The Deep End. . .we've got Floaties Podcast

The Deep End. . .we've got Floaties

Sue Dee/Mike Green
Sue and Mike talk over relationships through personal stories, ideas and things they are learning along the way. Trying to give a little more light to the importance of relationships to our health and well being. What you do with the light is up to you. Speaking of light, pictured here is the painting, "God's Light", by Nancy Hopper. Thank you, Nancy for letting us use it.
The 3R's. Revelation, Resolution and Revolution
It's a half hour with a different 'hook' on how we learn, discern and apply it to our lives. There is nothing here, or anywhere, that will surprise you. Too often some of us tend to get stuck or struggle with changing a habit, attitude or a belief. Here is a simple approach that could help or maybe help you figure out how it can work for you.
Jun 17, 2021
34 min
Intro to The Deep End, a new podcast starting soon
We are shooting for Thursday a.m. release of a weekly interview style conversation about our relationships. Come along for the ride, add comments, insights or questions that lead to another discussion.  Let us know what you think, agree or disagree (but be nice). This will give you a rough(we hope to smooth it out as we go) idea of who we are and what to expect. Next week we will discuss the 3R's, but it's not what you expect. That first real episode, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, will be next week. Looking forward to building your trust, interest and friendship.
Jun 9, 2021
12 min