Listen in as Gigi & Qadesh and our Special Guest Lia "The SunStar" Logan, share our reflections and what we’ve been up to for the week.
Follow: @iamlivingaligned and @fyrewata
Goddess Dojo Lesson of the Week: National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Month and we share our personal stories about our losses in pregnancy and how we are dealing with the feelings associated with not carrying to full term.
What do you do to fully heal? What are somethings we can do to get over the loss of our unborn children? We cover all of this and more on the Goddess Dojo Podcast!
Sacred Sex Segment: Sacred Sex Astrology w/Gigi & Sex and Cannabis with Qadesh & Lia "The SunStar" #Astrology is a beautiful tool that teaches you your patterns and cycles so that you can recognize what needs to be broken and recreated in the game of alchemy.
Go to cafeastrology.com or astrology.com and get your free natal chart so that you can follow along with your aspects and know what it means for you and your chart! Book a session with Gigi: http://www.IAMlivingaligned.com/book-online
#CBD assists with bringing our bodies back into alignment. There are many strains available (at www.fyrewata.com) that can help to ease anxiety, depression, pain, mental discomfort, inflammation, etc.* Listen in as we discuss the strain of the week. To Purchase CBD with Qadesh: http://www.fyrewata.com
Our Guest for the Week: Lia Logan creator and founder of Lia "The SunStar"!!!! Sit with us as Qadesh & Gigi interview Lia about her brand and share information for those interested in ways to tap in deeper into your spiritual consciousness. Lia is a 3rd generation herbalist and empath who provides spiritual consultations, divination readings, metaphysical workshops (private and public), spiritual coaching (group and individual), and relationship coaching.
Find Lia on social media @lia_the_sunstar
Or visit http:///www.RYV.WORLD
If you’ve have questions for Lia or any member of The Goddess DoJo, chime in and let us know your thoughts!
You can even leave us a voicemail if you listen through anchor.fm. So no excuses!!!
Let us know your thoughts on this weeks' episode!
Send an email to thegoddessdojo@gmaildotcom Topic: "ASK THE DOJO"
We know life can be full of challenges and sometimes you need some help with managing your emotions, your energy, and maybe even your life. Please don’t hesitate to contact us! thegoddessdojo@gmailDOTcom - Attention: Need CoVid Help
For more happenings visit www.fyrewata.com and www.iamlivingaligned.com
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
Oct 10, 2020
1 hr 55 min

Listen in as Gigi & Qadesh and our Special Guest King Heff, share our reflections and what we’ve been up to for the week.
Follow: @iamlivingaligned and @fyrewata
Goddess Dojo Lesson of the Week: How Can We Create Freedom in All of Our Relationships? How vulnerable are you in relationships? Do you feel free to be your Self with the people you love? Why do you think #CardiB and #Offset are getting divorced? How do you get a person to choose you for life? We cover all of this and more on the Goddess Dojo Podcast!
Sacred Sex Segment: Sacred Sex Astrology w/Gigi & Sex and Cannabis with Qadesh
#Astrology is a beautiful tool that teaches you your patterns and cycles so that you can recognize what needs to be broken and recreated in the game of alchemy. Go to cafeastrology.com or astrology.com and get your free natal chart so that you can follow along with your aspects and know what it means for you and your chart! Book a session with Gigi: http://www.IAMlivingaligned.com/book-online
#CBD assists with bringing our bodies back into alignment. There are many strains available (at www.fyrewata.com) that can help to ease anxiety, depression, pain, mental discomfort, inflammation, etc.* Listen in as we discuss the strain of the week.
To Purchase CBD with Qadesh: http://www.fyrewata.com
Our Guest for the Week: King Heff creator and founder of The Heffslifestyle Sit with us as Qadesh & Gigi interview King Heff about his lifestyle brand and information for anyone that 's interested in the world of BSDM. We discuss submission in relationships and in the bedroom, King Heff techniques on Behavior Correction and why that’s a fabulous technique for hardheaded submissives!
Find King Heff on social media @kingheff @pinkheffs @blackheffs Or visit www.pinkheffs.com and www. blackheads.com
If you’ve had questions about this weeks' episode, please chime in and let us know your thoughts!
You can even leave us a voicemail if you listen through anchor.fm So no excuses!!!
Send an email to thegoddessdojo@gmaildotcom
We know life can be full of challenges and sometimes you need some help with managing your emotions, your energy, and maybe even your life. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at thegoddessdojo@gmailDOTcom
- Attention: Need CoVid Help
For more happenings visit www.fyrewata.com and www.iamlivingaligned.com
*These statements have not been approved or evaluated by the FDA.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
Sep 19, 2020
1 hr 26 min

