The Fabrication Station Podcast

The Fabrication Station

mike wagner
Weekly podcast series were Mike Wagner ( Owner of Cornfield Customs) and weekly guests have automotive fabrication open discussions as well as cover listener submitted questions covering fabrication techniques, interesting stories from the industry, business practices and just day to day life.
Episode 19- With Special Guest Nate Henderson of Nates Custom leather
Nate stopped by to chat about life, cars and custom leather tooling in general. Make sure to check out his killer work on FB and IG - Nates custom leather
Jan 24, 2023
1 hr 33 min
Episode 18 - With returning special guest Joshua Shaw
Joshua is back on the show talking about art, hot rods and strip clubs. He asks some thought provoking and potential pot stirring questions as well
Jan 3, 2023
1 hr 33 min
Episode 17 - With special guest Nick Cologero from Catskill Mountain Customs
On this episode I sit down with Nick from Catskill Mountain Customs to chat about life, metal shaping and cover the following topics Weekly questions to cover. - Nightmare fab asks - How do you finish out that last little bit? Say you have a dent and you get it to 85% perfect, to where you can just feel it. I just can’t get it further than that with a hammer and dolly.- Martin Van Den Berg asks- What is the most difficult piece/ project he ( Nick) has worked as of yet?- Hammerformed asks - For a beginner who would like to make a little income shaping to expand their hobby, which is better, building a product to sell when completed ( ie gas tank, fender) or provide a service ?- Also from hammer formed - Nick, you build bikes, any interest in cars?- Any desire to go full time? Why or why not?- What is one key piece of advise you can give younger fabricators or people just getting into the industry?
Dec 20, 2022
2 hr 7 min
Bonus Mini
Just a thought I wanted to share to get out there and support all the shops, content creators, product creators and friends with what they are doing. support them in any way you can. share their products, posts, videos, like, comment, subscribe and tell a friend. All of that is so huge into today's social media world we live in. if you can afford to help support them financially buy their goods, support their subscriber page, patreon page or just give them some cash to help them grow! so get out there and support all the great shops, creators and pages you like to follow.
Dec 13, 2022
4 min
Episode 16 - With Special guest The infamous Mike Whitney
In this episode i sit down and talk to Mike Whitney about winning Good Guys Nashville Hotrod of the year, road trips, nitro burn outs, strip clubs, fire balls and more. so check it out
Dec 6, 2022
59 min
Episode 13 - with special guest Piero De Luca from the Mad Fabricators Society
In this episode I talk with Piero about his back ground in Hot rod shop documentaries, building cars, and be heavily involved in the traditional hot rod and fabrication community. We discuss Feeding the Kitty, cool projects and history, as well as just have a converstaions about life. Make sure to check out his killer videos and content on Youtube as well as all his other platforms. The Mad Fabricators Society
Nov 1, 2022
1 hr 15 min
Episode 12 - With Special guest Michael Torres from Cyclus Moto
I was able to catch up with Michael Torres from Cyclus Moto while hanging out in Wildwood NJ a the rain out for TROG. Michael is a new comer to the fabrication world and gives good insight on his journey of starting out into fabrication.check out for all the great products Michael has to offer as well as how he gives back to the community
Oct 18, 2022
1 hr 7 min
Episode 11 - With special guests Mackey and Eric Demaio
On this episode we are live at The Race of Gentleman in Wildwood Nj. With the racing being canceled I was able to take the time to get an interview with Mackey from Mackeys hot rods in Huntington Beach CA, and Eric Demaio from Full Auto in Monroe NJ.
Oct 4, 2022
1 hr 30 min
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