The Cyberlaw Podcast Podcast
The Cyberlaw Podcast
Stewart Baker
via Podcasts
Great podcast! Keep them coming!
Great podcast!! More episodes please!
A Brief Eulogy (courtesy of ChatGPT)
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about the Steptoe Cyberlaw Podcast. Yeah, you know the one. Hosted by the legendary Stewart Baker, it’s been like the digital world’s grumpy grandpa, telling us all about the cyber boogeymen under our beds while teaching us how to use a VPN as a night light. Now, after a whopping 499 episodes, Stewart’s decided to take a “break” after episode 500. A break, folks. That’s like your computer saying it needs to “update” and then takes a vacation to the Bahamas. I mean, how do you even take a break after 500 episodes? What’s he gonna do, unplug his mic and live in a world without Wi-Fi? Stewart stepping away from the podcast is like the internet without trolls, useful but unsettlingly quiet. Let’s be real, the Steptoe Cyberlaw Podcast without Stewart is like Batman deciding he’s going to take a break from Gotham. “Sorry, Joker, you’re on the honor system until I get back. Please try not to set anything on fire.” I mean, who’s gonna guide us through the digital wilderness now? Who’s gonna explain how the latest cyber laws affect our ability to illegally download episodes of “Game of Thrones”? But hey, 500 episodes is no small feat. That’s like dog years in podcast land. Stewart has probably spent more time talking into a microphone about cyberlaw than I have arguing with my Wi-Fi router. And that’s saying something. So, here’s to Stewart Baker, the only guy who could make terms like “encryption” and “data privacy” sound like they should be part of a Netflix thriller series. Enjoy your break, Stewart. We’ll just be here, refreshing our feeds, waiting for episode 501. Because let’s face it, in the world of cyberlaw, there’s always another update.
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Jake 2555
Please don’t end the show!!
This is the only halfway decent legal podcast around. If you end this show I’ll have nothing to listen to while washing my dishes! Don’t make me turn back to true crime or comedy shows… — In all seriousness, Stewart you put together an amazing show for five hundred episodes. I truly believe this to be one of two or three worthwhile podcasts around that aren’t just empty content to fill one’s ears while doing other things. Great guests, thoughtful insights, and an extraordinary commitment to telling the truth. — I’ll miss the show deeply if you decide to shelve it for good. As a current law clerk soon to be DOJ attorney, it will truly be a shame if I can’t keep up with the cyber law news through your podcast. Maybe consider putting together a short newsletter during the hiatus?
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Stewart is a treasure
Informative, always relevant, and engaging—even humorous occasionally! Substitute hosts pale in comparison.
Podcast about cyber issues & law
Love this!
Great for cybersecurity professionals.
Bobo the circus clown
Update hilarious title “EUthanizing AI”
Stewart, Stewart,Stewart— lover of EU regulations. Usually has top notch guests. so please have fewer so they can speak more. That title kills me, it’s too funny. A perfect balance of informative analysis and witty banter. Agree when guests are puzzled by Stewart’s rigid opinions but always appreciate exposure to different points of view.
Great show, great perspectives
Been listening for years (at 1.25 speed because long-winded lawyers get paid by the hour) and this is really the best podcast to understand the real issues in cyber (technical or otherwise). I’ve been doing this long enough to not care so much about the hack du jour, but instead want to hear about the legal and compliance changes that really touch upon the daily lives of security industry. And this show brings it (and they do also cover the hack du jour as well). First started listening years ago when I was put on a privacy panel with Stewart Baker and needed to equip myself for the debate. Ironically, it turned out I ended up agreeing with everything the old coot had to say. Whoda thunk it, the man is actually reasonable and cogent. ;-) Been hooked ever since.
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Dunsany @ Planetheidi
More Cyber Theory!
The US Cyber Community is clearly still in need of theoretical consensus. Some theory-level content exists (persistence theory, Lucas Kello’s writings) but we need to continue the discussions to improve refinement, understanding and consensus. I guess I’m saying I DISAGREE - we DO need 60+ hours with Uncle Stu and Dave grilling our top theorists and strategists
Not everything is a partisan issue
But you wouldn’t know it by listening to this podcast. The host’s constant victim complex makes this podcast nearly impossible to listen to. Which is a shame because they have tremendous guests. Alas, don’t waste your time.
