Dan Clements
Good morning fellow constitutionalist, I will no longer be doing a live show on Blog Talk Radio, or storing the The Dan Clements Show mp3 files The podcast is over at my show page I still do a live show M-F on my YouTube channel of the same name.
Tax cuts expand freedoms!!!
Episode 919:   Tax cuts expand freedoms!!! Almost every American who files taxes will benefit from president Trumps, and the House GOP's tax plan. The more you make the more the more you will benefit. One of the best things is the new 0% bracket for low earners. Groups like Indivisible Group, and Common Cause are loosing their collective minds about these tax cuts. With dubious facts, and debunked studies they are stirring up their base against these tax cuts because they only see how it benefits only the rich and hoses everyone else!!! Free thinking Americans will hopefully see that these tax cuts will benefit every tax payer, not just the rich. To want to penalize someone for being financially successful is un-American in the extreme!!! Free thinking Americans want to keep what they make, give as little to government as possible, and live the American dream as they see fit!!! The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Nov 3, 2017
1 hr 33 min
Capitalism vs. Marxism, Freedom vs. Tyranny
Episode 918:  Capitalism vs. Marxism, Freedom vs. Tyranny The struggle between Capitalism and Marxism has been going on for over 100 years, and only one has a leg to stand on. In the world today history is being ignored because of political correctness. Western civilization is being taken apart because folks are not being taught the evils of fascism, socialism, or communism!!! Capitalism is the only economic and governmental system in the history of the world that has proven itself to work by enriching everyone who participates!!! When a society protects private property rights, they also protect all the freedoms that are an extension of property rights!!! What should scare folks are the atrocities that come from trying to make everyone equal. In order to make someone economically equal, you must, I repeat you must use force!!! You must use force to take private property, you must use force to squash ideas, such as individuality, religion, and economics. My question is this, which world do you want, one where your forced to do what someone thinks is good for you and society? Or live in a world where you are the master of your own life to live it as you see fit??? The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Nov 2, 2017
1 hr 18 min
Allah, gender dysphoria, and agreeing to disagree
Episode 917:   Allah, gender dysphoria, and agreeing to disagree   Allah is not God, gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, and agreeing to disagree on facts and truth is intellectually lazy!!! What do these three things have in common? The facts and truths about them are often ignored so folks can be politically correct!!! Allah is the title for “the god of Islam” Islam is a religion that was started around 600 A.D. By a man named Mohammad. The Quran give no evidence by Allah that it is true or the events and creeds found in the Quran were inspired by Allah. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, and called that by many credible psychiatric authorities. It's not stereotyping to use a medical term to describe someone who is confused about their gender. Gender is a product of biology, not self identity. Last but not least is the intellectually lazy argument of “agree to disagree.” In matters of opinion about trivial personal tastes I say to each his or her own. But when a persons ideological position that could be turned into a governing policy, that is not based on fact or truth, we can't and shouldn't settle for “agree to disagree.” To agree to disagree leaves one in error or contradiction, and in danger of remaining in a echo chamber. The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Nov 1, 2017
1 hr 23 min
The Manafort indictment, then insanity ensues!!!
Episode 916:   The Manafort indictment, then insanity ensues!!! In a very predictable response from the anti-freedom crowds in America, president Trump is guilty, and he needs to be removed from office. This is Trump derangement syndrome in full swing. No facts, no truth, just hate!!! I have had folks on social media proclaim that the Trump presidency is the most destructive in the history of America!!! No facts, no truth, just narrative driven echo chamber rhetoric!!! The only destroying that is going on is with their liberal agenda!!! I hope is that this is the first of many indictments that will be handed down, to hold those accountable for their corrupting influence on America and the government. The American people need to keep the pressure on those who do wrong and abuse the public trust, and make sure they are held to account for their actions. When this happens America will be one step closer to being great again!!! The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Oct 31, 2017
1 hr 15 min
Hate and Hate speech are subjective Free-4-All-Friday! We're having an Argybargy
Episode 915:   Hate and Hate speech are subjective ideas!!! Hate speech is the buzz phrase on college campi today and it seems to be country wide. Young adults who object to others ideas that disagree with their world view, have been labeling them as haters. Any speech they don't agree with is labeled as hate speech. Free speech is under attack in America today, mostly because some folks don't know how to debate ideas, or are too lazy to work up a thoughtful argument against what they don't agree with. Protesting is easier than debate. Shutting down speech you don't agree with virtue signals to your group that you are down with the cause of the day. It doesn't matter if you can't come up with a coherent argument, and you really don't have too as long as you think your cause is just and you have a mob who agrees with you. Being a productive American citizen takes drive and effort. You have to put some work into it. Most young adults have not lived long enough to be down with the struggle. Knowledge that is not tempered with wisdom and experience, is not true knowledge. Wisdom and experience only come with age and living life!!! Before you go off on a self proclaimed “I know better” crusade, make sure you actually know better!!! Knowledge in the hands of a fool, is a dangerous thing indeed!!! The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Oct 27, 2017
1 hr 38 min
The lamestream media is looking the other way!!!
