The Fear The Walking Dead Podcast
The Fear The Walking Dead Podcast
AfterBuzz TV
via Podcasts
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They are keeping it real!
Enjoy the podcast. They are telling the truth about the episode. Not sugar coating how the show is coming along. One of a few that tell their real opinion. Don’t stop!
Daniel Salazar “today and tomorrow”
Love you guys! When you both were surprised that Daniel could sing caught me by surprised...I guess you didnt realize that Ruben Blades who plays Daniel is a very well known singer songwriter and the reason he went missing for a while on the show was because he was on tour! Keep up the great work!! Love this podcast.
Season 5 Episode 6
FYI .... PROPANE is used to power hot air balloons NOT gasoline
Keep me after buzzin’
Always a great episode. The question about the kids parents at the camp. I think the kids are still alive because the parents who burned the bodies of the walkers John and June find were from the power plant and the smoke from them had the radiation and maybe that’s what ultimately killed the rest of the adults. Keep up the great shows!!! -Quinn