Listen as Gigi & Qadesh share their reflections and what they have been up to for this week.
From more happenings with FyreWata.com & The 28 Day Virgo Challenge sponsored by IAMLivingAligned.com
Goddess DoJo Lesson of the Week: What does it mean to be a friend?
Do you have expectations of your friends based on what you do for them? Do you have a lot of people you don't f^%K with?
Join us as we share our feelings on friendship and how to grow from those you love.
Sacred Sex Segment: Sacred Sex Astrology w/Gigi & Sex and Cannabis with Qadesh
Go to cafeastrology.com or astrology.com and get your free natal chart so that you can follow along every month with your aspects and know what it means for you and your chart!
The remaining of this year has so much opportunity for us to take advantage and live the lives we desire. In order to do that, we MUST know and study ourselves so that we are not causing sabotaging behaviors because we simply don't understand the purpose of our cycles.
Let us know your thoughts on this weeks episode!
If you have a question for us, please send an email to thegoddessdojo@gmaildotcom
Due to this very difficult time, if you need help with depression or emotional energy management during this time, please contact us! thegoddessdojo@gmailDOTcom - Attention: Need CoVid Help
Upcoming Event: Learning to Balance Relationships using Astrology October 2, 2020 8pm-9pm est Zoom Online Platform
Click here to register: https://www.iamlivingaligned.com/events-1/learning-to-balance-relationships-using-astrology
Follow us on Instagram & twitter: @thegoddessdojo
Book a Session with Gigi: IAMLivingAligned.com/book-online
Book a Session with Qadesh: https://www.loveqadesh.com/plans-pricing
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
Sep 12, 2020
1 hr 8 min

Listen as Gigi & Qadesh share their reflections and what they have been up to for this week.
From more happenings with FyreWata.com & The 28 Day Virgo Challenge sponsored by IAMLivingAligned.com
Goddess DoJo Lesson of the Week: What does your VOTE mean?
Every advertising and every major celebrity is talking about voting. The reality is that we still don't understand the power of voting and what it really means for us. Join us as we share the spiritual connotations behind voting and where your responsibilities show up regardless of your choice.
Sacred Sex Segment: Sacred Sex Astrology w/Gigi & Sex and Cannabis with Qadesh
Go to cafeastrology.com or astrology.com and get your free natal chart so that you can follow along every month with your aspects and know what it means for you and your chart!
The remaining of this year has so much opportunity for us to take advantage and live the lives we desire. In order to do that, we MUST know and study ourselves so that we are not causing sabotaging behaviors because we simply don't understand the purpose of our cycles.
Let us know your thoughts on this weeks episode!
If you have a question for us, please send an email to thegoddessdojo@gmaildotcom
Due to this very difficult time, if you need help with depression or emotional energy management during this time, please contact us! thegoddessdojo@gmailDOTcom - Attention: Need CoVid Help
Upcoming Event: Healing Your Digestive System using Astrology September 2, 2020 8pm-9pm est Zoom Online Platform
Click here to register: https://www.iamlivingaligned.com/bookings-checkout/digestive-healing-using-astrology
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
Aug 28, 2020
59 min

We're back AND We're so excited to start Season 2 with our new YouTube Channel so you can watch us each week as we record the podcast.
Since we are still in the CoVid 19 life, the world has had no other choice but to live in virtual reality, and we're happy to share our virtual world with you! Listen as Gigi & Qadesh share their reflections and what they have been up to since the summer and how it feels to come back to the show.
Goddess DoJo Lesson of the Week: What is #WAP & the importance of Juicy women!
Sacred Sex Segment: Sacred Sex Astrology w/Gigi & Sex and Cannabis with Qadesh
Go to cafeastrology.com or astrology.com and get your free natal chart so that you can follow along every month with your aspects and know what it means for you and your chart!
The remaining of this year has so much opportunity for us to take advantage and live the lives we desire. In order to do that, we MUST know and study ourselves so that we are not causing sabotaging behaviors because we simply don't understand the purpose of our cycles.
Let us know your thoughts on this weeks episode!
If you have a question for us, please send an email to thegoddessdojo@gmaildotcom
Due to this very difficult time, if you need help with depression or emotional energy management during this time, please contact us! thegoddessdojo@gmailDOTcom - Attention: Need CoVid Help
Readings & Spiritual tools: IAMLivingAligned.com & FyreWata.com
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
Aug 21, 2020
1 hr 2 min

It's Episode 8, even though, we can't believe it's been 2 months of us podcasting!!!! Parts of the the world is STILL on lock down, but we're still here giving you our take on everything Goddess!
This Weeks Episode: What Venus Retrograde Means for Us!
Listen as Gigi & Qadesh share their reflections and their Venus aspects and what that means! Go to cafeastrology.com or astrology.com and get your free natal chart so that you can follow along with your Venus aspects and what it means for you!
This summer is FILLED with opportunity for us to take advantage and live the lives we desire. In order to do that, we MUST know and study ourselves so that we are not causing sabotaging behaviors because we simply don't understand the purpose of our cycles.
Do you know your natal chart?
Do You know your desires and are you living within them?
Are you living the life you love or putting up and settling for whatever?
Let us know your thoughts on this weeks episode!
If you have a question for us, please send an email to thegoddessdojo@gmaildotcom
Due to this very difficult time, if you need help with depression or emotional energy management during this time, please contact us!
thegoddessdojo@gmailDOTcom - Attention: Need CoVid Help
Readings & Spiritual tools: IAMLivingAligned.com & FyreWata.com
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
May 22, 2020
54 min

