The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Grief Stages, Purpose In Pain, Grief, Bereavement, Questioning God. Podcast

The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Grief Stages, Purpose In Pain, Grief, Bereavement, Questioning God.

Teresa Davis
The Go-to Podcast for Grieving Mom’s Who Want To Process Their Grief and Learn To Live Life After Child Loss. ****TOP 20 and 2.5% Globally Ranked Podcast For Child Loss + Faith Podcast**** ◾️Do you find yourself lost in the chaos of grief, struggling to find your way in the darkness with no end in sight? ◾️Are you asking yourself: “Will I ever be able to enjoy life again?” ◾️Are you wondering where God is in your grief? This podcast is a safe place for you. It will shine a light into the shadows, helping you discover that joy and pain can coexist, that you still have purpose on this earth even though it doesn’t feel possible right now, and there is a path to peace one step at a time. Hi, I’m Teresa Davis, a grieving mom. My world lost its color the day my son died and I lived with so much anger toward God that, though He could have saved my son, He didn’t. I was exhausted and lost in the chaos of my grief. I clung tightly to the anchor in the darkness, expressing my grief to God the only way I knew how until one day I had to make a choice: stay in the bitter, angry lane or take a step toward building back my life. The road was scary and unfamiliar, but I learned which tools I needed to walk this road of grief. In this podcast I’m sharing them all with you so you can learn to live with light in your darkness. ◾️If you're ready to experience peace in the chaos and want to learn how to experience joy alongside the pain, to manage your thoughts instead of your thoughts managing you…this podcast is for you. ◾️I’m holding my hand out to you in the darkness. Let me show you the way, one step at a time. Grab Your Free Resources: Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Want a first step session with the Grief Mentor? Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts order @ Follow me on Facebook @ Follow me on Instagram @ Bring Me To Your Event: Email Me: [email protected]
If You’re Sick of Shaming Behavior, Use These 3 Simple Steps to Nip it in The Bud!
This week is Grief Tips with The Grief Mentor: We all have people in our life with different levels of intimacy.  We gauge our time and effort in the relationship based on the commitment that we've made to each other.  Relationships can get a bit tricky when grief comes to your door.  Often when someone in your life don't get what they want from you, it may turn to shaming to manipulate you, to get what they want.  Today, I'm going to teach you: How to recognize shaming behaviour. How to stop it with 3 simple steps. Grief brings a level of vulnerability that puts you in a place where you may lose your ability to think and perform on a day-to-day basis with clarity. This puts you in the position to be taken advantage of, and thats not a good thing. Put these 3 simple steps in place to NIP IT IN THE BUD! Episode referred to during the podcast: The Prison of Guilt: The Devil Belongs in The Pit Not You! Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Need Direction On Your Next Step? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here Follow me on Facebook @ Here Follow me on Instagram @ Here Email me at [email protected]      
Jan 9, 2024
16 min
Instead of Living in The Past Try These 3 Steps to Survive The Next Year Without Your Child.
This week in Real Talk with The Grief Mentor: So you're facing another year without your child.  It's January 2nd, 2024.   1. How will you survive it?   2. Where does your strength come from?   That is where we're going to be spending some time today.  I'm going to give you tools that you need to face the new year with confidence that yes, you are going to make it.    I'm going to teach you how to live in the tension of the loss of your child, how to survive the physical separation that you face every single day.  I will answer the questions above AND! Give you 3 tactical steps to guide your grief journey in 2024.  Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Need Direction On Your Next Step? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here Follow me on Facebook @ Here Follow me on Instagram @ Here Email me at [email protected]
Jan 2, 2024
14 min
Struggling With Emotional Exhaustion? 3 Tips to Renew Your Heart as The New Year Approaches.
Grief Tip wIth The Grief Mentor So it's December 26th.  How did you manage Christmas day?  Are you ready for some easy? It would be nice if we had a refresh button that would make it all better. But there is a way to refresh and I'm showing you how in todays episode. Today we are talking about you. Are you exhausted? Do you know the difference between physical and emotional exhaustion? I give you 3 tips to manage the emotional exhaustion that no amount of sleep will resolve.  Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Want a first step session with the Grief Mentor? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here Follow me on Facebook @ Here Follow me on Instagram @ Here Email me at [email protected]
Dec 26, 2023
9 min
Why You Can't Seem to Take The Next Step And How Your Yes Will Turn Mourning to Joy.
Real Talk with The Grief Mentor This month, we've talked about HEARING God's voice, episode #71,  and today we're going to talk about OBEYING God's voice. Today we discuss: What is keeping YOU from saying yes. The power of your yes and the potential for your furture. Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Want a first step session with the Grief Mentor? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here Follow me on Facebook @ Here Follow me on Instagram @ Here Email me at [email protected]        
Dec 19, 2023
16 min
5 Truths about Christmas and Why the Hallmark Channel Isn’t Helping Your Grief.
Grief Tips with The Grief Mentor Today we're going to have a little fun with Christmas. 1. I'm going to teach you how to have a mindset shift during the most difficult time of the year for those who grieve.   2. We are going to discuss 5 interesting facts about Christmas that you may not know.  3. I'm leaving you with a challenge that will help you manage your grief during the holidays. I pray you accept it! Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Want a first step session with the Grief Mentor? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here Follow me on Facebook @ Here Follow me on Instagram @ Here Email me at [email protected]    
Dec 12, 2023
14 min
Why Silence is Not What You Think It is! The Truth About Hearing God’s voice.
