The Exploring Series
The Exploring Series
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Smart and soothing
I’ve been watching this person videos on YouTube and glad he has a podcast so I can listen to them on the go. His voice is soothing and shows through his narration he cares for the content he puts out. My favorites though are his Lovecraft narrations that I love listening to while working. By far, the best audio books (?) in the Lovecraft audio world in my opinion. I hope he intends to read many more in the future.
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No cringe, no problem
I enjoy this podcast, and love the way he reads and discusses the SCPs. I don’t think that the Warhammer 40k is particularly good, but others might.
the blob of death
SCP without cringe!!!
I’ve loved and followed this show for years. The tales are narrated well without being a line-for-line reread of the articles, content is released weekly and the curation is excellent. I’m one of those in the fan base that really doesn’t care for the Warhammer stuff, but the quality of his SCP readings hasn’t deteriorated at all in the years I’ve followed. If you like creepy pasta but hate all the cringy shows covering it, this is the podcast for you.
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The best of the best
I'm really into the SCP readings, and the way he both gives us a play-by-play style and also explains it in a way that is interesting and comprehensive is the best. And I find it far more palatable than the usual, cold, clinical format of SCP articles.
Love the show
I’ve heard a lot lately that people (myself included) aren’t that into war hammer content anymore
A joy and a pleasure. Prefer the pods to videos. No commercial interruptions (by YouTube I mean). Keep up the great work!
Great podcast
Ignore the review next to mine the ABC SCP Is a halloween special he’s doing. Besides that great podcast go to sleep with it daily
Really nice
I love his content however I wish he made more war hammer 40k. As of October 2023 he has only been making upload about these (insert letter) is for (word that starts with the letter)
Very good
Came here from YouTube leaving a review for the algorithm. Very good story telling podcast.
Very good episodes, love it a lot
The Man of Poetry
Absolutely amazing love every aspect and every story but especially the scp ones that you do. They are the best. Keep making more episodes.
Love to listen during walks
The complex lore/tales are made very easy to follow
Love it
How is it that I find the most horrendous, bloodies SCPs to be… relaxing?
Such great narration!!
Magg has such great understanding of his chosen topics. All his topics are top shelf. His SPC topics though are epic. I’ve listened to all of them more times than I can count.
Great to listen to on a long drive.
thats it
Strangely enough no matter how horrifying the topic I always am able to fall asleep while listening to this.
Amazing. More episodes
Amazing. I have known about the scp foundation when I was 3. Thank you for filling me with more knolage
people love 1234
Perfect for any activity
I listen while I clean, while I organize my notes, while I do needlepoint, while I play video games, and while I sleep. It's always perfect!
Vry nice
I like
Nah that’s pretty good
Best time killer for when your bored and need to listen to something or go to bed
Ok, I like it…
your local manager
Come here for all your deep dive needs. It’s nice to have an audio format show that can make listening to the deeper SCPs worthwhile when my hands aren’t free to research their details. Also the DND episodes are great too!
My tastes are specific.
Honestly, used to be a 5, easy, but losing my interest over the past few months. For me, the interesting thing about SCP files is they are not a narrative story; just interesting and creative concepts, but, been a good whole since he looked at any of those; he seemed to be deliberately seeking out and showcasing only the entries that are written as stories. Not what I subscribe for. Still a fan, but in my honest opinion, for my taste, it’s not what it once was.
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My only issue is that it’s impossible to search for episodes with general terms like “middle earth.” That term is in the show notes for every episode so every episode is returned in a search. I love the show but it’s a PITA to scroll through 200 plus eps. Still gonna listen, though.
I’ve been watching his videos since 2017 and I can’t believe it took me this long to find this. Looking forward to listening to these again!
local taco bell manager
This podcast really explains SCP’s very well. I’m learning more about the foundation more than I have ever!
Without a doubt, the best
TES's narration from the get go is captivating - something in their tone is just simply inviting you in the most respectful way possible to keep listening, because they know we're in for a good time, be it D&D or SCPs or any kind of content they they put out. Please keep up the good work.
This podcast is a keanu reeves wholesome chonker chunges reddit moment: 100
It’s absolutely amazing. Love it.
not a keter-class SCP!!!
