Redefining Hustle: Pursuing Success as a Christian Woman Podcast

Redefining Hustle: Pursuing Success as a Christian Woman

Erin Harrigan
As an ambitious Christian woman, do you ever feel like you’ve had success yet something is still missing? Ever wonder if it’s possible to be ambitious & still let God lead? Does “hustle” fuel your adrenaline, but you’re tired of both the world’s frantic definition of hustle and the so-called “anti-hustle” movement? Here’s the thing, friend. The issue isn’t the hustle itself…the issue is how we define and pursue it. And success for Kingdom impact doesn’t require buying into either of those extremes. Instead, we can emulate how Jesus worked: with purpose, intention, a sense of timing and always seeking His Father’s direction. In other words, we can redefine hustle and pursue success with God as CEO. And that’s what this show is here to help you do! Welcome to Redefining Hustle: Pursuing Success as a Christian Woman, where each focused 15-minute episode connects Biblical truth to business with practical application. Grab my free tool at & tune in weekly!
Steadfast Faith=Business Longevity Lisa Height Gross Ep 231
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more. What does it take to experience longevity in business? Yes, clear mission, vision, strategy and discipline. But true longevity, connected to your God-given mission in the marketplace takes something bigger than all of those things. As our guest Lisa Height-Gross will share today: it takes steadfast faith! Listen in as she shares wisdom from all she's learned about letting God lead, learning to redefine hustle, and her steadfast faith for business longevity. Lisa is a steadfast sister in Christ, and has built multiple businesses including 26 years in real estate, 14 years with her non-profit senior care organization Loving Care Senior Services and recently launching her business coaching new long term care start-ups. She's passionate about building community in and around her home in Calvert County, MD, and loves being a wife, mom, grandmother, sister and friend. I'm also blessed to be her business coach - since 2020! YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Connect with Lisa on Facebook 2. Register for my Best Year Yet Virtual Workshop on January 12 WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore 1:1 coaching: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.
Dec 18, 2023
25 min
Surrender Like the Psalmist – Whine & Cheese Ep 230
Recently, I turned on my YouVersion Bible app reader and was listening to Psalms, and what struck me was how many times the psalmist ends one psalm in praise, and starts the next one lamenting, "Why have you not listened to me? Why have you left me?" It's kind of how often we put things at the foot of the cross, rejoicing and trusting in expectancy of how the Lord protects us, and picking it up again when He's not moving in the way and time we want. And then we lament, like the psalmist. What encourages me - and hopefully you - is that even the saints of the Bible whined a little too. I wonder if sometimes God wanted to ask, "Do you want some cheese with that whine?" (just kidding) The question is: Can we surrender like the psalmist and return to rejoicing in every situation? What we need is Jesus for that whine! Scriptures from this episode for your further prayer and study: Psalms of David: 59:17-60:1-2; 68:35, 69:1-2 Psalms of Asaph: 73:22-28, 74:1-2 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 2 Corinthians 10:5 Psalm 128:1-2 YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Download my 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle: WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore 1:1 coaching: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.
Dec 11, 2023
18 min
Obedience, period – the only way to operate – Episode 229
Sometimes we pay lip service to obedience, only partially obeying God's direction in favor of doing things our way. Here's some tough love from your coach: partial obedience is disobedience. The only way to success is obedience, period.   In this episode, I'm sharing a few stories of how our obedience is connected to others' blessings, how we are called to be accountable for our own, and how we hold others accountable to theirs so no one impedes the incredibly gracious, merciful and redeeming work of our Lord! Your mission in the marketplace and kingdom impact depends on it! Scriptures from this episode for your further prayer and study: 1 John 5:3, 14 Deuteronomy 28 YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Download my 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle: 2. Register for my Best Year Yet Virtual Workshop being held Friday, December 8: WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore 1:1 coaching: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.
Dec 4, 2023
14 min
God Role in Business: Transformation > Accommodation Ep 228
When did you last take inventory of God's role in your business? Are you giving Him the rightful space for transformation or do you relegate Him to accommodation? Do you sometimes still try to make things happen your way even as you work on making obedience a consistent practice? Me too, friend. Tune in for what promises to be a rich discussion of transformation over accommodation! Scriptures from this episode for your further prayer and study: 1 John 3:1-2 Ezekiel 36:26-27 Romans 12:1-2 2 Cor 5:17 YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Download my 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle: 2. Best Year Yet Retreat: 3. Thanksgiving Bundle: WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore 1:1 coaching: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.
Nov 27, 2023
17 min
WE Lead Book – Author Chapter Reading – Episode 227
In this episode, I'm reading the chapter I wrote for a new Amazon bestseller, We Lead: Building Connection, Community and Collaboration for Women in Business.   We Lead is a collaborative multi-author book by lead author, AliceAnne Loftus, who was my guest for episode 225 on building community to expand your expertise. AliceAnne is a certified leadership coach and creator of the Leading Ladies community on Facebook and the Leading Lady Ambassador program, a mastermind program for women in business. I am part of this mastermind, and honored that she asked us to contribute to this book to bring wisdom to women in business through inspiring & vulnerable stories from these authors of all backgrounds.    While We Lead is made for women in business, it's truly an incredible book for any women you know - including the 20-somethings in your life! Grab your copy now.   Listen in as I read Chapter 5 - The 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle: How to Let Your Faith Break the Chains of Overachievement Scriptures from this episode for your further prayer and study: 2 Corinthians 5:17 YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Buy your copy of We Lead on Amazon 2. Download my 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle: WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore working with me: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY 1st BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.
