The Dad Podcast
The Dad Podcast
The Dad Podcast
via Podcasts
Late to the podcast but so thankful all the same
I found out in January 2022 that I have a baby on the way. In trying to find a solid information source for expecting fathers I was able to find this podcast and I can’t tell you how fantastic it’s been. Sorry I didn’t have a kid sooner so I could have paid that $2 a month lol.
I’ve known Justin for 20 years! Back in the days of Paramount’s Great America! Where he was a Star Trek character and I was in merchandise clerk at Spotlight Souvenirs!! Thank you Justin for making me laugh and for your friendship throughout the years. I don’t have children of my own, but I tell everyone about your podcast and I also try to impart your wisdom to my coworkers!
Awesome podcast
Justin Worsham is hilarious, and I love this podcast. Especially great for parents!
Betsy and Ari
Nice work.
We are SAHDs. We relate.
Great podcast!
This is a must have podcast. I think my wife enjoys this one even more than I do! Thanks Jason.
Xx-J Man-xX
Palm Springs It's like HANDEL & Conway
If you found this PC congrats love The real life talks it's like a Mix Bill Handel & Conway mixed into one with (Explicit talk ) Yassss
Just listen. And keep listening!
Justin is the real deal. Honest, insightful, and always with a laugh. May not always be about being a parent but definitely always about trying to be an adult who has to function in the real world. Always willing to take as he can dish it and always a joy to share an hour +/- of my day with.
Great show!
LONG time listener, and I have to say I love the show. Sadly, it has gotten away from its roots and has lost a lot of the appeal for me, which is sad to say since Justin is hilarious. I wish they would bring back guests, stick to a format and talk about parenting more. As much as I love hearing Justin and Adam BS with each other, I hate that the "moment of the week" segment seems like an after thought for the show now. PLEASE, bring back guests and stick to a format.
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Justin is the FUNNIEST MAN ON ITUNES right now. Every Dad will want to hang out with this loony guys. Very funny show - refreshing and real! Subscribe so you don't miss one! Keep this going!
Bolaji O
Just great!
If you're a parent - listen to this. Not just for fathers for sure; I'm one of many moms who listen and love it. A great balance of intelligence, relevance, and just funny stuff, because we don't *always* want to just listen to "parenting topics" ... we were people long before we had kids. I can't think of an episode where I didn't end up nodding in agreement at one point and laughing uproariously at another. Seriously - put this in your ears. Now.
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Love this podcast!! True Dad Perspective.
Okay I admit it. I love this podcast. These guys know what it really means to be a dad. A funny and accurate Dad Perspective. Love it! To the point I have started going back and listening to old episodes to get me through the time between podcast releases.
Justin and Paco are FAN-tastic!! I've been a religious listener on Stitcher for a couple of years now. It is the FUNNIEST, most honest parenting podcast ever. If you are going to listen to ONE podcast, it has to be this one. They are a great blend of funny, slightly (ok more than slightly) inappropriate, an totally honest. Much love and stay frosty ✌🏼
Nothing better!
There is nothing quite like the humor of Justin and Paco to get me through the work day. Between Pick-a-flick, the most famous Internet personality and moments of the week, I'm so glad these guys went to a twice a week format. I can only take so much Adam Carolla.
The best of the best.
I love listening to this podcast and being a guest. You'll never meet a more authentic person than Justin. Paco is great. This is just a funny, informative, awesome show.
Provlovemav the honesty
I really enjoy this podcast Justin is not only brutally honest but funny. He says what most think but don't share. Then you add Justin into the Nap Time Radio crew and you have a recipe for laughing so hard you cry :) Thank you!!!
Jess NH
So glad i found this!
Awesome show! Very funny and honest view of parenting. As a Mom, it is great to hear the dad perspective. Especially since as busy parents, you don't always get the opportunity to talk to your husband. Thanks for making me laugh and feel normal. Great work! Lori, Pennsylvania
Soon to be dad laughing and crying
I stumbled across Dad Podcast and can't stop listening. I am a soon to be first time father and Justin has managed to simultaneously make me laugh and cry in fear for the future. This podcast I very entertaining and insightful at the same time. Great job!
Great Podcast
Excellent show which gives a much needed perspective to parenting
A great show
Justin and his guests are funny and insightful. Highly recommend to anyone, not just dads
Capt fuzzy
Fasinating People
Justin does a great job finding interesting and educational people to interview and talk to for this fun and entertaining podcast. A must listen!! A real dad talking about real issues. Thanks!!
couldnt be better
justin worsham couldnt be better as a solo podcaster or with his friends family and other comedians. as a mom its so helpful to hear how the other half thinks. such a great show!
Honesty is hilarious
Justin is a crack up. I really enjoy The Dad Podcast because it is the perfect mix of real life information/advice/conversation and humor. Keep up the good work. Glad to know I'm not alone in the craziness that is parenting. :)
Kevin Tienken
A mom listening to a dad podcast...gasp :)
Love the podcast. Funny. Honest. Helpful to hear the dad take. Keep it up! An even more honest take than some of the mom podcasts I listen to. Thanks Justin!
