Begins Within: Monica Stevenson, CFO of The House of LR&C
Welcome to The Good Conversation: a podcast by The House of LR&C.
Today, we have the final installment of our initial Begins Within leadership series, this time featuring Monica Stevenson. Monica is our CFO here at the House, and boasts a rich history of leadership across brands like BH and MCM and Yves Saint Laurent and Versace. How has she done it? At her core, it’s about being curious -- from taking in every lesson from her grandparents to solving puzzles -- Monica is always digging for more. Today, we explore that spirit and how it translates so well to the ability to lead and grow in tandem. With that, I’ll step aside and let you enjoy a good conversation with Monica Stevenson.
Here are the two books Monica recommended!
The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin: https://gretchenrubin.com/books/the-four-tendencies/intro/
The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: https://www.appreciationatwork.com/5-languages-appreciation-workplace-improve-employee-engagement/
VISIT THE HOUSE OF LR&C WEBSITE: https://thehouseoflrc.com/
Human Nation: https://thehouseoflrc.com/pages/human-nation
Good Man Brand: https://thegoodmanbrand.com/
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehouseoflrc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-house-of-lr-c/
BY EMAIL: [email protected]
The Good Conversation is produced by Authentic Avenue Media. Learn more: https://www.authenticavenuemedia.com/
The Good Conversation is hosted by Adam Conner. Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamjconner/
Mar 9, 2021
22 min

Begins Within: Scott Bonomo, SVP of Design at The House of LR&C, and Co-Founder of Good Man Brand
Today, we have another installment of our Begins Within leadership series, this time featuring Scott Bonomo. Scott is our SVP of Design here at The House, but he’s also a co-founder of Good Man Brand. Today, we talk about that as well as his deep roots in this industry through his family. We also talk about what makes a Good Man -- I think you’ll learn that there’s much more to it than just a name. How much more? Well how about we find out together? With that, I’ll step aside and let you enjoy a good conversation with Scott Bonomo.
And if you the listener want to check out what Good Man Brand has to offer, it’s as easy as heading on over to https://thegoodmanbrand.com/.
Until next time, Love Powerfully and Move Purposefully.
VISIT THE HOUSE OF LR&C WEBSITE: https://thehouseoflrc.com/
Human Nation: https://thehouseoflrc.com/pages/human-nation
Good Man Brand: https://thegoodmanbrand.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehouseoflrc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehouseoflrc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehouseoflrc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-house-of-lr-c/
BY EMAIL: [email protected]
The Good Conversation is produced by Authentic Avenue Media. Learn more: https://www.authenticavenuemedia.com/
The Good Conversation is hosted by Adam Conner. Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamjconner/
Mar 2, 2021
18 min

Begins Within: Therese Hayes, Chief Sustainability and Business Development Officer at The House of LR&C
Welcome to The Good Conversation: a podcast by The House of LR&C.
Today we proceed with our Begins Within leadership series through the voice of Therese Hayes. She’s our Chief Sustainability and Business Development Officer here at The House. And her journey to get here is anything but typical. Therese is, by the book, a scientist -- and though she could have become a professor leading the way forward in microbiology and immunology, she instead turned to how the science would impact society at large. Today, we talk about that shift, about the people who inspire her, and about how growth and progression through life is like reading a book. We’ve even got a few reading recommendations at the end of the interview. But before the pages, how about a podcast? Without further ado, here’s our conversation with Therese Hayes.
Enjoy! And, as always, Love Powerfully and Move Purposefully.
VISIT THE HOUSE OF LR&C WEBSITE: https://thehouseoflrc.com/
Human Nation: https://thehouseoflrc.com/pages/human-nation
Good Man Brand: https://thegoodmanbrand.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehouseoflrc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehouseoflrc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehouseoflrc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-house-of-lr-c/
BY EMAIL: [email protected]
The Good Conversation is produced by Authentic Avenue Media. Learn more: https://www.authenticavenuemedia.com/
The Good Conversation is hosted by Adam Conner. Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamjconner/
Feb 23, 2021
23 min

Begins Within: Matthew Steed, SVP Merchandising at The House of LR&C
Welcome to The Good Conversation: a podcast by The House of LR&C.
Today, we march along in our Begins Within leadership series with a focus on Matthew Steed. He’s our Senior Vice President of Merchandising here at The House, and his journey takes us across the pond and back again. Through his time at Burberry, his 14 years at Nordstrom, and his co-founding of Performance Kitchen, Matthew tells us about the moments which have taught him the most, and what he’s learned about building brands in the meantime. It’s a lot to take in of course, which makes it handy that Matthew also shares a few ways to relax. You might leave our episode wanting to get yourself a hot tub. More on that during the interview, which we’ll get to right now. We hope you enjoy our next installment of The Good Conversation and the perspectives of Matthew Steed.
Until next time, Love Powerfully and Move Purposefully.
VISIT THE HOUSE OF LR&C WEBSITE: https://thehouseoflrc.com/
Human Nation: https://thehouseoflrc.com/pages/human-nation
Good Man Brand: https://thegoodmanbrand.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehouseoflrc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehouseoflrc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehouseoflrc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-house-of-lr-c/
BY EMAIL: [email protected]
The Good Conversation is produced by Authentic Avenue Media. Learn more: https://www.authenticavenuemedia.com/
The Good Conversation is hosted by Adam Conner. Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamjconner/
Feb 16, 2021
19 min

Begins Within: Christine Day, Co-Founder and President, The House of LR&C
Welcome to The Good Conversation: a podcast by The House of LR&C. We're so excited to have you tune in to our first full episode!
Today our journey begins with the story of our House’s Co-Founder and President, Christine Day. Christine is retail royalty, boasting 30 years of building brands including over 7 years as CEO of Performance Kitchen, a healthy frozen food company, nearly 6 years as CEO of Lululemon and over 20 at Starbucks.
Today, we talk about Christine’s journey to our new retail concept, her ultimate “why,” how she stays on a path of continuous growth, and how running a company has a little something to do with running.
It’s our debut episode and the start of our Begins Within leadership series here on Good Conversation.
So to kick off we now present Christine Day.
VISIT THE HOUSE OF LR&C WEBSITE: https://thehouseoflrc.com/
Human Nation: https://thehouseoflrc.com/pages/human-nation
Good Man Brand: https://thegoodmanbrand.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehouseoflrc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehouseoflrc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehouseoflrc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-house-of-lr-c/
BY EMAIL: [email protected]
The Good Conversation is produced by Authentic Avenue Media. Learn more: https://www.authenticavenuemedia.com/
The Good Conversation is hosted by Adam Conner. Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamjconner/
Jan 27, 2021
32 min

Welcome to our podcast! (Trailer)
At The House of LR&C, our mission is to create large-scale positive impact.
And we believe if we care for people and the planet, along with solving a problem, we will achieve this.
Through this new podcast, we share our story as transparently as possible.
Listen along as we unite Sustainability, Brand, Design, and Community through the perspectives of our leaders, creators, heroes and more.
Together, we’ll explore how Loving Powerfully and Moving Purposefully is bigger than a brand because no matter our gender, race, size, or socio-economic status, we all want to do good.
We can’t wait to have you join us on our journey, contribute to our community, and stay a while in our House of Love, Respect, and Care.
This is The Good Conversation.
Jan 27, 2021
1 min