The Diary Room With Mae Podcast

The Diary Room With Mae

Mary george
Welcome to my podcast, where I share real-life issues, regarding us girls😊😊 Juicy gossips and so much more Don't sit on this ride alone
This episodes talks about things most people fear for, and how best not to allow it shape your life. We share experiences and discuss at length. We had fun girls time, lovely ladies I must say!
Nov 5, 2021
1 hr 28 min
Dear Me
This episode is simply what we advice our younger self, what we should have done right..... Its not time to have a pity party but time push hard and encourage ourselves to press on and achieve even more.
Sep 10, 2021
15 min
Beautiful You describes that personality you have asides your appearance.
Ever noticed people have beautiful appearance and when you come close they are not beautiful in their character and personality??? Oh well listen and enjoy the episodes
Aug 27, 2021
20 min
Here is the new look to the podcast and the topics.
On this episodes it comprises of the introduction of the podcast and topics we would be sharing this month, stay glued as we take you on this journey. Also one of the things to look at in this episodes is that we would be sharing topics on mental health.
Aug 6, 2021
1 hr 14 min
Healthy relationship tips
How to know, if you are in a healthy relationship. Most people are in an abusive relationship and they don't know, here are some tips to guide you in knowing when to seek counsel
Mar 27, 2021
17 min
Young and unmarried
Young and married people and handling conflicts in a relationship, this episode is a complete conversation that covers how best to handle conflicts between you and your partner.
Mar 13, 2021
43 min
Most people do not love theirselves, and they loose out in the beautiful part of life.
Feb 27, 2021
18 min
True Character In Your Relationship
Character in your relationship helps your partner know who you really are, do not disguise!!! Ensuring as well that your relationship is healthy mentally and emotionally as well.
Feb 20, 2021
14 min
The gist of how I was in a relationship with a cheat!
In this episode we talk about love, in the spirit of valentines, this episode is to help ladies who are scared to ask the big question!!!
Feb 6, 2021
13 min
Women in the waiting room!
This is to help shed more light, for ladies who are ready to get married, this is to help them prepare themselves for the big question, which is ......ARE YOU READY !! , if that's a yes? Then listen as real talk with May, explains more in details on 2 episodes.
Sep 4, 2020
7 min
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