The Fall Line: True Crime Podcast
The Fall Line: True Crime
The Fall Line®
The Fall Line: True Crime
The Fall Line®
True crime podcasting often forgets that, underneath the gore and sensationalism, there are real people, real families, and real justice waiting to be served.  The Fall Line® is an antidote to that oversight - focused on ethical, deep-dive coverage of missing people, unsolved homicides, and unidentified persons called John and Jane Does.  We present carefully crafted true crime stories, thorough research and in-depth interviews with families, law enforcement, and experts. And we bring calls to action, so engaged true crime listeners can do their part to resolve cold cases. Join us to learn about victims and survivors you’ve never heard of. . . and why their cases were ignored in the first place.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 10 days
Latest episode
2 months ago
July 10
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