The Devdutt Pattanaik Show | Mirchi
The Devdutt Pattanaik Show | Mirchi
Devdutt Pattanaik
The Devdutt Pattanaik Show | Mirchi
Devdutt Pattanaik
Mythology is often categorized as a passé and an uncool subject. The younger audiences in India consume a very large amount of content on a regular basis, but mythological content is definitely not their go to choice. The thought for this podcast stems exactly from here. The Devdutt Pattanaik Show on Radio Mirchi will be aimed at making mythology the buzz word for young listeners. Pattanaik is here to make mythology more relatable, affable and cooler for the younger audiences. The show is crafted around issues & subjects that apply to our daily lives by integrating startling and interesting stories from mythology to address them. The master storyteller, Devdutt Pattanaik, has revolutionized the way we look at mythology today. With over 50 published books, he is the quintessential name in the space of decoding mythology and making the content consumer-friendly. Within the format of storytelling, Pattanaik, manages to grip the audience by sharing remarkable facts about Indian mythology and connecting it our day-to-day lives. He deep dives into topics such as dance, sexuality, sports, marriage, nepotism, children, the legal system, relationships, gender etc. Catch him in a new avatar that hasn’t been explored before. Pattanaik makes his debut on radio as a storyteller to make mythology super fun!
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 35 days
Latest episode
4 years ago
March 3, 2020
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