Amazing narrator
Been listening to this individual for a few years now. Great at summarizing and telling stories/SCP docs. Really enjoyed the episode with the typewriter and detective.
Introduced me to SCP
Which led to me really embracing how much I love horror. So thanks a bunch! Now to fall asleep to this stuff lol
Thanks for the files
Thanks for the files. This is helping a lot with my scp tale I’m currently writing please upvote it once it’s released it name will be: Death in the floor of the sea Based on SCP-3000 anitasia or something I can’t remember how it’s spelled
More please
I no longer need a wifi connection to listen to this channel. Now i can listen to SCP stuff anytime, anywhere
This podcast is a must for any SCP fan
And it allowed me to connect to my brother and his love of Warcraft
Good quality videos. You can tell he does his research, and I first discovered him on YouTube. Go check him out there if you want illustrations.
I started listening to the Exploring Series on YouTube. It is by far my favorite SCP podcast or audiobook series. His reading is very clear and he gives very a nice, clean, concise synopsis of each topic that is both interesting and entertaining. While I have not listened to his DND podcasts, I have listened to a few of his audiobooks he has posted, and find them to be of remarkable quality as well. I definitely recommend the Exploring Series.
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I love it
Great podcast really enjoy it hope you make a lot more keep up the good work
maga derp
A great podcast
I just wanted to rate how good it is
173 the holy peanut
Good Job
I’ve reviewed and listened to multiple SCP podcasts, such as reel to reel, and The SCP archives and I have to say this is the best. He makes it to where the listener can enjoy the story and understand it as well(as some scps require a re-read as they are complicated) and he also has long enough episodes to enjoy them for awhile and he also keeps the freaky tone without sacrificing the explanation. Good job, 9/10. I would recommend anyone interested in the SCP foundation to listen to it.
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Mad internet guy
Great job on this show
This podcast is one of my all time favorites. I appreciate the variety of topics you cover, my favorite being SCP, D&D, and Middle Earth. I always turn on my phone every Monday whenever I wake up to listen to the new episode(s). All in all, an amazing podcast read by an amazing narrator
This is my favorite podcast. I get so excited when a new episode comes out. An absolute must for fans of the SCP Foundation.
Love your channel this podcast is great to
Code name [BLACKOUT]
Best SCP Podcast By Far
I started my journey into the scp universe with this podcast, and now I can’t listen to any other scp podcast. The narration is creepy sounding but not monotonous, and he doesn’t just read the article. He summarizes and explains what is going on, making everything a lot less boring while also clarifying it. 10/10 would recommend
Arden has Issues
I love this guys narration of these events and topics. It has the right amount of enthusiasm, while still keeping an eerie tone. I binge these episodes on bike rides and it’s always so interesting.
Now a fan of SCPs
Masterfully made! Fantastic
McElfan representative #4,784
I started on YouTube and now I can’t stop
This podcast and how is probably one of my favorite of all time. Of course there are some details left out but the amount of detail you get is more than enough to get and enjoy to story. It’s a great way to delve into the scp universe and it’s entertaining enough to just listen to even if you don’t wanna get into the universe. Each entry is like a mini story and once you’ve heard them all you can get into the oroburos cycle which is probably my favorite just from part 4-5. This man deserves more credit than he has been getting but he still puts out amazing content. If you read this I want you to know from a listener to a recorder I love you so much and I hope you keep up the amazing work.
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Jeren DV
Great podcast, very disorganized.
Fix that and this is the easiest 5 star review I’ll ever give.
emerson fd
very good
I didn’t know how much I needed this until I started listening. 5/5
Fblthp, the Returned
Very satisfying and inspirational
I fall asleep to your videos and podcasts. Also has inspired me to start my own. This is a small request and by no means impacts my review, could you possibly make longer podcasts? If not that’s okay, thank you for everything you do!
SCP Gold!
The be all end all for an amazing analysis of the SCP Foundations greatest hits. Clear and concise analysis in an easily digestible format complete with atmospheric tones and dynamic reading. Would very much recommend for anyone wanting to learn about the SCP Foundation and what it ya to offer. Keep up the great work!!!
John samsonite
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