Our lovely and Charismatic host Mr. Roe, is back for another installment of the Dillon Roe Show Abode Podcast! In this episode, Mr. Roe talks about the advancements in video game culture ranging from handheld devices, all the way to 3D graphics! How well our host survive this conflict!?! Tune in to find out...
Oct 2, 2020
42 min

This is where the magic truly begins for the new podcast host Dillon Roe, as he begins his very first podcast on the truly infamous Galaxy News Radio broadcasting network!!! Will our rather expressive and charasmatically endearing host for tonight make it through the podcast, or will retro games be too much for him!?! Stay tuned, to find out...
Sep 22, 2020
55 min

It's like a fireside chat, but a trailer at the same time. How odd...
Sep 21, 2020
59 sec