Dad podcast?!
I'm a new dad. Browsing new parent podcasts. Tried three different episodes and heard all about car accidents, voice over work and a few things other than parenting topics. Pass.
Brn Wlkr
Super clown dad!!!
This clown has us all in stitches!! Just to let you know!!,... I really hate clowns!! But I really love this guy . A must listen if you love clowns!! Take it from me,... @ojcazares
Very Frosty!
Liked it when it was Justin and Bill. Really like it now that it is only Justin. I like meeting the different guests and their stories. Very funny! Mark Owens
Helping Me Get Ready
I'm expecting my first child at the end of the month and these podcasts have really helped me get an idea of what to expect. I tried downloading another dad podcast and they ended up talking about thank you. While you sometimes get a bit off topic, it's never a real detriment because the tangents tend to still be interesting. Great job, keep up the good work.
The lowdown on REAL parenting
I love the podcast because it gives a good perspective of parenthood- not the flowery kind with kids dancing around holding hands and playing nicely, but the real kind where the kid waited too long to go to the bathroom and peed on the floor and is crying while your spouse is calling to tell you they will be late for dinner while a solicitor is knocking on the front door and the dog is going nuts kind of parenting (you know, the real stuff).
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Thanks dad
Thanks for making me feel normal and keeping me company at work. Get it on!
Shane swh
Awesome show
Long time listener, love Justin and his hilarious guests :)
A Must Listen for Dad's
The Dad Podcast is equal parts entertaining and therapeutic. With the podcast world being inundated with thousands of Howard Stern/Adam Carolla/Marc Maron wannabes, Justin's humor and honesty is not only refreshing, it makes The Dad Podcast genuinely unique. If you're a father who likes to laugh, and isn't afraid to feel, this podcast is an absolute must!
Porkchop Harvey
thanks, Justin.
Friggin awesome podcast. I'm going to have my first child in July and this is helping me prepare for the ups and downs. Very funny! I'm already missing Bill but I'm really glad you're still putting this out for us Justin! Way to be, man! Looks like I might be rating 100. Pretty cool.
very funny podcast
Funny and awesome
Great fun and seriously great podcast - thanks for making being a dad fun and setting the bar low for those of us in the parenting trenches.
Funniest podcast I listen to!
This show is funny from episode 1! Its a great podcast that shares the male perspective on parenting, marriage, and life in general. These two dads keep it real with no BS. I listen to podcasts all day at work and listening to this podcast is the highlight of my week!
So awesome
This is a must.
I love
I love listening to you guys at work, everything you guys say is so true. KEEP IT UP!
Bullet proof monk
great banter
These dads are great
Always makes me laugh.
#1 Dad Podcast
These guys rock! It is refreshing to get a human and funny take on the role of being a dad. After all, life is a fun ride. Enjoy it. Thanks from a Vermont dad of two wonderful boys (10 months & 4.5 years).
Dads Unite!
We are not alone! Justin & Bill are soldiers in the foxhole of parenting. Subscribe!!!
Hilarious & great reality check
Love this show- the guys are very funny, honest and down to earth. Can't thank you enough for keeping me sane through first months of fatherhood.
You guys are awesome. I have three kids all under 7 and I can completely relate to all of the topics you are all talking about. So many other podcasts seem mainstream or staged but yours it real and authentic without pulling back any punches. You lay it out how things really shake down in the dynamics of daddyhood, worklife, and marriage life. Keep those awesome podcasts coming you guys! Keep it frosty!!
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Embrock- Iowa
One of my favs
These guys are very funny and good storytellers! This show and the WhiteDadProblems podcast make me look forward to my commute!!
Love it
F@$&in awesome. Makes the daily drive a breeze.
So I guess I'm normal!
Ever talk to that super Mom or Dad who thinks parenting is a breeze and their kids are just sparkly perfect? I have, and I wanted to punch 'em.....The Dad Podcast reinforces that the hardships and frustrations (and triumphs) of marriage and parenting are common in life. So don't think you're alone! The best part is that they do it with comedy. You really feel like you are hanging out with buddies discussing life. My wife nearly peed herself the first time she heard them. I myself, still pee from laughter.....But that's none of anybody's business. As a fellow podcaster, I can say that these guys got it! They have a synergy that just works. Thanks guys, keep up the quality product! I'm in! Kash, Old Republic Radio
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Do not drink and listen...
Sometimes NSFW - Freakin hilarious!!! Coworkers will stare at you when you're laughing histerically and they don't know why. Bill and Justin do a great job of entertaining and being somewhat helpful to us dads. You will laugh and if Justin does more "solo" casts you may even cry... Well done!!!!! STAY FROSTY!!!
Soop Manke
Always Awesome
This podcast makes me look like a schizophrenic in public. I laugh so hard. Bill and Justin should get a medal.
Sick and funny
Great for Moms too!
This podcast helps me feel connected to other stressed out parents who are trying to do the best they can to raise healthy kids. The guys are honest on top of being absolutely hilarious!! It's a must listen for parents of little ones!!
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