If you had to do 2020 over again, what would you do? Pastor Chris Brown is upfront and honest with what he’d do; he’d resign before the world turned upside down! The truth of the matter is, 2020 wasn’t easy on any of us, and that includes our pastors. So, since we can’t go back in time to have a do-over, what can we do? Tune in to this week’s FlipSide to hear what Pastor Chris Brown learned this past year and why we as the body of Christ should now more than ever be preaching the grace of the Gospel.
Jun 24, 2021
22 min

2020 did a lot of damage. No one need’s an explanation as to why. In that time of uncertainty, the leaders of the Church went into crisis-mode and worked harder than ever to keep their churches thriving and healthy. There’s only one problem— now all of those leaders are burnt out. On today’s episode, author and entrepreneur Alli Worthington brings us incredible insight on how leaders can overcome burnout after such a difficult year and what she’s currently studying in the Bible.
Jun 17, 2021
17 min

Mark 9 is an interesting chapter with a lot to unpack. We see Jesus transfigured before the disciples on a mountaintop and revealed to be the Messiah, Him predicting his death, and healing a possessed boy all within a few verses. So, what do all of these events mean? Why are they so important to pay attention to?In this episode of the FlipSide enjoy a deep dive into this chapter with Pastor Jason Caine, where he discusses everything from why Jesus glows to a hot take on the transfiguration miracle.
Jun 10, 2021
24 min

What would it have been like to experience the revelation of Jesus as the Messiah? Would we have believed it? Would we walk with Him, or run away and deny Him, like Peter did? It’s so easy to hem and haw while we have the time to theorize about what we’d do, when we often forget the stories we’re reading are about real-life, complicated people. Join a fruitful discussion with Pastors Curt and Andrew about the meaning of the Messiah, why Peter was so important, and why Jesus kept his identity as Messiah a secret.
Jun 3, 2021
26 min

In the early church, discipleship was a hot topic and it meant more than just going to church. Being a disciple meant letting Jesus's words, lives, and teachings permeate every part of your life. But is that still happening today? Some would say absolutely it is and others disagree.In episode 116 of the FlipSide, Pastor Curt Harlow sits down with Dena Davidson to unpack what it means to be a disciple in 2021, practical steps you can take to become a disciple, and the intellectual branch of Christianity.
May 6, 2021
28 min

A pivotal question in the Christian life – what to do when you're full of faith but not sure how to live it out? Reading the Bible gets you excited and passionate, but living it out on a day-to-day basis is a different story.Join Pastor Michael Metcalf and Curt Harlow as they try to answer this big question and dive into the Book of Mark Chapter 2.
Apr 15, 2021
17 min

#112: Andrew McCourt on the Essentials of Sharing Your Faith, The Last Words of Christ, & The Triune
In today's episode of the FlipSide, we take a deep dive into Matthew 28:19-20 to understand what it means to share your faith and how to live out The Great Commission.The Great Commission calls us to spread the Gospel to all the nations, but how can we actually do that? Sure mission trips are important and they help, but you can live out the Great Commission in your everyday life no matter where you live.
Apr 8, 2021
25 min

#111 - Dena Davidson on How to Tackle Doubt, What You Need to Ask About God, and What's the Point of
Doubt is either cancer or a catalyst – how will you respond?In this episode of the Flip Side, Pastor Curt Harlow and Dena Davidson dive deep into the topic of doubt. They give practical advice on what to do when you're doubting, what questions to ask God when you're doubting, and what type of "evidence" you need to look for – evidential or experiential.You need to listen to Episode 111 of The Flip/Side if you're wondering if Christianity is true, or you want to get better at learning how to defend the faith.
Mar 25, 2021
30 min

We're back with The Flip/Side Season 2, a new set but the same substance. In this pilot episode, Pastor Curt Harlow and James Powell riff on what it means to have faith, having confidence in God, and the power of starting your day with God.
Mar 11, 2021
22 min
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