The Holy Instant Podcast

The Holy Instant

Laurette DeJulian
Decoding the wording of A Course in Miracles can be frustrating. Laurette DeJulian, a long-time student of the course and channel, shares her weekly insights on how the principles of A Course in Miracles can be incorporated into our daily routine. Laurette probes our darkest fears and demonstrates why we cannot think away our problems. Whether you are wanting better self-esteem, desire more intimate relationships, or unshakable peace in your life, this podcast is for you.
What Can I Get From This Relationship
Laurette DeJulian talks about codependency and neediness in relationships.  We get clarity in relationship when we honor ourselves as part of God. 
May 24, 2020
4 min
Letting Go of Suffering
In this episode, Laurette DeJulian discusses what it takes to end suffering.  Suffering begins in the mind and ends with us relinquishing our personal will.  If you suffer from obsessive thinking, this discussion about self-inquiry and surrender may be helpful. for more information about Laurette DeJulian and her courses.
May 21, 2020
8 min
Beauty of Allowing - Living in the World While Waking Up
We feel like its hard to be a spiritual person in the modern world.  We have addictions, compulsions, anger, fear and grief.  How do we hold ourselves as an awakened person when we have these difficult behaviors? How do we keep our self-esteem high while engaging in our spiritual practice? Laurette DeJulian discusses the art of "allowing" as we seek God and how to be present and accepting of what is.  
Mar 6, 2020
7 min
Forgetting the Past Reveals Present Love
Do you feel like you are trapped in the past?  Do you feel like you will never crawl out of your life circumstances? Laurette DeJulian discusses why letting go of the past is one of the most important steps in manifestation and abundance.
Feb 21, 2020
9 min
Healing Crisis - What Is It Good For?
Sometimes during our spiritual healing, things get worse before they get better. Our healing is a release of all the pent up emotional energy that we have stored in our bodies.  Even though we may have forgotten an incident, our bodies witness every event in our lives.  Laurette DeJulian discusses the different aspects of a healing crisis and what it represents and how we can cope with our bodies during these stages. For more about Laurette DeJulian,,
Feb 7, 2020
9 min
Peace Becomes The Most Important Thing
Are you struggling with a decision? Are constantly riveted to wondering why?  These thoughts may seem important to you but really the most important thought is "How will these thoughts, thing, person or outcome deliver me to peace? Is my peace really tied to something outside of me?" Laurette DeJulian discusses the importance of unhooking yourself from other people's opinions and becoming your own observer of your thoughts, behavior and abilities.  Self-esteem and self-worth are really reliant on our opinion of ourselves. 💘For more information about Laurette DeJulian and her work, visit 🧘 GET YOUR FREE MEDITATION📹 VIEW ONLINE COURSES Laurette is an ordained minister, author, certified clinical hypnotherapist, ministerial counselor,  flower essence practitioner, workshop facilitator, speaker and medical intuitive. Her simple techniques and practical tools have helped to transform the lives. Laurette considers sharing her work the ultimate privilege.
Jan 19, 2020
7 min
New Year Message 2020
Laurette DeJulian discusses the things that we could focus on in 2020 that will significantly impact our peace and abundance. Laurette discusses the timing of change, clarifying what we want, getting focused and consistent with spiritual practice and forgiveness. Lastly, the most important ingredient remains hope. 💘For more information about Laurette DeJulian and her work, visit 🧘 GET YOUR FREE MEDITATION📹 VIEW ONLINE COURSES Laurette is an ordained minister, author, certified clinical hypnotherapist, ministerial counselor,  flower essence practitioner, workshop facilitator, speaker and medical intuitive. Her simple techniques and practical tools have helped to transform the lives. Laurette considers sharing her work the ultimate privilege.
Jan 9, 2020
14 min
Anger, Lack of Commitment and Acceptance
Laurette DeJulian talks about how we can overcome our moments of deep rage and move into acceptance.  Laurette discusses how to cope with people that don't live up to their commitments and how to deal with them.  If someone is pushing your buttons, this episode is for you!
Dec 8, 2019
11 min
The Curse of The Special Relationship
All of us have been trained to seek that "special someone" or our "twin flame".  However, what we fail to realize is that nobody will make us feel whole and complete.  Laurette DeJulian talks about how we avoid dealing with our own self-esteem and worth issues by searching for it in others.  Special relationships will always lead to pain and loss. In this week's episode, Laurette addresses how we can overcome the need for the special relationship.
Nov 29, 2019
14 min
Overcoming Procrastination and Fear of Making the Wrong Decision
Procrastination is a puzzling phenomenon.We delay the very things we want to do. We postpone what we know is best for us.It’s irrational. It’s harmful. It’s against our best intentions.So why do we do it? Why do we procrastinate?There’s only one ultimate reason for why we procrastinate: negative emotions. In this episode Laurette DeJulian talks about dealing with the negative emotions surrounding making a decision.
Nov 29, 2019
13 min