The Far Meridian
The Far Meridian
The Whisperforge
via Podcasts
The Far Meridian
Quite simply one of the most beautifully crafted audio dramas available. I just finished my third listen, and I discover new layers to it every time. Through its expert sound design and Barraza’s extremely talented narration, this podcast crafts a unique tone that I’ve yet to see replicated in other audio dramas of its type. A big factor of this show’s unique approach to storytelling stems from its protagonist, Peri. When her lighthouse home starts magically taking her to new places, Peri does answer the call to adventure… But at her own pace. What follows is a beautiful journey of self-discovery that assures its audience that hey, it’s okay if you don’t have everything all figured out. The you today may not be able to handle things, but maybe the you tomorrow can.
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Subjective Opinions
My favorite podcast
Hope it comes back!!! Can't recommend enough.
Found something special
This podcast is really beautiful with its calming music and poignant story. I would go and relisten to the paper airplanes when I’m having a bad day.
beautiful :)
this podcast is just so sweet, the music is great too
Not bad
Not bad, interesting concept and decent voice acting. Unfortunately the episodes weren’t interesting enough to keep me going, but good job!
Love it
I went into this not knowing what to expect but I’m glad to say that I really enjoyed it and this is the kind of podcast I’d listen to over and over and over again
This show is amazing and so calming! I want more!
Engaging and calming at the same time
Beautifully written, and beautifully performed. The story line is sketched out with just enough detail to paint a picture and keep me asking what’s next. I usually like a longer story, but this one is satisfying in small bites. UPDATE: will there be a season three? Please don’t leave this story unfinished.
Sir Amy 93
Such a bummer. The new season was supposed to be out in Jan. &.... nothing. It would be nice to at least get some kind of update. 👎🏼
Loved it, but when is season 3 coming??
I thought season three was supposed to be out by now 😩
Very simply - Excellent!!!
Beautiful and complicated yet subtle
This is a lovely, complex, yet subtly told story. I was so content yet completely engaged while listening. Things got very exciting in the end and I am intrigued. I hope that the way you tell the story stays the same even if the storyline changes.
I'm. So. Confused. Why is everyone saying this is beautiful? Or soothing? I tried really hard. But I'm just confused. This is just plain weird. I think this must be for a different age group maybe because I feel like I'm a smart individual ...but feeling stupid that I'm not getting this. To each their own I guess!
Very sweet and very bingable
I binged the whole first season in one day, I couldn’t get enough of it!! The characters and dialogue are all so realistic and relatable and the interactions that happen between the characters are all so interesting and fun to listen to. I cannot wait to listen to the rest today, and I’m so glad I discovered this podcast :)
Better and Better
Honestly, I was just casually interested in this podcast for most of it. The ending of season two however, made all of the listening worth it. I am SO excited to see where this podcast will go from here; the premise is very exciting and unique, and the character growth and development is compelling. Can’t wait for season three!
A Podcast I Never Knew I Needed
Everything about this podcast is soothing, exciting, and just plain amazing.😍 The story and it’s actors are honestly top notch and if I could give on their patreon I would however until then I’ll leave this review. ❤️ Thank you guys for this podcast.
Baked tab
Love it.
I wish i had a mom like Monica. This is a wonderful show. May you find your beloved.
Light worker 73
Mild and engaging
It's a mellow listen, which is odd because some pretty dramatic stuff happens. Still. Makes me mellow while also being decent storytelling.
Great weird world
It’s a great show not quite full fantasy but just enough of a view askew of the real world to keep you listening! Such a greatly written drama
Sidesplitting Hatchet Thrower
Very charming, can’t wait for more
The writers of this show created very sweet and charming character. From the protagonist, to her supporters, to their... antagonist? Honestly the whole world is touching and surreal and I love it!
Begins repetitive then becomes so much more
The Far Meridian starts with a formula that could be consider repetitive and stale, were it not for the fascinating and wild people Peri meets along the way. This in turn evolves into a much more complex story than just “a magic lighthouse traveling”. The music is gorgeous and effective, the voice acting natural, and the story heartbreaking.
A great story that leaves you listening to it multiple times. The anxiety is so well portrayed. It leaves the listener rooting for the main character when they do take command. Spooky and cute and nerve wrecking.
Reggie B-Tron
I love this show
Great characters, plot, ambiance. I am grateful for the existence of this show and all it gives to the world.
This podcast is all of the feels in the best way. It has a poignant quality, but it is really about connection and healing. Also the characters are intersectional and portrayed with such nuance and love. Amazing production quality too. One of my favorites!
Fay Onyx
One of my favorite audio dramas
A common issue I have audio dramas is that all the characters tend to blend together and I forget who is who. This has never happened in The Far Meridian, because they only introduce characters that are helpful to the plot or are unique and interesting.
Soothing and wonderful
Although the main character has anxiety issues, the story is always soothing. Peri, the main character, deals with the magical reality of her home, a lighthouse, relocating every day. Great writing and performances.
The Bright Sessions
It's so good! I was on the edge just from reading the description and it took me a while to start it but now I'm sad it took me so long because it's so good!! I can relate to the main character so much more than I'd like to admit, and listening to her mental health struggles hits close to home but in a validation kind of way. And I love the spooky bits! I can't wait for more episodes!!
Soothing and gentle and tragic. there’s a deep melancholy to this story. Cant wait to go deeper.
