The Continuing Adventures of John Blade: Super Spy
The Continuing Adventures of John Blade: Super Spy
Evil Kitten Productions
via Podcasts
Aimless youth finds himself unexpectedly hero of the moment... Does he "get the girl"? Tune in to find out! Great twist on multiple clichés. Strong female characters. Great dialogue, music, soundscape. Looking forward to other productions by Evil Kitten.
Silly Hard Boiled Spy
This miniseries gets an extra star for having diverse cast and a cool woman character. It’s pretty silly, tho. Nice for when you want a few giggles and some silly spy stuff. It’s a quick listen.
~ Violet ~
A short but fun drama that manages to both use cliches and comically subvert the expectations associated with those cliches. The story wasn’t at all what I was expecting, but it was refreshing and put a smile on my face.