The David McWilliams Podcast Podcast
The David McWilliams Podcast
David McWilliams & John Davis
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Niall Ferguson sounds MAGA
Hard to listen to this episode as Ferguson frames Trump in ways give Trump maximum supply to fuel his boundless narcissism. No wonder Ferguson has been at Mar a Lago recently. Ferguson’s take on Trump 2.0 made me cringe. And, being a grifter is better than being a bureaucrat? Really?
Thought-provoking & entertaining!
Really enjoy this thought-provoking, credible, informative, and entertaining podcast. Well done John and David. You are in my line-up on my daily walks!
Pippa Milgram not truthful
I generally find this podcast helpful and educational, if a bit behind the times on economics with a strong neoliberal bent (for example, GDP as the be-all and end-all and the appropriate way to measure growth in all cases). But this episode with Pippa Milgram was totally off the rails. They let her just flat out lie about Robert Kennedy Jr without any challenge at all. For example she says he isn’t anti vaccine just against “vaccines that haven’t been tested.” This is demonstrably false in almost every single one of his public statements simply because there is no such thing as an “untested” vaccine. She implies the Covid vaccines have shown many problems with wide use and this is completely not supported by the data. She also claims RFK Jr is being funded by small dollar donors which is also not true - he has received huge amounts of money from some of the richest donors in the business. This was very deceptive and disappointing to platform this woman telling falsehoods and misleading with regards to a major election in the US - this kind of uncritical platforming and allowing someone to simply flat out lie with no push back at all is pretty shocking. Please do better
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Love this podcast but there is no diversity
I love this podcast so much. I learn something new with each listen, and the banter between David and John is gas. It’s disappointing that they don’t feature more guests who aren’t men though.
Educational and witty
I started listening to this podcast over the Summer and got hooked. I listen while out walking and do get odd looks when I guffaw at something David or John come out with. Nevertheless the economic discussions (which attracted me in the first place) are conducted in clear language and particularly well intertwined with the politics of the day.
Mrs B.
We are spreading your show all over Philadelphia and the people are loving it. So informative and entertaining. A Dub abroad x
Who knew there was great craic about economics?
This is my favorite economics and current events podcast, and it stands above the others due to the great banter and perspectives of the hosts. There are some great guests as well! No stodgy, dry takes here!
a humble artist
Ex-listener. Unsubscribed due bias views of the host and guests
After listening to many shows, about half a year, I had to unsubscribe bc it is clear that David is extremely biased in his political views and more left leaning in his views on many aspects of the society. Not interested in hearing more left leaning propaganda. His invited guests primarily share similar views and there are not enough counter arguments/views from guests and David to balance out this show. I’d prefer that this show focus on the economy and finance without any political bend. The latest show I listened to with the guest Gary Shteyngard, is the straw that broke the camel back and convinced me to unsubscribe. The guest (Gary) laughed when describing poor people living in the country (red necks as popularly known). It is clear he think these people are below him somehow. Incorrectly made claims that increase in Asian hate in America is stemming from Trump. Just ask any Asians in America inner large cities, who are they more afraid when walking down the streets. I bet you, the answer will not be the guy who is wearing a MAGA hat. Overwhelming majority of hate violent crimes against AAPI are occurring in mainly liberal large cities.
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They provide a very accessible (to non-economists) informative, interesting, educational dialogue. Was referred from #UNFTR and very gladly stayed. I listen weekly now and look forward to their very on-point analysis of world events and everyday topics. Also: funny and charming.
Good podcast
Appreciate David and John and their banter . They also have good selection of guests. I listen weekly and learn a lot . Thank you both!
I look forward to this podcast every week. Such a perfect combination of economics, history, and politics. Love the genuine banter between the host and cohost. Keep it up!
Jenn Kraus
Apple censors episode Palestine/Israel
Shame on Apple for deleting the very fair and very balanced episode on the Israel and Palestinian conflict. You can listen on Spotify. How can we hope to have peace and stop the killing if oligarch tech companies like Apple censor honest good faith debate.
From an American......
Awesome! Informative in everyday language that a non-economist can understand. Great to hear non-Americans explain things. Keep it up!!!
B.J.P. Burke
Weekly must-listen!
Incredibly informative, good craic, full of outside-the-box thinking, new ideas and great guests. As an Irish expat in US gives me the best take on geopolitics, world affairs, economics, and what’s going on back home. Worthy of a worldwide audience, I listen religiously every week, never miss an episode. One suggestion David - would be great if you could grill your guests more critically and challenge their ideas and opinions with more pointed questions, would be good to see you disagree with them more often.
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Sitting in here in Maryland, USA, I began listening to the pod on the funeral for austerity episode, and have jumped around to different topics. Today, I subscribed. The discussions are lively and thought provoking - I have already shared with friends. I highly recommend and enjoy these episodes.
Art T Z
Required listening for economists
This podcast should be required listening for any political figure in Ireland.
RLJ 483
Mac is the craic
Who ever thought that economics could be interesting? Like Marx, McWilliams brilliantly ties economics to everything of importance.
A breath of fresh air.
Magic!, he’s some man for just one man.
A rare beaut!
Always Informative
I’ve always been a fan of David’s and as an Irish ex-pat in the US, it’s great to get the Irish take on global issues with the economic perspective added on top. Genuinely look forward to the episode each week.
Pure class
Relatable, interesting view on a great mix of topics.
Sexy economics
Economics made easy, good luck David, legend!
Cian Gíessé