The Good Catholic Life Podcast
The Good Catholic Life
Archdiocese of Boston
The Good Catholic Life
Archdiocese of Boston
The Good Catholic Life is created and broadcast in Boston and hosted by folks who grew up in and know the Boston area. We’re all about living a good Catholic life in our hometown. Our regular host is Scot Landry and he is joined each day by a regular rotating series of co-hosts as well as guests to discuss a variety of topics of interest to Catholics and non-Catholics alike. The Good Catholic Life shares and discusses the initiatives and efforts of Cardinal Seán to renew the Church; provides formation to understand Church teaching to live a happy, holy, and good Catholic life; profiles the ministries, apostolates, and Catholic leaders within the Archdiocese and our region who are effectively bring the Gospel message to the city streets and our neighborhoods; and looks at the news of the day locally, nationally, and globally to explore what’s happening in the world around us from a distinctly Catholic perspective. Above all, The Good Catholic Life is honest, comprehensive, informative, formational, and fun, and shows that the good life is the Catholic life and the Catholic life should always be The Good Catholic Life.
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Latest episode
10 years ago
June 20, 2014
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