The East is a Podcast
The East is a Podcast
Sina Rahmani (@urorientalist)
A critical lens on the history of the present on West Asia and North Africa. Interviews with experts and archival mashups. Created by Sina Rahmani (twitter: @urorientalist)
Tankie Group Therapy #19: Running Amok
On June 18, The Baffler published an article by Mary Turfah called "Running Amok" in which Mary tried to understand the psychology underlying Israeli troops and citizens' production of trophy videos and photos we have been seeing during the war. Our therapy group (@justinpodur, @norabf, @karaokecomputer, @rosendo_joe, @louis_allday, @alexander_avina), got together with Mary to talk through the article and use it to understand the Israeli mentality that has left us stunned for all these months.   Watch the video edition on Justin's fantastic YouTube channel   Consider supporting the show
Jul 1
1 hr 9 min
Poetry for Liberation: From Haiti to Palestine
On 10 May 2024, the Early Caribbean Society hosted a virtual, communal, poetry reading noting connections between Haiti, Sudan, DRC, Palestine, and Indigenous people on Turtle Island, facing invasion and genocide. Program available here Watch the video edition of The East is a Podcast YouTube channel Donate to CareForGaza and to the family of one of our poetry readers Consider supporting the show
Jun 20
1 hr 38 min
Bonus Episode 182 - Palestine and the right to defensive violence w/ Alex Avina
This is a preview of the latest bonus episode. Sign up for $5 a month to access the entire conversation. Friend of the show Alex Aviña (@Alexander_Avina) joined me for an episode on the perennial questions of violence and self-defence. CBC Documentary about Palestinian resistance in Gaza
Jun 18
11 min
Indigenous solidarity in the time of genocide: Standing against settler colonialism from the Turtle Island to Palestine w/ Madonna Thunder Hawk
  Walaa Alqaisiya (@walqaisiya) is a Palestinian academic born and raised in Hebron in the West Bank. She is a Marie Curie Fellow based at the University of Venice, Italy. Walaa's work draws on anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist, and feminist approaches to highlight the deeply gendered and ecocidal nature of Zionist settler colonialism and US-led imperialism. Madonna Thunder Hawk is a Lakota activist best known as a member and leader in the American Indian Movement (AIM), co-founding Women of All Red Nations (WARN) and the Black Hills Alliance,and as an organizer against the Dakota Access Pipeline. She established the Wasagiya Najin Grandmothers' Group on the Cheyenne River to help build kinship networks while also developing Simply Smiles Children Village. She also serves as the Director of Grassroots Organizing for the Red Road Institute. Thunderhawk has spoken around the world as a delegate to the United Nations and is currently the Lakota People's Law Project principal and Tribal liaison. She was an international Indian Treaty Council delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva and a delegate to the U.N. Decade of Women Conference in Mexico City.   Consider supporting the show
Jun 18
1 hr 20 min
Imperial scheming and the "humanitarian pier" in Gaza w/ Ahmed Alqarout
The US regime has spent over 300 million USD constructing a port on the Gaza coast and is calling it a "humanitarian pier". Ahmed Alqarout (@MENAUnleashed), a political economist from Gaza based in the UK, explores the darker motivations behind the construction of the port. Watch the video edition on The East is a Podcast YouTube channel Consider supporting the podcast    
Jun 14
1 hr 18 min
Tankie Group Therapy #18: Tank you for being a friend
We're back for another round of group therapy talking about the latest developments in the Gaza genocide with a small group of Tankie therapees: Sina (@UrOrientalist), Rob (@robrousseau) and Mikey (@karaokecomputer). Sadly, our comrade Joe Emersburger was on the call but his file didn't upload so we sometimes reference his contribution. Please send your complaints to for their shitty, unstable platform. Watch the video edition on The East is a Podcast YouTube channel Consider supporting the podcast
Jun 12
1 hr 5 min
The End of Sport #141: Protest Politics w/Robin D. G. Kelley
[The latest episode of The End of Sport podcast co-hosted by my old friend Nathan Kalman-Lamb, Johanna Mellis, and Derek SIlva.] In this episode, Derek and Nathan are immensely privileged to be joined by UCLA historian Robin D. G. Kelley for a discussion of the remarkable and obscene events that took place at the UCLA anti-genocide encampment and an assessment of the encampment movement in the context of the neoliberal university and racial capitalism more broadly. We also talk about the role of sport in protest politics. Robin D.G. Kelley is Distinguished Professor and Gary B. Nash Endowed Chair in U.S. History at UCLA. He honestly does not need any introduction from me, but just to gesture to his impact, he is the author of books including,  Africa Speaks, America Answers: Modern Jazz in Revolutionary Times (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2012); Thelonious Monk: The Life and Times of an American Original (The Free Press, 2009); Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination(Beacon Press, 2002); with Howard Zinn and Dana Frank, Three Strikes: The Fighting Spirit of Labor’s Last Century (Beacon Press, 2001); Yo’ Mama’s Disfunktional!: Fighting the Culture Wars in Urban America (Boston: Beacon Press, 1997); Race Rebels: Culture, Politics, and the Black Working Class  (New York: The Free Press, 1994); Into the Fire: African Americans Since 1970  (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996) [Vol. 10 of the Young Oxford History of African Americans series]; and Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1990). Very recently, he is also the author of an astounding appraisal of the events at the UCLA encampment in Boston Review.   The End of Sport Podcast is a proud member of the Harbinger Media Network, your left podcast community. Find us in great company with over 60 other shows at Harbinger Media Network. As always, if you’re enjoying the show, please feel free to subscribe on your favorite podcasting platform and, please, leave us a five-star review as those always help us read a wider audience.
Jun 6
1 hr 21 min
Tankie Group Therapy #17: An Assault on Our Minds
Our regular therapy session debriefing the events of the week. Rob Rousseau (@robrousseau), Alex Avina (@Alexander_Avina), Joe Emersberger (@rosendo_joe), Nora Barrows Friedman ( all join. Hosted by Justin Podur (@justinpodur) Watch the episode on The Anti-Empire Project YouTube channel   Consider supporting the show
Jun 2
1 hr 5 min
The Art of Boycott: Delinking, Zionism, and the Agrarian Question فن المقاطعة: فك الارتباط، الصهيونية والقضية الزراعية؟
**The Arabic half of the conversation begins around minute 72** Essam Elkorgle (@elkorgle) guesthosts a special dual-language episode with Tunis-based sociologist Haithem Gasmi (@HaithemGasmii) on the sociocultural dimensions of the Zionist boycott and the wider question of delinking from the neocolonial world system. Check out the short video discussed in the episode. Cover art by Suhaib Tantoush Haithem's recent articles (Arabic) "Disengagement After Boycott: Disengagement From What? (Part One)" "Disengagement After Boycott: Disengagement From What? (Part Two)"   Consider supporting the show
May 31
2 hr 3 min
Tankie Group Therapy #16: Apocalypse, now!
Get out your most painful traumies cause it's that time again.  A smaller helping of Tankie Group Therapy featuring Justin, Joe, and Sina. Watch the episode on The Anti-Empire Project YouTube channel   Consider supporting the podcast
May 26
54 min
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