This episode of Future of Tourism features Edmar Luiz Xavier Neto and Joel Marriott. Neto is the visionary creator of the Strong Farm & Rural Shores Destinations program, whose project aims to create new paths for sustainable development and empower families and businesses in rural communities.
Marriott, an Indigenous entrepreneur from White Bear First Nations in Saskatchewan, Canada, is the founder of TOP Carbon Capture. Through sustainable options for various structures, TOP Carbon Capture is revolutionizing how we build— from single-family homes to large-scale projects in the US and Canada.
Jun 8, 2023
40 min

David Peacock is joined by Anthony Everett, CEO of 4VI, to discuss Vancouver Island’s bold experiment in sustainable tourism. Discover how 4VI has redefined itself as a social enterprise, with a mandate to serve 800,000 residents and ensure that tourism is a resilient force for good on the island.
Apr 13, 2023
30 min

As destination organizations increasingly take on a leadership role in sustainability and regeneration, it's essential to learn from the successes of our peers in the meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions (MICE) industry. By leveraging their expertise and applying it to our destinations, we can drive progress toward a more sustainable future for our communities and the planet.
Simpleview’s David Peacock talks with Peter Lee, Ph.D., and Matthias Schultze. Lee is the managing director of the Goyang Convention and Visitors Bureau. Schultze is the managing director of the German Convention Bureau.
Mar 30, 2023
33 min

David Peacock talks with Jack Johnson and Adam Burke about changes needed as DMOs look inward at stakeholders and residents as part of the new social license for tourism, engagement, and alignment.
Mar 2, 2023
39 min

On this Future of Tourism, David Peacock talks with Eliza Voss and David Holder about the model they’re designing to address visitor pressure and enhance the Aspen, Colorado, experience while preserving its small-town character.
Voss is vice president of destination marketing at the Aspen Chamber Resort Association. David Holder is the CEO at Clarity of Place. David Peacock is senior advisor of the Future Tourism Group at Simpleview.
Jan 19, 2023
32 min

Listen in as David Peacock explores how DMOs and other companies should confront the changing expectations surrounding work. How do you cut through the clutter regarding recruitment and retention? Or create a strong corporate culture in a predominantly remote workforce?
David’s guests are Mike Gamble and Ryan Bolton. Gamble is the CEO of SearchWide Global, an executive search firm primarily for the travel, tourism, and venue management industries. Bolton is the vice president of product at Simpleview.
Jan 5, 2023
31 min

David Peacock talks with Annette Rummel, CEO of Great Lakes Bay Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau, about destination development and how to get things done that aren’t on your “chart of accounts.”
Dec 8, 2022
28 min

Listen in as David Peacock talks with Jessica Vandy and Alexis Kurelek, sustainability vanguards who work globally on a host of projects. The topic is how to get the traction needed to create enduring value with sustainability projects and move toward regenerative tourism.
Nov 10, 2022
39 min

On this episode of Future of Tourism, David Peacock interviews Kristin Dunne about the challenges that come with aiming for regeneratie tourism and the magic that happens when it starts to come together. Dunne is the former chief executive of Tourism Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.
Oct 27, 2022
34 min

Listen in as Simpleview’s David Peacock talks with Ben Switzer and Ed Tomasi about ways to combine digital development and legacy value creation in this modern era of destination marketing. Switzer is the chief growth officer of EXAR Studios. Tomasi is the co-founder and managing director of Subnation, the esports powerhouse.
Oct 13, 2022
36 min
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