The Drunkard's Ambassador Programme on College Underground Radio Podcast

The Drunkard's Ambassador Programme on College Underground Radio

The Drunkard's Ambassador Programme on College Underground Radio
The Drunkard's Ambassador Radio Programme was born out of Baltimore rock and roll, reared on British Invasion, old country western, 60s & 70s radio, and upon re-entry, landed somewhere in the North Channel. Your host Kyf Brewer and his world-wise "whiskey-enhanced" nodules soothe & tease your ear's inner child with music you won't hear on commercial radio... songs from Kyf's collection of personal favorites, musicians he's met and worked with, and some of the newest up and coming unsigned indie and underground artists from all over the world!The Drunkard's Ambassador Radio Programme also includes interviews, some quite unusual, with bands and artists, rock & roll stories, plus some rants and raves from your host and legendary Drunkard's Ambassador, Kyf Brewer.