Nov 20, 2023
33 min
Is Fear a Choice? God’s Truth Speaks Volumes – Episode 226
Fear is well-known by every human being, and it stops more missions and actions than any other emotion. Yet it is more than an emotion: our bodies have physiological responses to it.  Knowing God made us, our minds, and our bodies perfectly, clearly, He made our bodies to respond to fear. At the same time, He gave the writers of the Bible 400+ verses telling us "do not fear" for He is always with us.  That led me to explore this question: Is fear a choice? I believe it is, and I invite you to consider your own answer to this question as you listen to this week's episode! Scriptures from this episode for your further prayer and study: Isaiah 41:10 Hebrews 13:6 (Psalm 56:3-4; 118:6) Philippians 4:6-7 YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Download my 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle: WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore 1:1 coaching: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.
Nov 13, 2023
18 min
Go Build Your Community with AliceAnne Loftus – Ep 225
You've probably heard that building a community is vital for nurturing your target audience and serving them well, yet you're unsure where to start and what it takes (and the value it can bring your business).   Our guest, AliceAnne Loftus, has built the ever-growing Leading Lady Community, and she's here to teach you how she did it, the ups and downs, and how it's expanded her heart and her business.   Be sure to follow AliceAnne at: Instagram: Facebook: YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Connect with AliceAnne at 2. Come visit my ROOTED Group Coaching community: WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore 1:1 coaching: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.
Nov 6, 2023
43 min
Courses and Memberships with Jen Howat – episode 224
Courses and memberships are a hot topic among online business gurus, and the noise can leave you foggy and confused on which way to go. Maybe you've been considering courses and memberships as a way to expand your reach or provide a way for prospective clients to get a taste of working with you, or to add a stream of income that leverages your time and brings your key topics or proprietary process to more people. Either way, this episode is for you! Content strategist and digital marketer, Jen Howat, helps business owners build and launch online courses and memberships so that they can increase the impact that they have with their audience and increase their income. Jen is a Kajabi expert, former pastor and the host of My Entrepreneur Life podcast, and she shares insights on the best approches to courses and memberships including: * The difference between courses and memberships and the effort involved in each * How to decide if a course or membership is best for you and your business * The importance of having a marketing strategy for either   Whether you're already well-acquainted with the course and membership landscape or just beginning to navigate these waters, this episode is for you! Jen Howat loves to help business owners and coaches grow their impact and income by taking what they are already teaching and converting it into an online course or membership. Be sure to follow Jen at: Instagram: LinkedIn: YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Download Jen's free guide: How to Create the Ultimate Onboarding Experience  2. Download my 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle and use this tool to gain clarity on expanding your expertise: WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore 1:1 coaching: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notification bell so you don't miss an episode.  
Oct 30, 2023
34 min
Start a Podcast: Expand Your Expertise Wren Robbins – Ep 223
You may have heard that hosting a podcast can expand your expertise, but it seems like a heavy lift for your already busy business. Or maybe you're afraid of the microphone, technology, and everything you think comes with podcasting. The truth is: you CAN do it! My guest, Podcast Strategist Wren Robbins, will teach you the simplicity of starting your show, and guide you through getting it off the ground without winging it (PS, her show is named Don't Wing It).  In this episode, Wren shares her story of starting her first podcast (Friends of a Feather), what she learned along the way, and how God used it to prepare her for what He had next for her: surprisingly, starting a business around helping women start their own shows. I trust Wren so much, I hired her to help me rework my show strategy and rebrand to Redefining Hustle: Pursuing Success as a Christian Woman.    Wren Robbins is a fun-loving wife, mom, and seasoned award-winning podcaster. Wren has a lovable personality and when she coaches you, you feel like you are talking to your best friend. Since 2016, Wren has planned, produced, and promoted hundreds of episodes interviewing online influencers, business owners, authors, and speakers. As a former schoolteacher, she uses her God-given skills of teaching in a thorough, simple yet strategic way so that you can use your podcast to make money in your business. She loves helping business owners launch their podcast with strategy for business growth with creative and easy to follow coaching. Be sure to follow Wren at: Facebook: Instagram: YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Download Wren's free podcast launch checklist: 2. Download my 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle and use this tool to gain clarity on expanding your expertise: WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore 1:1 coaching: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify, be sure to click the "follow" button and the notific...
Oct 23, 2023
36 min
The Confidence to Expand Your Expertise Karen Laos – Ep 222
As you bring your expertise to bear through the services you offer, you likely can think of other ways to expand, but what may be stopping you is confidence.   And before you do any expansion, you need to be sure your confidence is in check. Whether it's being confident about creating something new, communicating the value you bring to those you serve, or just communicating with confidence, our guest, Karen Laos, is the go-to resource for all these areas!   In today's episode, she shines a light on what holds us back and teaches us her "Confidence Cocktail," and she has a valuable resource for you too: 9 words to avoid and what to say instead! Be sure to listen between 5-8 minutes in for two awesome exercises you can do right now to improve your confidence: The Broadway Musical and The Fear Script! Karen Laos is a communication expert, known as the Confidence Cultivator, who leverages 25 years in the boardroom and speaking on stages such as Google and NASA to transform missed opportunities into wins. She’s on a mission to eradicate self-doubt in 10 million women by giving them practical strategies to ask for what they want.   Be sure to follow Karen at: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Twitter: YouTube: YOUR CALL TO ACTION 1. Download Karen's free tool: 9 words to avoid and what to say instead! 2. Download my 4 Keys to Redefine Hustle and use this tool to gain clarity on expanding your expertise: WORK WITH ME Schedule your FREE discovery call to explore 1:1 coaching: GET YOUR SIGNED COPY OF MY BOOK LET'S BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL FB: @thehustlewithheartcoach IG: @erindharrigan LinkedIn: @erinharrigan SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL If this show brings you value, please give it a follow on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. If you listen on Spotify,
Oct 16, 2023
35 min
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