Jupiter's calling
I Must Be Stupid
Idk if there’s some deeper life examining story that I’m not getting. But I don’t get it. I really like the concept of a traveling lighthouse and a girl with agoraphobia but honestly she doesn’t really seem that way sometimes. She’s all I’m scared of talking to people and then a couple episodes later and thereafter she’s talking to people like without a hint of fear. Anyway idk if I need to be smarter or something to understand the story but I’m still listening to it because I need something to hear while at work.
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Lynnie Pop
First heard on NPR, amazing!
I first heard a podcast discussed on NPR, and I was instantly hooked. It’s a soothing Sound of what the ideal journal entry would be, or a letter to a long lost friend or family member. It reaches the heart!
no nickname left to use
A modern Little Prince
Such lovely characters, each unique with their own soul and story. Strongly reminiscent of the Little Prince, with a pure main character meeting new people and hearing the fables of their lives. Matched with beautiful soundscapes, it has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts.
I think it’s beautiful
The writing is great and makes me feel emotions and I’ll okay with that.
sext this and sext that
So calming.
An ideal relaxation podcast. The surrealism is calming even when there’s action or panic... HIGHLY recommend it! Yay whisperforge!!!!!
Season 1 was great...
I loved season 1– it had gorgeous descriptions, an interesting continuous plot that dropped in on other fascinating characters, and took a real look at anxiety. Season 2 does none of that. I’m really having trouble following the plot, or even telling if there is one. The whole premise of season one was “girl lives in a lighthouse that keeps traveling of its own accord to different landscapes while she looks for her lost brother and deals with crippling agoraphobia.” Season 2 is “girl lives with her parents in a normal house and has family issues or something.” Not sure why they decided to drop an interesting plot in favor of a boring and sometimes confusing one.
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Beautiful, haunting, emotional, goofy, relatable
What an under appreciated, under-hyped podcast. Beautifully produced and written, this podcast transports you to a new place and encourages a bright perspective on man kind in each episode through the charmingly relatable perspective of Peri. Do yourself a favor and give the first few episodes a listen!
It is beautifully done. Not for everyone, but for the right person, it’s enough to reach right into your soul. May you always find your way xx
Imaginative yet relatable
The Far Meridian explores mental health and relationships - two of my favorite subjects. Whether you have mental health difficulties or not, this podcast can help you better emphasize with anxiety and broaden your mind to those who experience the world uniquely. I’m looking forward to more episodes!
A warm hug
This pod cast is like a warm hug from a friend who’s just as sad and damaged as you are. I feel like the people behind it really have their heart and soul out on a line for us and I thank you for it
Great concept, fantastic Voice acting, excellent writing! Give it a shot!
Battling Agoraphobia
This is a good mellow listen. The traveling lighthouse situation would be a dream come true for many of us. Free travel! For Perry it’s a challenge to her psyche. Keep it coming !
A fine figure
A fine figure hit me hard. Such a good episode. It hit me on a very deep level and I cannot recommend this podcast enough
Gorgeous work
This is a fantastic podcast- deeply soothing and immersive~
Euripides Redux
A sweet, gentle story.
Listening to this is like sitting by a fire, drinking your warm beverage of choice, wearing your most comfortable socks and reading a favorite book. The story they’re creating is warm and comforting and the excellent performances and brilliant sound design support that feeling perfectly. Reminds me in many ways of Pushing Daisies: the quirkily magical elements, the feelings and relationships of the characters. Highly recommended if you’re looking for something more character-focused and sweet rather than plot-driven.
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I’m dying for more!!!
I will not be able to accurately describe how awesome this podcast is, I just won’t. The Whisperforge is trying to steal my soul. I’m sure of it. I’m completely invested in this story. This podcast is RICH with sound. You’ll see. If you have ever suffered mental health issues, or cared about someone who has, you will absolutely feel a kinship with Peri. But, for those of you this doesn’t apply to, fear not. The story is downright interesting. I need to know what is GOING ON. And, I’m excited to experience it all.
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Wonderful. I unfailingly look forward to new episodes. The world painted is hauntingly beautiful and fragile and oddly comforting in all its strangeness.
Brilliant and breathtaking
The presentation of this podcast is phenomenal. It follows a young woman, Peri, as her home, a lighthouse, mysteriously transports to different areas every night. When day breaks, it's a battle against Peri's anxiety and agoraphobia to figure out what is going on and where her brother is. Along the way, she meets so many interesting people and tries to overcome her crippling anxiety in order to gain a human connection with other people. At times, the audio made me feel very panicked and really pulled me in. The story made me question whether this was all a dream or not for the character. I don't even think the answer to that question is necessary, though. Needless to say, this series brought me to tears with how powerful it was, and I absolutely recommend it.
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DM Lord Neptune
Listen to this podcast!
100% love this podcast and I’m so excited to have discovered it! Something about this feels so gentle and endearing to me but also it’s mysterious and eerie at times. The performance of the protagonist is wonderful and so is everything else about this podcast, the characters, the plot, the production quality, the script, everything!!
if you wanna hear the most comforting soundscape on or off the planet, PLEASE listen to this podcast. one of my favorite examples of good sound design, combined with an intriguing plot 👀 creates one of my FAVORITE listening experiences, and quite possibly yours too!
My Kind of Adventure
The Far Meridian is whimsical but grounded, realistic but astounding. A truly tremendous show.
Good podcast I love it
It’s a great pod cast! Interesting start, the volume is odd para are too loud and other too quiet that even on maximum you can’t hear it.
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