Q & A with The Grief Mentor Last week on the podcast I shared an intimate moment between me and The Holy Spirit where  I heard the voice of God, not audibly, but in my spirit. It was a special moment that I will never forget because he comforted me and turned a dreadful experience into an unexplainable peace. I'll include the link to that podcast below.  Today I cover 4 points regarding hearing the voice of God.  Does God speak audibly? If God does not speak audibly then how do we hear his voice? If God's voice is just a thought how do we know it's from him? Why is God's voice clear at times and silent at others? Join me as I answer these questions and teach you how to hear the voice of God in your life and why silence is not what you think it is.  Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Want a first step session with the Grief Mentor? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here Follow me on Facebook @ Here Follow me on Instagram @ Here Email me at [email protected] Episode refreneced above: 5 Things We've Learned in 5 Years of Living Without Our Son      
Dec 5, 2023
13 min
5 Things We've Learned in 5 Years of Living Without Our Son Andrew.
Real Talk With The Grief Mentor Today is a very special episode. As the 30th marks the fifth anniversary of the death of our son, Andrew.  My husband and I share our life with you today.   1. We share our biggest struggle in the beginning, and our biggest struggle now. 2. We share the first time we went to the crash site, and how each of us processed the experience of physically standing in the place where our son died. 3. We talk about how we learned to live in the tension of child loss, and what it took to bring us to the crossroads of surrendering our grief to God. 4. We discuss boundaries and how we utilized them in our journey. 5. We discuss our view of God then and now. 6. And so much more! If you're a grieving mom and your spouse doesn't listen to the podcast. This is one you will want to listen with him together.  Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Want a first step session with the Grief Mentor? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here Follow me on Facebook @ Here Follow me on Instagram @ Here Email me at [email protected]  
Nov 28, 2023
51 min
Will The Pain Get Better?  Living In The Tension of Child Loss On Thanksgiving Day.
Grief Tip For Thanksgiving Day How can your broken heart learn to live in the tension of your loss? I would be deceiving you if I said there was a path to quickly get there. Because there is not. In fact, there is nothing quick about grief at all. But there's one thing I want to remind you of that is overlooked. And that's where we are going to start our discussion today. Thanksgiving is in two days. Holidays carry different weight for all of us. How will you manage your day this year?  I have a challenge for you to commit to an exercise that has the potential to brighten your day. Stick with me, it's easy, but it will require to be still before the Lord. It's a short but powerful epidsode!  Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Want a first step session with the Grief Mentor? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here Follow me on Facebook @ Here Follow me on Instagram @ Here Email me at [email protected]      
Nov 21, 2023
8 min
The Purpose of Lament, Serving Others, Changing Lives The Tom Franklin Way
*BONUS EPISODE This is Thursday, yes, I know I don't normally release a podcast on Thursdays. However, this is a bonus episode that I can't wait to share with you. I have a guest today and Tony, my husband assists me in interviewing him. We discuss grief, lament, God's goodness, and the pain that we suffer here on this earth. This episode is special to me because Tom is involved in a ministry in India and he shares some information with us on how to support him but also how what he's doing is changing lives in miraculous ways. They are caring for orphaned neglected children and training up ministers in the word of God. The effect this is having is not measurable in human terms. Changing lives one generation at a time.  Today, my guest is Tom Franklin, and Tom and Charlotte Franklin have been working for 25 years in India and Nepal. And the ministry is called New Life Christian Missions.  Contact Tom per his post office box and or email. It is to dangerous to have a website due to the laws where they are serving.  NLCM Post office box 647 in Floyd's Knobs, Indiana, 47119 [email protected].  Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Want a first step session with the Grief Mentor? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here    
Nov 16, 2023
40 min
Does Living Without Your Child Feel Impossible? Doing This One Thing Will Bring You Hope!
Grief Tip With The Grief Mentor How do you reframe your thoughts? Because let's face it, our thoughts determines our beliefs and our beliefs determines our actions. How you frame your grief will determine how you live your life. But how do you sort it all out? Where do you start? Grief brain can keep you stuck in confusion and the chaos of all the thoughts that is coming in your mind quicker than you can blink an eye makes it feel impossible.  Today, I teach you how to reframe your thoughts, along with a life lesson about grief. Become A Grief Mentor Insider : Here Want a first step session with the Grief Mentor? Go  Here Order the devotion book/journal and or Tshirts/Armor of God Magnets:  Here Related episodes:  The Thought Triangle: Is Your Perspective Keeping You Stuck? The Prison Of Guilt: The Devil Belongs In The Pit Not You Spiritual Warfare: What Is It? And How Does It Apply In Grief? Follow me on Facebook @ Follow me on Instagram @ Email me at [email protected]      
Nov 14, 2023
20 min
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