The Glenn Beck Program
The Glenn Beck Program
Blaze Podcast Network
What Emboldens Trump
1 hour 55 minutes Posted Feb 7, 2017 at 10:17 am.
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Show notes
-Wait...There's a musical that Pat Gray likes??-Movies that make men cry -Glenn is losing touch with people-Self imposed ignorance-Fuzzy geography with Rep. Maxine Waters -Is Putin marching into Korea??? -Does the media ignore terror attacks?-A Bowling Green massacre??? -How Democrats compare Christianity and Islam-​Sen. Mike Lee discusses President Trump's immigration ban, his nominee for the Supreme Court and if we should be concerned about executive orders -Chevron Deference talk-only on The Glenn Beck Program -So is it or is it not a 'Muslim ban'? -Arguments with God -'People are people' -Tonight's big debate!-The Blaze's Tomi Lahren was on with Bill Maher... here's how it went. -Should a boss fire someone he disagrees with? -Matthew McConaughey's message to Hollywood about the new president-Does the left's constant whining embolden President Trump's conservative impulses?-Will Trump ever surrender to the press? -Now is the time to come together-Fight fire with fire?-God can change Donald Trump but not our friends?-What Glenn prays for-Where did the real Pat Gray go???

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