests with different standpoints. I think it could be improved. There ~must~ be a liberal somewhere who have interesting financial/life journeys to share.
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So grateful for this show!
Love the questions and content! Found this podcast on YouTube because I'm into Graham Stephen's financial advice. Jack's questions are on point and make the interviews truly pop! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gone down hill
This podcast was great but has started to go down hill. Especially with its choice of guests recently.
Podcast went from discussing financial topics to interviewing big names in the YouTube and social media space that will just grab attention from right wing incels
Love when he had Ben, Brett, and Mai on! He is balanced and looks at both sides of an argument! Truely a man with integrity and good advice!
Alarming financial advice
This “financial advice” misses fails to touch on countless important investment risks and was alarming to listen to. Graham sounds like he took an investments 101 class and is selling those ideas as revolutionary. Listeners be warned.
What is this absolute drivel?
Latest episode with the Jonah Hill simps are hilariously childish. Grow up.
Big Fan
Been listing to Graham since he first got started on YouTube. Really enjoy this podcast with Jack.
Lowercase dave
On being a young parent
I just started to listen to you guys and I’m loving it! Keep up the great work. Recently in an episode with Brett Cooper you guys talked about being parents and from someone who was married at 26 and I know have 2 kids before I’m going to be 30…. Man it is awesome. There is LITERALLY nothing like being a father. It is the absolute best (and most draining thing ever!) who cares if I don’t get to travel the world, instead I have a wonderful wife who I can trust and she can trust me and two little boys who have taught me more about joy and living and patience and what it actually means to be a man than anything or anyone else. All those gigs chads who talk about how to be an alpha male just need to have kids and spend time with them… that is what really makes you a true man or woman. You don’t really know what life is until you’ve had them. Our goal was to have our kids early so that we can spend time with them and enjoy life and learn from them! Yes it’s hard but it’s doubly worth it. (By the way I am a full time student and also work full time as a software engineer. I also am trying to start my own company based on building apps that will actually help benefit society)
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Great pod
I enjoy this pod a lot. Some of my favorite guests thus far are Jennette McCurdy, Michelle Khare , and Paddy Galloway. Thanks for the content!
Graham is a scam artist and provides good info
Graham does goo research and breaks down info into short understandable videos on otherwise long and confusing topics. But he is a scammer trying to get others to make him rich … selling people on ftx and bankroll Coffee … mediocre tasting at best … Folgers. BEat it in every taste test His girl hooked up with my friend in a bar bathroom - good luck with that one He is a scammer … he is a SBF repeat … I saw the YouTube comment how he should use his initials GPS since he guides people into failure
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Thank you for bringing in Tai Lopez
Thank you Graham and Jack for bringing on Tai Lopez. Always learn something new when listening to him, such as how important it is to have a proper ratio of the Good Life: Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness. Along with how dangerous the extremes on the internet are becoming and how platforms are unintentionally promoting them. Also the sun in Vegas does not give you enough Vitamin D, that was interesting as well. One question that would’ve been interesting is Tai’s and Graham’s take on real estate.
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Horrible financial advice. Watch out for this guy
Great Podcast!!!
Really great show about YouTube creators and a few other interesting people as well. Production is top notch. Jack and Graham have great chemistry…Alex adds a good element as well! Great job and please keep putting these out, I’m loving them:)👍👍👍….also make sure to check out Alex on Instagram and use lexar products. Now back to the podcast!
Love you guys
These guys are a blast. The creator interviews are getting a bit old, but they have some awesome interviews with PBD, Ryan Pineda, and Houston Crosta. Keep it up! Also, how about a Sebastian Gheorghiu or Iman Gadhzi interview? Also, Jack is the man.
Mowtivated Lawncare Course
Best podcast
Gram and Jack are awesome hosts I have listened to every podcast sense they started. This passed year been really amazing with the podcast and the guests they have had are top notch. I’m excited for what the future has. I would give 10 stars if I could.
Greedy much?
Soooo many ads. It’s over the top and greedy at this point.
Annoying ads every 10 minutes.
I like the podcast but I feel like they are getting greedy when they are running ads every 10 minutes. It ruins the flow of conversation and is just annoying.
Great questions and content
While I have found this podcast on YouTube because I enjoy Graham Stephen’s take on finances. Jack’s questions are very thought provoking and set a good dynamic to the interviews. The latest podcast about setting a vision in a company was awesome.
Amazing pod
This is a great pod - really relaxed with the questions you wanna hear. also just wanted to let my boys Jack, Graham and Alex know that the cover art is pixelated at least on the Apple podcast app. Could lead to some new people NOT clicking on the pod because it SEEMS janky. All love check it out
Andrew Duna
The Hot Ones of Podcasting
Between guest Icon’s such as Nick DiGiovanni & Alex Hormozi, Graham & Jack not only land legends to speak w/, but cut through the awkwardness of an interview and have the guest feeling like they’re “chillin w/ the boys in the locker room.” The questions are well researched and bring a Sean Evans type of feel giving the audience the feel of, wow, how did you know to ask the right thing for the me to understand more about these high profile figures. Massive value, insta-subbed.
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Way Too Many Ads
The ads are way too frequent and completely knock you out of the conversations. They insert them with a “but first let me talk to you about” it’s super annoying after the 100th time. Quality over quantity guys please. Podcast is last on my list for this reason alone.
Anchor ads👎
I’m fan of graham but have to give this 1 star ⭐️ because of the anchor ad and his lack of knowledge on proper podcasting.
Bad audio quality
Decent content but horrible audio quality
Captain Kirk Cousin
Educational and Entertaining!
This podcast offers a perfect mix of financial/business education and friendly banter.
Successful homies
It’s an amazing podcast because it feels like they’re all my buddies who are killing it and it makes me want to grind to keep up with them.
Thank you
If it wasn’t for Graham I would never got so much financial information and most important my credits card, literally best podcast to hear, laugh and learn!
My 2 cents
Really enjoy the podcast for what it is. Just listen to the mr beast podcast. I think for your second channel to keep it finance related. Why not have your crew start and grow a different business every month. 1 video a month 30-60mins long.
This podcast is one of my favorites! I usually watch the video on YouTube but when on the go I like to listen to it in my car!
Ad insertions are awful
Please rethink ad insertions in the podcast. It is next to impossible to discern whether I’m listening to the actual podcast, or an ad that was inserted mid-sentence, since Graham is both a host and ad reader. Most other podcasts announce an ad break in the podcast recording, then place an ad, then announce when the podcast has returned. Placing them randomly and haphazardly with no warning is extremely amateurish and makes for an unpleasant listening experience. I’d listen a lot more if ad placement wasn’t so frustrating.
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Jacob Herz
Ads to frequent
Interrupting the conversation with an ad promotion every 5-10 minutes is rather annoying and not very appealing for listeners...
Been a fan since the beginning.
Been following Graham’s content since sub 100k subscribers on his main channel. Have loved the growth and seeing it evolve. The iced coffee hour is now one of my favorite podcasts. The two new endeavors: Iced coffee hour and the Stefamily vlog are opening a new world and I absolutely love it. Keep up the amazing work!
Entertaining but too many ads
Really enjoy the mix of banter and financial discussions, but recently the number of ads has become very distracting and detracts from the core content.
Love listening to them
I listen to this podcast all the time. at the gym, driving, anywhere. There is so much to learn from this and they are fun. 10/10 recommended to anyone. Best podcast ever! I’m coming to Vegas soon Graham and Jack! See you soon keep up the good work!
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