We had an episode previously using just the "7 Undisputed Letters of Paul" to prove out the essentials of the Gospel to skeptics. You know who else needs the essentials of the Gospel? Catholics! Where's a better place to go then the "First Pope" himself, Peter, and do the same thing?
Feb 19, 2022
44 min

Lutheran Satire - a funny, sometimes hilarious, channel that is very satirical. And also very Lutheran. Can we keep our smiles when they shoot their shot at other Protestants?
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM9BR55nA2U
Jan 29, 2022
26 min

Simple - we rank the Top 5 heresies of the modern day. Jehovah's Witnesses? Mormons? Oneness Pentecostals? BAPTISTS?!? You'll have to listen to hear who makes the list!
Jan 22, 2022
53 min

A Catholic monk with a decent sized channel claims that he understands the differences between Protestant assertions about salvation. Then he says the Roman Catholic Church is pretty close to that. Is he right? Let's talk about it...
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM1wAZv5lvo&t=336s
Jan 15, 2022
56 min

Like it or not, we will all have ambitions, even if we don't think we do. Just as there is no neutrality in being for or against Christ, there is no neutral disposition for the future - you either trust God, or you trust yourself. Join us on this episode as we talk about the proper, and improper, ambitions to have as a young man.
Jan 8, 2022
54 min

Pastor Dawn is a liberal pastor of a church in Vancouver, Canada. We respond to a video where she tells us we need to "vaccinate ourselves" against bad atonement theology... Considering we just did a full-length episode on the different atonement theories, how bad could it be? The answer: pretty bad.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lzi7LvgCZY
Jan 2, 2022
1 hr 18 min

There are, supposedly, 5 "major" views of the atonement of sin Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross. Essentially, they amount to 3 incomplete views, one silly view, and the obvious one... but the detractors of Penal Substitutionary Atonement say it amounts to "cosmic child abuse" - do they have a point?
Dec 19, 2021
55 min

Response to DharmaSpeaks - our last was a hit! This time... he admits Hinduism isn't logical? I hope that doesn't mean what I think it does.
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_vHlIz_kKY
Dec 12, 2021
1 hr 2 min

There are some secular "scholars" who identify only 7 of Paul's letters as original and undisputed. Their reasonings are mundane and ridiculous... but what if we play their game, "answering the fool according to their folly"? What Christian doctrine and historical claims can be made with just these 7 books?
Shout-out to the atheist YouTuber: https://www.youtube.com/c/Paulogia for inspiring this episode.
Dec 3, 2021
48 min

We react to the "Life Covered Life" podcast, and their defense of Christian Universalism: what is it, is it truly defensible, and is it Christian?
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMPi8W0Pw48
Nov 21, 2021
1 hr 20 min
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