It's May and we're slowly coming out of quarantine, have you been thinking about your relationships, love, life? We have! Join GiGi and Qadesh as we discuss a Live we listened to earlier in the week about being, In Love, and Loving someone. Wellness Salute to Supanova Slom who discussed this topic with his viewers so eloquently. Super dope information! Make sure to follow him on IG @supanovaslom.
Remember, if you have questions, comments, or feedback for the Dojo, email us at The Goddess Dojo dot com with Ask the Dojo in the Subject Line. Also, go follow Us on IG
Dojo- @thegoddessdojo
Goddess GiGi- @Iamlivingaligned
Goddess Qadesh- @i.am.qadesh
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
May 15, 2020
56 min

It's Episode 6 and we can't believe it's been a month already since the podcast started! Yes the world is STILL on lock down, but we're still here giving you our take on everything Goddess!
This Weeks Episode: Knowing When to Walk Away From the Deal!
Listen as Gigi & Qadesh dive in deep to jewels and gems within this video of Sean Puffy Combs sharing his thoughts on knowing when to walk away from the deal! https://www.instagram.com/tv/B_kI-gPDbaG/?igshid=54e4xzv049vk
During such an unsettled time in our world, operating out of lack or feeling like you have to take less than what you deserve because you want to survive is a mentally of olden days. Time to activate your GOD POWER & BELIEVE!
Is accepting what you're given a sign of gratitude or a sign of not knowing and trusting your desires?
What would make you accept a lesser deal, especially knowing others have received more than what they are offering you?
Let us know your thoughts on this weeks episode!
If you have a question for us, please send an email to thegoddessdojo@gmaildotcom
Due to this very difficult time, if you need help with depression or emotional energy management during this time, please contact us!
Attention: Need CoVid Help
Readings & Spiritual tools: IAMLivingAligned.com & FyreWata.com
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
May 8, 2020
57 min

Episode #5
We're here, right in the midst Spring (and a pandemic!). This is a time when most people begin to take action on their goals. The state (Georgia) is reopening everyone's (well we have) all been inside figuring things out. What have YOU been doing? Are you still focused on your goals, or are you ready to let that go now and venture out onto something else? Or do you even know?
Join GiGi and Qadesh as they openly share their own dreams and, the challenges of letting a dream go, or deciding when to activate endurance and see your dreams in motions.
If you have a question for us, please send an email to thegoddessdojo@gmaildotcom
Topic: "ASK THE DOJO"Due to this very difficult time, if you need help with anxiety, depression or emotional energy management during this time, please contact us!
Attention: Need CoVid HelpReadings & Spiritual tools:IAMLivingAligned.com
***Just some CoVid Updates, some states will reopen...well partially starting 4/24, with Atlanta being one of those states that plan to reopen! We're almost there, but we still got a ways to go!***
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
May 1, 2020
1 hr 1 min

Episode #4
It's 420 Ya'll (April 20, 2020) and we just LOVE Canna. So we spent some time with our community on IG Live, which we plan to do every week so stay tuned!
This Weeks Episode: The Value & Power of Pu$$y!
Listen as Gigi & Qadesh dive in deep to jewels and gems within this video of Unc telling the young girls of our world that they are messing up the value of pu$$y and how he want to increase it and make America great again.....well... he definitely didn't say it that nice though. https://www.instagram.com/tv/B_JABEjnc5g/?igshid=7g6a9r932kbl
Is the value of Pu$$y REALLY $40? What does that even mean?
What is going on in reference to how we see our pussies and its power?
Link to this weeks Sacred Sex Segment:
Take our Sacred Sex Segment ~Sexual Personality Quiz!https://www.amazon.com/Multi-Orgasmic-Woman-Discover-Pleasure-Vitality-ebook/dp/B0081RLAPI Chapter 1: Your Own Sexual Fingerprint (Sexual Personality Quiz)
Let us know your thoughts and how you did on your sacred sexuality quiz! If you have a question for us, please send an email to thegoddessdojo@gmaildotcom
Topic: "ASK THE DOJO"Due to this very difficult time, if you need help with depression or emotional energy management during this time, please contact us!
Attention: Need CoVid HelpReadings & Spiritual tools:IAMLivingAligned.com
***Just some CoVid Updates, some states will reopen...well partially starting 4/24, with Atlanta being one of those states that plan to reopen! We're almost there, but we still got a ways to go!***
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegoddessdojopodcast/message
Apr 24, 2020
1 hr 13 min
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