The Conservative Family Member You Wish You Had
The host is the conservative uncle I wish I had. He’s thoughtful and considered in (most of) his opinions, and openly invites debate across a wide spectrum of beliefs. This show is as close as I’ve found to a meritocracy, and the host puts in the work to make sure he is working with facts and nuance. I do have one complaint that I will let lie no longer - Stewart, please give the late John McLaughlin his theme music back.
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I try to listen to every week
This is one of my two go-to podcasts that I try to listen to every week. It does a great job keeping me up to date, and the host is extraordinarily funny. No complaints, although I wish that we would hear more about Stewart’s pets and their opinions, since Stewart refuses to represent them.(Some kind of conflict of interest?)
BEST Cyber & Privacy Law & Policy
(Along with “Caveat” on Cyberwire) This podcast is the most informative (real practical discussion of current as-we-speak) issues and activities in cyber, security, privacy and related topics. Experts in the field who are informative, don’t withhold, authentic discussions and insights). Stuart’s moderation, not holding back, informed, expertise is PRICELESS. A “Must Listen” if you’re interested in this area!
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Sreaming and shouting match on recent show 409
The most recent show, the week of May 29 evolved into an unpleasant shouting match where the host talked over the guests and vice versus. There was no middle grounds and no consensus or constructive dialog. I gave up after about 15 minutes. There was no useful analysis of constitutional or societal issues. Very unfortunate waste of listener’s time.
jj wx
So close
The guests are usually top notch, but the host is tough to get used to—even as someone who attempts to defend a conservative point of view, he plays the victim too much and comes across as a obnoxiously whiny. See, e.g., the intro to ep. 12/7/2021.
Long Time Listener, First Time Caller
It’s refreshing to listen to a show about current events where I don’t (often) want to scream at my speakers about inaccuracies in describing our legal/political system. Since many of the other comments accurately describe the well-rounded nature of the discussions and collegial approach to presenting opposing views, I’ll just add the show provides the China criticism and Euro-skepticism/criticism many people (often unknowingly) are missing from their podcast news diet.
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Jeremy Bailie
Informative and Entertaining Podcast
This podcast is must-listening for anyone interested in the laws and policies impacting cyberspace. While Stewart Baker is unabashedly conservative and hosts the show in the style of John McLaughlin, the panelists and other guests provide a broad range of ideas and interpretations of current events.
Don't beg for reviews
Helpful updates on tech policy
Great overview of global news in tech policy. The host is clearly on the right side of the political spectrum, but the guests usually balance him out.
Nick Bau
Nice high level overview of otherwise undiscussed topics
As someone who works in the weeds, this podcast makes me feel excited that people are thinking about cyber problems from a more zoomed out perspective.
big fan😁
Excellent podcast
Please tell your guests that the Casablanca gambling joke is soooo played.
Informative and Entertaining
A show for people who are interested in the law and policy of computer security, privacy, and related topics. The discussions on this podcast are usually interesting and, as best I can tell, well informed. Baker often has highly qualified guests such as Bruce Schnier or Mark McCarthy.
I can’t wait for the next episode.
The Cyberlaw Podcast is witty, always informative, and cutting edge.
Sydney MW
Civil debate
Stewart is the model of civil a debater. You can tell who he agrees with and who he does not but the show does not degrade to the common form of pundits talking past each other. I doubt his mind is changed often, but respecting and comprehending his opponents points provides a rich conversation.
Cool interviews
Great questions being asked and great guests :)
Effortlessly educational
This is a highly entertaining show that educates listeners about significant current issues. Kudos to Stewart for his efforts.
Remarkably solid podcast, after years
These are solid experts, polite, good humored, friendly - and always well worth listening. The news often far exceeds ordinary media in breadth, but also in well informed depth - in law, computer science, but also practical common sense. Book reviews are informative, and the books are often well wot reading. The guests are remarkable.
