The Dog That Changed Me
The Dog That Changed Me
Pedigree / Dear Media
The Dog That Changed Me
Pedigree / Dear Media
I am Katherine Schwarzenegger and this is "The Dog That Changed Me", a podcast about the power dogs have to transform our lives. In each episode I'll talk to one guest about how their decision to rescue a dog has made them into the person they are today. We will hear from a variety of people; actors, singers, dancers, veterans and more! Instead of hearing about their professional career, we will be talking about their furry soulmates. On this show we celebrate every little thing that makes our dogs our best partners. Come join us and find out how the power of a single pup can change our world for the better. "The Dog That Changed Me" is brought to you by PEDIGREE and produced by Dear Media Studio. The PEDIGREE brand believes that dogs bring out the good in us and that Pedigree brings out the good in them.
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Latest episode
5 years ago
May 20, 2019
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