Episode 914:   The lamestream media is looking the other way!!! There has always been a certain amount of bias in the lamestream media. There is a conservative bias on my show, I don't try to hide it, and I try to be fair. The lamestream media is the opposite of my show, they try to hide their bias and are not fair in their coverage of the news!!! Since before the 2016 presidential elections, there has been a story floating out on the internet about how President Trump and Russia colluded to steal the 2016 elections. We have probably lost track of the amount of man hours and money that was spent to investigate this story. And what does anyone have to show for it? Nothing, a big fat goose egg of nothing!!! Now we have this Uranium One story of collusion between the Clinton Foundation, Hillary, The Obama White House and others. What does the lamestream media report about this story? Bupkus, zilch, nada!!! How can the good folks of America ever make the right choices about things that affect their daily lives by relying on the lamestream media? Americans need to wake up to the fact that they need to seek out new sources of information, that will not lie to them!!! The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Oct 26, 2017
1 hr 1 min
Did Sen. Flake, flake out???
Episode 913:   Did Sen. Flake, flake out??? Where has Sen. Jeff Flake been for the last 8 years? Did he just wake up and get some intestinal fortitude? Is he taking a page out of the senior senator from AZ John McCain and become a maverick? Sen. Jeff Flake really has nothing to loose by attacking President Trump, why? If his numbers hold in the early stages of the 2018 midterm election, he will loose in the primaries to former state senator Kelli Ward. Not only will a sitting senator loose, it will be a big lose because Kelli Ward is way more conservative then Sen. Jeff Flake ever dreamed of being. Sen. Jeff Flake is a man of compromise. He seem to be willing to compromise to get along with the status quo. Sen Jeff Flake only pays lip service to the US Constitution and the values the founding fathers had that made this country great to begin with. The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Oct 25, 2017
1 hr 24 min
George W Bush's great democracy speech!!!
Episode 912:   George W Bush's great democracy speech!!! What G W Bush lacked in enthusiasm in his “democracy speech” he more than made up for by his inaccuracies!!! More than a handful of times during his speech to President Trump, he described America as a Democracy. The was blatant and purposeful!!! G W Bush, who I deem to have had a failed presidency because 9/11 and the housing bubble bursting both happened on his watch. His moderate views on everything except war are well documented. Remember when he said “ in order to save the free market, we need to abandon free market principals” that idea in and of itself shows his lack of understanding about economics. G W Bush was and still is a big government establishment republican. President Trump operates outside of the establishment, and established norms, and is tweaking the nose of all the right people, because lets be frank some of those folks need their noses tweaked. I'm not saying republicans have to be in lock step with everything their president does, but to throw a fellow republican under the bus for no good reason, is going to loose you a lot of points with the American people!!! The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Oct 24, 2017
1 hr 31 min
When Freedom isn't Allowed!!!
Episode 911:   When Freedom isn't Allowed!!!   Our college and university campi are overrun by non thinking, no life experience, echo chambered child-adults. And a lot of the professors are no better with their anti freedom rhetoric, that they never back up with actual facts. When you go looking for conservatives to protest, even when those conservatives are in a library basement, who is actually being harassed and oppressed? When you claim to speak for all oppressed people everywhere, which you can't possibly do, are you not being presumptuous? When you claim that conservative free speech is violence, you show your true agenda, and also your ignorance. Freedom, liberty and justice must prevail on today's colleges campi, and more importantly be defended. The most important lesson these child-adults need to learn is if you deny others their freedoms, it will not be long before others will deny you your freedoms and for the same arbitrary reason you used to deny others their freedoms. The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Oct 23, 2017
1 hr 1 min
Special Guest Professor FH Buckley
Episode 910:   The Dan Clements Show YouTube THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Vidme THE DAN CLEMENTS SHOW Patreon Dan Clements
Oct 20, 2017
1 hr 52 min