The Honest Wargamer
The Honest Wargamer
The Honest Wargamer
via Podcasts
Decent takes on the game but odd politics
So someone who has used capitalism to create their media driven niche in the hobby, consistently jab at GW (fairly) for being a corporation. Thats fine but the jabs at capitalism are off for me. I no other political system would even support our hobby or sustain low barrier to entry “free” media podcast sites, video sites, etc. Just some odd takes outside the hobby knock my score down a few.
Def not Josh
So much better
When I tried to listen to The Honest Wargamer a few years ago all I heard was a bunch of guys making dumb jokes intermingled with a little bit of talk about AoS, but now Rob seems to of taken to being a one man show with the occasional guest it’s improved so so much and has become informative, fun without being stupid and very insightful on all of the AoS scene. Completely worth listening to nowadays and can’t thank Rob enough for all he does
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Stream Streak
I’ve enjoyed the Streak, thanks for doing it.
Great 40K Podcast
Being new to Warhammer 40K and trying to assist by learning through Podcasts as well, Rob brings a ton of info to the table of many different aspects and his own personal hilarious insights to the game. Dude cracks me up! Rob comes across as the kind of guy you would actually want to play 40K with and have a blast doing so. Thanks for the time you put into all the Podcasts Rob, please keep up the good work dude and stay safe!!
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Helps me stay hydrated!
Great podcast covering lots of Warhammer content. Rob & team bring in aspects of competitive play, rules balance, narrative and hobbying. Keep up the great work and I’ll continue to stay hydrated while listening to the podcast!
Nicky Dee Williams
Sound issues
This would be a fantastic show if I could hear it. The host is entertaining but the consistent poor quality sound makes it frustrating and unlistenable. It’s not hard guys...
Honest Review
The potential for a good podcast is here, but these are just reposts of audio from live twitch streams. There are nuggets of good info to be found, but unless you enjoy listening to mindless rambling between the guests and host for 10-20 minutes between these ‘nuggets’ you’re in for a frustrating listening experience. I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if someone was to edit out all the superfluous babbling taking place, that the run time of these episodes would be cut more than in half. It’s clear that there is no respect for their listeners time and patience. The Honest Wargamer is fully capable of producing a tight to the point podcast, but unless he wants to do more than just post the audio of twitch streams, there isn’t much value in this podcast in its current form.
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Love this podcast
The good- love this podcast because it tries to be helpful in learning to play AoS better. Run downs on units are actually helpful. Ideas on tactics and army building. Not a lot of time spent telling you how amazing they are- which is appreciated- and the reason I’ve stopped listening to several other AoS podcasts. I enjoy the banter and jokes and general grab-assery that goes on- makes me feel like I’m hanging out with my friends discussing the hobby. The bad- some episodes have sound quality issues. I’m not sure if it’s mics or guests not used to speaking into mics but it can get annoying when you can’t hear what someone just said. Grateful that Rob is loud- never issues with him.
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Audio levels are poor
Seems like hosts aren’t mindful of speaking into the mics often.
It’s ok.
Podcast is basically a twitch recording put as a podcast. Some good nuggets of Age of Sigmar and 40k content but it’s surrounded by thanking people on twitch for donating money and giggling. Thoughts and ideas are rarely finished because of the streaming twitch chat.
Bad audio
I really want to like this podcast but as of right now it’s basically unlistenable. I keep trying new episodes but can only make it a couple of minutes before I turn it off. Please work on your audio quality
Great content with a notts accent so authentic
(I think it is a notts accent having grown up nearby) I think it is becoming one of the best all round GW related podcasts. Interesting in-depth insight into fluff, modeling and gaming. Albeit not for kids, it is respectful, thoughtful and funny
Political Bull
It would be a good podcast if they kept politics out of it. It’s a gaming podcast keep it to games.
Good Stuff
Have a laugh and run it down! This format gets real specific and offers lots of tasty insights. Understanding their accents gets easier the more you listen 😂
Robs the man!!! Says corpsegrinder76
The long awaited return of rob awesome new show!!!!!
Something different and much needed
This is a great new show and is off to a fantastic start. The format is different from other 40k or AOS podcasts as they will pick one unit and talk at length about it. I have been happy with the show and the rate of release. Looking forward to more!