The Glory N‘ Perfection Sideshow Podcast

The Glory N‘ Perfection Sideshow

When was the last time you turned on the Radio and the People talking actually made some damn sense? How ‘bout the last time the Music was so good, so sweet, you didn‘t have to be told to ”not touch that dial” at a break? Just a stone‘s throw away a small group of Folks are taking over your Local Airwaves to bring you just this. Glory‘N Perfection is a Program where three of your Favorite Neighbors host a Roundtable reviewing the latest Gab in town and giving Airplay to a Spread of Local Citizens and Fans who fancy themselves Musicians. So grab your Drinkin‘ Jug and a Can of Bourbon Baked Beans, take a seat and turn that Volume up! They‘re sure glad you‘re here, and you will be too.
This week on season finale of The Wellston Town Rag the fellers talk about the weather and take some calls from folks trying to sell their old junk.   Featured artists: Ol Boney Thompson, Dusty McCloud, The Wet Corn Cob Candles, Cadillac BlackJack, Fireball Lewinsky, and Winnie Peters     As always if you want your song featured on The Glory N’ Perfection Sideshow please email [email protected]
Dec 20, 2021
1 hr 9 min
This week on The Don & Queenie Crinkle Round Table the fellas talk about issues like littering, shotgun divorces, and the Cake Boss. This week’s in studio guest is Maynard Skynard Attorney at Law Featured Artists: Scrooge McFuck, Jesup Long, Red White Blue, Hickory Axe and the Clippers, and Maynard Skynard   As always please send us your tracks to be featured on a future episode at [email protected] IG: @glorynperfection
Dec 6, 2021
1 hr 4 min
The guys do a talk on location at The Lead Belt Station and get a nice taste of pickled meat.  Featured Artists: Cody Jessup, The Cody Dilemma, Cody McShane and the Fly Swatters, The Cody Creek County Kid, and The Codys   If you would like to be a featured artist on our show please send an email to [email protected]
Nov 22, 2021
47 min
This week on The Tractor Hutch the fellas sit around and talk about desk shit, Fuckhead Johnsons and fat sandwiches.   Special Guest: Barry "The Boof King" Braunschweiger  Featured Artists: Hobbart Bumbottom IV, Ricardo Arvacardo, Bob Cape, Big Shed, and The Doodle Brothers    If you would like to be a featured artist send an email to [email protected]
Nov 8, 2021
51 min
This week on Uncle Lester's Outhouse Jamboree the guys sit around and talk about listening to jazz at the park on a Tuesday while Jeff tries to figure how to hit play on the correct song.  Featured Artists: Timber Bottom, Spentzel And Henrietta, Lonely Parcel, Tiny Waters, and Billy Wallby Jr. III   If you would like to submit a track to be featured on The Glory N' Perfection Sideshow please send an email to [email protected]
Oct 25, 2021
50 min
The guys talk about various exotic cuisines and listen to tunes. Featured Artists: French Terry and the Little River Man, Shithead Gary, Tent City Ted, Dieter and his Grill Busters, and Shannon Twitch If you would like to submit a song to be featured on our show please send an email to [email protected]
Oct 11, 2021
38 min