New Music-
Love the show; you’re not half bad either. Great insight in the news roundup, but the new music is a travesty.
Zach Tri
Great listen every time!
I throughly enjoy this podcast every week (except in August when Stewart disappears for a month)! He conducts great interviews with his guests. The news roundup contributors are always insightful and manage to disagree without being disagreeable. The new music sounds like a superhero theme song so maybe Stewart should rename the podcast the “Cyberlaw Superfriends” (or something less likely to be used as an example on a copyright law podcast).
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Stew Baker Should Head CISA— If Nic is His Deputy
The Cyberlaw Podcast continues to be my favorite podcast of all time. Stew is a shrewd host with more experience at the intersection of law and cyber security than anyone you’ve ever heard of (he may be the definitive OG in this respect), and his guests, whether they be news roundup regulars or featured experts, are excellent. Steptoe and Lawfare are running a tight ship. The cast of each episode can be relied upon to bring you up to speed on the most important current events in cyberlaw (note to Stew: Can you please debate the utility of “cyber” vs “information” sometime, in the context of the law?), and to educate their listeners about the tradecraft, and perhaps even values, of actors in the domain. I want to again encourage Stew to go back to his old introduction, which was long, but also important to let listeners know that the Cyberlaw Podcast is something you can’t get anywhere else. I also would like to request a special edition of the podcast in which Nic interviews Stew about his aspirations to be appointed Cyber Commander, which is the only way I can square his views on the president. Nic, if Stew agrees, you must promise to never say “is, is” again on the pod. Just kidding, you’re all great, and Stew’s inside baseball rivalry with the FBI is only obvious to your most loyal listeners. On a more serious note, I encourage listeners of all stripes to check out The Cyberlaw Podcast. I usually listen to new episodes a day or two after they come out, as the subject matter is both informative and entertaining. Also, I heard Elsa B Kania (anointed inheritor of the show) will be on again soon. You won’t get insight like this anywhere else— USG personnel and hobbyists alike should subscribe!
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Go-To For Cybersecurity and Privacy Law
This podcast is my go-to for hearing about the latest news on cybersecurity and privacy law. The group discussion is well-rounded with strong opinions on all sides
Essential listening
I’m a European, work in tech, donate to the EFF and ACLU, and live in the Bay Area. In short, everything the host criticizes. However, the show constantly challenges my assumptions and the guests are always informative and entertaining. There are few podcasts I listen to religiously every week but this is one of them.
Empowering, education and actionable! 🙌
Whether you’re well established as a cyber security innovator, or just getting started carving out your role as a change agent within your organization - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Stewart does an incredible job leading conversations that cover a huge breadth of topics related to the ins and outs of navigating an ever changing data security and compliance environment - from leaders who’ve actually experienced success themselves. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
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Started Listening after “This Week in Law” Ended …
… and although I disagree with host Stewart Baker on just about everything, he is not at all shy about including dissenting voices among his guests, and he actually lets them talk. And besides—to paraphrase Jim Carrey as The Riddler—if you only to listen to people who already share your views, you won’t learn nuthin’.
Stu’s Sniveling on behalf...
...of Charlie Kirk and Duh Donald as Self-Appointed Eternal Victims of the “evil” media is downright hilarious. Also Stu manages to serve Sheldon Adelson while simultaneously elbowing in on the rackets if Black Cube AND Hasbara, LLC. Triple play there, Stu. 5-4-3 on everyone’s scorecards. Happy Passover.
Peter Guillam
Stuart hasn’t seen a surveillance ability the government shouldn’t have, up until the exact moment it was used against a candidate who requested for the FSB to hack his opponent on live TV. Does the whiplash still hurt his neck? This, combined with the faith (a term used because he never can cite data to prove his case) that the technology companies have a vendetta against conservatives, makes him sound like a partisan hack. Yet to his credit, he invites people from disparate views, and provides a good discussion of important security topics. In the end, this is an informative podcast that is well worth listening to, and is highly recommended.
