The Compass of Power helps you understand the limits of the possible, recognize the goodness in others, and cultivate reasonable expectations of national politics. Unlike the usual lenses for looking at politics, it helps you avoid overidentification with political parties, personalities and paradigms. And by doing that, it can foster civil discourse in society.
Jun 15, 2023
26 min
Republican presidential candidates Tim Scott and Nikki Haley challenge a lot of our preconceptions about modern politics, but they definitely carry the flame of the South Carolina spirit.
Jun 7, 2023
22 min
Sit back, buckle up, and let me be your designated driver in short tour through the history of drunk driving. Like a lot of other seemingly inalienable rights, our ability to drink alcohol and to vote have changed over time, and once Mothers Against Drunk Driving formed, the penalties for getting behind the wheel while intoxicated went way up. What changes for society are in store as a generation of mothers worried about school shootings organizes themselves?
May 19, 2023
23 min
Americans are moving South in a big way, and a new analysis shows that Southern cultures are the most likely to experience shootings. We look at a breakdown of gun deaths by cultural region from Colin Woodard’s Nationhood Lab. Death by gunshot is most likely in the Deep South and second most likely in Appalachia. Where are the most Americans moving today? The Deep South and Appalachia. While Northern areas also experience gun violence, it is often two to three times less common there than in the South. If we want to address the rise in random shootings, we need a solution that is appropriate to cultures that value and accept guns – not a solution imported from places where shootings are rare and guns are suspect.You can find Woodard’s article on the subject here:
May 5, 2023
24 min
Pundits say there's not much enthusiasm for Joe Biden's second run for president -- but I will be the cheering section! Let' s talk about what Joe's done and how much that depends on where he's from. And why there isn't another presidential contender who can do what he does.#JoeBiden#2024
Apr 27, 2023
29 min
Warriors take big risks to strike a blow for their people. The dominate culture of Tennesse prizes warriors. From our perspective, Tennessee Republicans' decision to expel two Black Democratics for violating the rules of decorum in the state House chamber, was a great example of bare-knuckle local politics that suddenly spilled into the national consciousness.
Apr 22, 2023
26 min
When Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg pushed through an indictment of former President and native Manhattanite Donald Trump this week, the over-the-top moves of these New Yorkers pushed America into a first-ever charging of a former president. But it's not that surprising. New York City has a long, sometimes glorious, sometimes inglorious history of outrageous politics.
Apr 1, 2023
13 min
Hyperlocal blogger Emmett O'Connell knows Pacific Northwest history as well as anyone, and that gives him amazing insights into the region's politics. In this episode, he explains how election upsets, airport construction, and voting by mail all play into the area's longstanding battles between the city-dwelling institutionalists and their anti-institution, rural relatives. Join us as we talk the politics of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Check out Emmett's blog at
Mar 24, 2023
45 min
Seems like New Yorkers in media, politics and voting booths are distancing themselves from the same thing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared war upon: "wokeism." Known by a few names, this dominant strain of progressive thought is from New England, not New York. Reviewing a podcast by "heterodox" thinkers from the city, a change in tone from the New York Times, and the politics of Eric Adams, I argue New Yorkers just can't get in line the way Yankees can.Here is the podcast I cite: York Times article quoted: Asian Americans, Shifting Right - The New York Times (
Mar 18, 2023
15 min
Eastern Oregonians have been voting in favor of a plan to move their counties under Idaho's state government. The goal of the "Greater Idaho" movement is Republican rule for conservative places. They are opposed to the progressive politics of Portland. We consider whether the liberal principles of democratic self-governance and minority rights demand this "pipe dream" be given a chance. And we consider how fair or unfair the existing borders of Oregon are.
Mar 11, 2023
35 min
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