The Hospitality Podcast with Katherine Sasser
The Hospitality Podcast with Katherine Sasser
Katherine Sasser
The Hospitality Podcast with Katherine Sasser
Katherine Sasser
Writer, speaker, educator, business owner, and hospitality enthusiast, Katherine Sasser offers a transparent and transformative exploration into the topic of hospitality. Each episode will inform and inspire you with tactical tools as well as speak to the meaningful mindset necessary to put hospitality into action. Discover how you can engage your heart and your hands in the art of creating space for others. Katherine has been practicing hospitality in her own home for twenty years, is a self-taught home-cook, and built a business centered around hospitality. From tips on cooking the perfect chocolate chip cookie, to hosting difficult people at your dinner table, to finding ways to model hospitality and anticipate need, each episode will deliver a fresh take on a commonly misunderstood and misinterpreted topic, If you want to experience first-hand the beauty that creating space for others can bring, you’ve come to the right place.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 77 days
Latest episode
2 years ago
May 16, 2022
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