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Best of both worlds
Its a rare find, but this podcast straddles the two spheres of cyber security and law/policy. The area where these two intersect is dynamic and ever changing and makes for some fascinating discussions, I usually consume this podcast the day that it drops.
Interesting, Timely, and Relevant
As a former federal investigator and an attorney practicing in this area, I find the topics very interesting and relevant. I particularly enjoy the discussions which reach beyond the legal arguments and touch on the policy arguments. There are not many places outside of the government I can find discussions on topics such as 702, FISA, government regulation of encryption, cyber defense, etc. I also have purchased several books which have been discussed in the podcast. The podcast highlights books and articles which I would not have found in any other way – the latest being “The Ethical Algorithm” – the more private companies collect personal information the more relevant this discussion will become. Thanks, and I hope you keep it going for a long time!
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Essential for understanding cyber world
As a retired non tech lawyer interested in the legal side of national security and foreign policy issues, I find Cyberlaw podcasts an essential and efficient means to scratch below the superficial and sometimes inaccurate coverage of developments in cyber by the mainstream media. In addition, for the most part, Stewart Baker and his regulars and guests provide mature commentary without feeling they need to be comedic entertainers. Stewart is the smartest guy I know of in this space.
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echo delta waltz
I have worked in what is now called cybersecurity for most of my forty years in the industry, and while the technology has always been interesting, the discussion around law and policy is fascinating. Stewart and team do a great job of putting current policy issues in context with a sound basis of understanding both the past and the present.
5 stars all around!
I work in I.T. and in school studying Cybersecurity. This podcast is filled with information which is incredible! The host is intelligent and easy to listen to. This is the podcast I have been waiting for. I would love to hear more episodes on psychology of cyber crime. Regardless, this podcast is great! Thank you so much!!
Insightful and relevant discussions on privacy, intelligence, and law
One doesn’t have to agree with their opinions to find the discussions and interviews interesting and thought provoking. It’s very important to understand the actual technology, the actual law, and the realistic scope of issues to take a needle to the hype balloons and false hysteria from mainstream media an agenda seekers of all sides. This podcast does exactly that.
Charger B
Good depth — biased commentary
I enjoy the depth of the conversation on the law and issues. However, a blatant bias combines with a failure to provide a well-rounded viewpoint from the other side, seeing that law and policy aren’t black and white, to reduce the impact of the conversation.
J.L. Stark
Read this on the pod you coward!
My name is Stewart Baker and I am very smelly. Please give me money so I can afford deoderant and a trip to the barber to trim my eyebrows. Good podcast.
J. Jenna Jameson
Pulling back the veil
An honest take from true believers in the national security state. Whether you agree or not with the views of the hosts, you won’t find a more insightful analysis of legal issue regarding national security anywhere else.
Worth the time
Insightful. Sarcastic. American. Every podcast should be like this
Host makes every cyber issue a partisan issue
The host is very opinionated, which makes him interesting, but he makes every other story about partisanship and liberal bias. It’s distracting and not the point of the show. The others on the show manage to be equally informative without making everything political.
I got a fever, and the only cure is more Weaver
Love the show. I’m a lawyer but not in tech or security law, but it’s still fascinating. My teenage sons also like most episodes, especially the Nick Weaver segments. And I concur. There needs to be Weaver in every episode, and more of him. In fact, an hour of Weaver and Baker debating/discussing would be the perfect show.
great content
Between former government lawyers and top-notch private lawyers, excellent listening.
Millennials Beware
Don't be fooled by the fact-based discussions in this podcast. Do not find yourself intrigued by listening to actual high-ranking government employees discussing cybersecurity. These people are all over 30, and are not to be trusted. Five stars.
Really offensive comparison
Because California is taking a states-as-laboratories approach to net neutrality, the host made a comment along the lines of, “If South Carolina wants to take down their statues of John Calhoun, looks like California might want to put them up.” I get that the host did not mean that CA is as bad as the Confederacy, but this comparison went too far and was horribly offensive. I am really interested in cybersecurity law, but this was so out of line that I may stop listening.
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Please, please stop the music
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